Showing posts with label Awakening & Awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awakening & Awareness. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why Honesty Is So Crucial & Vital

Somewhere in the last couple hundred years we've been conditioned into becoming people who tell lies, and withhold truths in order to be polite, or conventional, or acquiescent. It's become politically correct to tongue in cheek say sort of what we mean, but not exactly, in a rather passive aggressive way.

I'm not sure when exactly it began, I am only 43 years old at the time I write this, I don't know anything for certain before the 1970's, but I can guess based on the history books and articles I've read. I think the dumbing down of the truth began in revolutionary times, when gentlemen used their words to climb the social ladder, and ladies were ladylike, held their tongue, and gossiped only over the quilting bee.

I think this way we operate is so detrimental; to us as a society, families, groups, and individuals. When did it become out of vogue to just be honest? And since when does honesty have to be cruel? We don't have to live in an extreme reality of this vs that. We can be honest, real, and express our feelings while also being compassionate, patient, and generous of spirit.

Is there such a thing as a good lie?

I think there are some white lies that are kind, or well intended. If I ask my husband if "this dress makes me look fat" and he says yes, I'm going to likely have my feelings hurt. It's absurd for me to ask it, because I'm fat, and the dress has nothing to do with it! Yet I'm female, and I like to be reassured my husband finds me attractive, so he does what he's always done, and responds with some sweet line like "you're always beautiful to me" and I feel good and he breaths a sigh of relief and no one is hurt. If your friend asks if you like their haircut, depending on the kind of relationship you have, you may opt to be honest and say no, it's not the best. But chances are you may opt to be kind and give a non-committal "sure it's great". You may even follow that with a "i like it but i liked it before too". 

Sure, there are little lies we tell that are meant to help and not hurt. I don't think those are harmful in the long run.

Lies generally lead to more lies...

Like a snowball, when you a tell a lie, you find often times you have to tell other lies to support that first lie. Eventually you can end up spinning a yarn so ridiculous, and yet you're trapped in it, and lest you lose face or feel ashamed and lose credibility, you have to stick it out. Not a comfortable position to be in. I had a time in my childhood where i wove tall tales, around the age of 9 or 10, and after being caught in a couple lies by my dad, and suffering the consequences, I realized he was right; the truth was always better in the end. 

Kids tell lies to test the boundaries, and to avoid getting "caught"... but adults tell lies for many reasons, and while many of them are these white lies, that really aren't meant to harm, some lies are just dangerous. When spouses lie to one another, it displaces the equanimity in the relationship. When colleagues lie to one another, it shifts the balance in the work place. When friends lie to one another it dampens the light that surrounds that friendship.

Honesty requires great courage, and integrity.

You have to be willing to be brave, because sometimes telling the truth will be controversial, causing you to be regarded by others in an awkward way. 

As an example, one of my Reiki students emailed me the other day, and my heart nearly broke as she told me about how she'd been honest with her mother. She has been awakening most beautifully, and decided to follow her intuition and learn Reiki, in order to continue to deepen her relationship to her Self, and the Universe. She was so full of joy and peace, and knew telling her very Catholic mother would be a gamble. And yet, she was courageous, and told her mother about her spiritual journey, how she feels now that she's exploring a profound relationship with her spiritual bodies, soul, guardians, and the Universe. She shared with her mom just how beautiful her visions are, how intensely loved and supported she feels within the fabric of Gods love. And her mother devastated her, by clinging to a very rigid dogmatic religious viewpoint, and rather than truly hear her daughter, she heard only that her daughter was turning her back on Christ and the church. And this isn't at all what my student and friend is doing! Yet her mother heard her words, and assumed the worst, and then called her daughter horrendous names, and made very harmful accusations, indeed condemning her own flesh and blood child to an eternity in hell.

Now you may be wondering "Dee, how is this an example of how being courageous in honesty is good?" and I admit, it sounds pretty detrimental. And yet I am so proud of my friend, as she stood up for her own beliefs, passions, and desires, and boldly shared with her mother how she feels, and what she is doing in her own spiritual life. And I believe given time, her mother may come to see that her daughter is not turning her back on Christ, but rather getting to know Christ's Father in a deeper, and more intimate way. She may not be doing it through the church, yet she is doing it through her every thought, her fervent desires and prayers, her blessings, and her wide open heart and positive thoughts!

If her mother one day sees that her daughter isn't in danger, that her soul is safe, then perhaps her mind and heart will open. And if not, and the relationship suffers for the rest of their lives, then it is a complete shame, and yet at least my client will know that she stood strong in her convictions, and did not cower in the face of judgment or shame. My friend is free, knowing she can be herself, no matter what others think; she is liberating herself and allowing herself to be authentic. While she is hurting at this time over her mothers reaction, in time as the pain ebbs, she will realize just how powerful a gift she's given herself. 

Honesty is good for the soul, as the old adage goes, and I believe this to be absolutely true. Though I dabbled in lies as a young girl, in my adult hood I cannot lie. It is not possible, my face turns bright red, I feel anxious, and it is just such an uncomfortable experience for me that I don't do it. I am an open book, and those who know me well know this. I attempt to be honest, and at times have likely been "too" honest, and so I personally work at being more gentle in my honesty. Yet I'd love to see a world where people felt safe being truthful. And the only way that will happen is if we allow others to be truthful, and not treat them like pariahs for it.

I challenge you to be more honest, in your every waking moment. Honesty is what got my marriage through the rockiest of times, and brought my husband and I out the other side not only stronger, but with a deeper respect for one another, and a greater understanding of each other. 

The tools for living an honest life are simple:

  • Think before you speak, at all times. Weight your words, and responses, before delivering them.
  • The golden rule is paramount! Do and SAY unto others, as you wish they would do and say to you.
  • Know that with-holding the truth, or omitting it, is as good as a lie. 
  • Never even imagine that a lie is less trouble than the truth; it never is.
  • If you feel a lie is the only answer, it's time to seek another opinion. Talk to a friend, peer, or pray.
  • Seek simplicity, knowing that honesty is the simplest way to live. One never needs to cover their tracks when telling the truth.
Awakening is simply the process of taming the ego/persona, in order to be a truer representation of our Soul, the peace that runs deeply within each of us. The ego is insidious and it has it's counter part - the spiritual ego. Be sure that you are honest with yourself, as well as with others, as lies are like dust that cover up the truth making it harder to identify. Lying to yourself is as pointless as lying to anyone else; in fact it can be even more detrimental. And if you're working consciously at Awakening Spiritually, then honesty best be one of your main tenets!

Honesty may lead you to feel embarrassed, or vulnerable; it may cause you to feel awkward, and yet it will always be liberating in the end. Lies do not create, the deconstruct. 

Work at honesty, every day. Be compassionate, and exercise kindness always, let's not confuse honesty for tact, yet know that you do nobody any favors by lying about how you feel. If you're friends with someone on social networks, that you truly do not like, then why bother going on with the charade? If you politely chit chat with a coworker while you cut them up behind their back, how catty does that make you? And if you're with holding the truth from a loved one to get away with something, trust me, you're going to get caught eventually.

The truth always comes out.

I wish you honesty, integrity, and courage on your journey of Awakening. Always.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Riding Energy Shifts: Making the MOST of Ascension!

As you are well aware by now my friend, Awakening can be a very tumultuous experience. We go through these energy shifts, each new moon and full moon ushers in different frequencies, and to those of us who are deeply empathic these changes can feel like physical blows. One week the energy is vibrant and empowering and it seems like everything is literally going our way! We smile a little brighter, breathe a little easier, feel fantastic and impossibly - sleep deeper than normal! Those weeks are like a healing balm to the soul; it's so good to ride the waves like a professional surfer, riding the crest, staying on top of things, speeding through experiences so smoothly with glee and faith and peace!

And then there are those other weeks. You know what I'm talking about, those energetic drains on the psyche; the days where nothing seems to work, you feel like you're wading in quick sand. At these times we feel as though we're on the wrong path, took a wrong fork in the road, and it just seems like no matter what we do we're facing oppositional energy, everything requires far more effort and patience, people seem to be off their meds and we're the only ones standing there screaming "What's wrong with you people?! Wake up! Can't you see how hard you're making your reality?" Those weeks suck.

As we get further into our journey of self-awareness and wiping the sleep from our eyes, we become a little better at riding the downswing energy, and while it still can hurt, physically, emotionally, and even psychically, we know that getting through those negative periods of time require dedication, honesty, introspective, and above all else balance. Balance, and center, or the great energetic art of grounding. Being grounded in positive energy is a cinch! There's no problem remaining centered and well rounded when the winds of change are blowing softly, nurturing us in warmth and love.

But finding center amid the storms can be a challenge at best. I've been there with you, you're not alone! If we all gathered in a sports stadium to share our stories, not one person among us would be able to honestly say they haven't struggled with maintaining graciousness and compassion during the trying times. You're human, so am I, we may be more deeply aware of our Spiritual nature, and may have a better perspective on life, humanity, and society, but it doesn't make it any easier to navigate our lives when the energy is in transit, and everything just seems to feel pointless.

But grounding is necessary, and key to self-aware peace and serenity; without being centered, focused, and attentive in the moment, we are left blowing in the wind, without direction, in a sense of psychic limbo. So we all work as hard as we can at staying rooted in the physical, grounded in the moment, our energy firmly planted into the Earth, while remaining grateful and open to what the Universe has for us to experience next.

I want you to know it will get easier, and if you think about it, over the past two months the energies have reached a stellar crescendo, and then began to plateau, and now there is a global sense of "ahhhh" as we collectively exhale. Things are settling down already. This isn't to say we won't have more downloads, more offloads of discordant energy again; we most certainly will. This is ascension from lower dense frequencies of energy in our Galaxy, into a higher more vibrant state of awareness; it doesn't come with directions, and there is no seat belt. But that being said, things are going to flow a lot more smoothly for the next few months. We've been through a massive solar storm; now its time to exhale, and then reflect, give thanks, and enjoy!

There are ways you can spend this time now, over the coming weeks and months, which will help you prepare for the next big shift. And you owe it to yourself to be prepared, so you can weather the next storm with more ease, and peace. Also, this is basically one of the prime directives of Awakening: getting better at it. So here are some tips for how to train yourself, and prepare to deal with the next big energetic cataclysm, and I hope you will find truth and peace in these ideas.

Learning to Center:

Center is exactly what it sounds like: the middle. Polarity on Earth is by nature a this vs that reality. We live in a world of extremes. And in order to live peacefully amid the extremes we must find the center, so that we're dwelling in peace, instead of happy vs sad, good vs bad, evil vs good, hate vs love. The center is a place of open minded, compassionate clarity. Living in a centered focused mindset is paramount to peace; achieving it is as simple as checking yourself, breathing deeply, and moving towards Love again.

When you feel yourself being pulled into drama, or
heated emotional response, simply exhale, inhale, and start again. Center yourself, in the eye of the storm that rages around you. The storm is your job, your family, society, global news events, and all of the chaos that happens in our world every day. The eye of that storm is a place where you stand in observation, watching with heightened awareness, realizing what is making people act the ways they act, recognizing the sleeping nature of many people, and being able to remain detached, unaffected, and compassionate.

Being Grounded:

Our energy body, the Aura, and our Chakras, are energetic, or electric, and in constant motion. As we experience emotions, feelings, and thoughts, our energy shifts, dips, raises, lowers; all in response to the stimuli we are experiencing. When we're feeling good it's easy to open our Crown Chakra, and receive Universal creative love energy, feeling inspired, at peace, and serene. Yet when the storm rages in life around us, our energy can become lowered without our realizing it. And then we're operating from our lower three Chakras, relating to life on a more physical, visceral way, and forgetting to balance ourselves in our upper four Chakras. Being grounded is the process of mindfully modulating and regulating your spiritual energy. When you ground, you begin from the Crown Chakra, as opposed to just throwing roots into the ground from your Base Chakra. If you only ground the Root Chakra, you're just assuring connectivity to the base 3D energy we already live within. But pulling that ground down through all of your seven main Chakras ensures your energy is balanced, equalized, and harnessed. So make it a daily exercise, when you wake, to quickly pull your Chakras into alignment, grounding, and then going into your day mindfully and aware.

How To Harness & Ground & Shield:

There are other posts here about grounding, and your Chakras, and energy work. For further detail, take a look at the categories of my articles to the right of this area. But in short point form, here is a quick method to harness the energy of your Chakras, and ground each day.

  • Inhale and exhale deeply three times, sitting or standing or laying down straight, arms at your sides. Visualize white light coming from the Universe, entering your Crown Chakra. 
  • Pull that white light down into your Third eye, so now both Crown and Third eye are connected by white light, while pulsating bright white light themselves.
  • Pull the light down further to your Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacrum, and Root/Pelvis Chakra. 
  • Extend that white energy down both your legs, to the soles of your feet, and then ask Gaia to nourish you and ground you, and visualize that light plunging into the ground, deep into the Earth. I take my grounds down to the core of the Earth itself. I wind them around tree roots, rocks, sediment, tectonic plates on the way down to the core, ensuring I am good and grounded and my body and energy are firmly attached to the planet.
  • Inhale deeply, pull your arms up at your sides, sweeping up until your hands are palm to palm above your head. Then exhale deeply and sweep your arms back down, palms outwards. As you do this, visualize a giant bubble of white light enveloping your body. You've just created an energetic shield around yourself. 
  • Say a quiet inward blessing to allow your Chakras to blaze brightly, give thanks for your blessings, and ask that you be given exactly what you require that day, and ask for the wisdom to be mindful of your experiences, and your responses.
  • Your vibration has now raised due to the energy work you've done, you are prepared to go into the world with heightened awareness, intuition, compassion and grace!
Now you are grounded, centered, and shielded. This takes a couple of minutes at most. And when you get into the habit of it, you can do this almost instantaneously each morning. 
When I begin my day without this intentional anchoring of my energy I find I am usually less focused, jittery, and unaware. The coming months are going to be quite nice my friends; we've been through an intense energy fluctuation and adjustment, and things will now begin to lighten, and we can take peace in the knowledge that the download of frequency we've just received in the last couple of months is working it's magic within all living things and elements on Earth. Now we can work at self-awareness, spirit, and happiness! So it's a wonderful time to start developing good habits, in preparation of the next inevitable frequency burst! 

Another great way to deepen your spiritual knowledge, awareness, and life process is to learn how to tap into and channel the life energy all around us. That prana, or chi, is the love energy of the Universe; it nurtures all life, it is quite literally the "force" of all life. Learning energy healing modalities helps us to better understand this energy, it's fluctuations, and how to bring ourselves in to greater states of balance, awareness, receptivity, and peace. I teach Master Reiki classes online, as well as an Energy Therapy course. These are online classes, you can learn from home, at your own speed and pace. There are also numerous other sources online, and maybe locally to you, where you could learn Reiki and energy work! 

If learning Reiki is a compelling thought to you, and you decide to pursue lessons elsewhere, I wish you the brightest of blessings, and hope you have a beautiful experience learning to unlock your Reiki and Prana. If you should feel nudged by Spirit to choose me as your teacher, it will be my utmost honor and pleasure to take you into my tutelage, and help you develop a strong relationship to your Healing capabilities.

(To learn Reiki with me, simply follow this link.) 

I am here for you, always, as it is my souls mission to assist you with your Awakening, and it is my passion to offer my friendship, counsel, and support in all ways I am able to. Remember to keep breathing, deeply. Take care of your body, your mind, and your spirit.

With endless Love,

Soul Searching has Moved! Welcome Home!

Well after about a six month period with WordPress I've opted to return to Blogger. So welcome back to the original Soul Searching blog!

You'll find all the old material is still here, though it may take a while to get it indexed properly again, so I have removed the "search" box until everything is kosher again. Otherwise, all the archives are in place, and all posts are present and accounted for!

This change comes at a time of great creative energy, and I'm finding myself absolutely inspired at every turn! The energy we're receiving this last couple of weeks is intense, in a word, and yet when you're able to just center, and focus on gratitude and positivity the ride becomes the smoothest (if not speediest?) of sailing!

I have little else to say, as I've just spent nearly 12 hours migrating the blog, and tweaking the little html quirks that needed tweaking, so I'm about ready to call it and go read a book, and maybe nap.

As you can see though, I've lost all my followers in the move!!! So if you'd take a moment to peruse the Follow Me signs located to the right ---> Pick one that works for you, so you can stay in touch with my articles as they publish!

I wish you a fantastic day! The sun is shining, and it's colder than it should be here in Ontario but again - the sun is shining!

That's enough to make me want to do a couple back flips!

Love & Laughter & of course - HUGS -

Sunday, March 1, 2015

6 Things To Do For Your Spiritual Awakening

A Spiritual Awakening is simply the process of remembering and realizing we are more than mere human beings. As you explore God, the Universe, and the purpose of life, you begin to understand there are things going on in our world that defy establishmentarian explanation. You may see, sense, or feel the energy around you, and note it's changes based on different places, people, and atmospheres. You begin to tap into a deep essence of peace within your being, and it whispers peaceful messages of truth, compassion, and infinite love. And so you then begin to undertake a Spiritual Awakening.

You may have started awakening unconsciously, not wittingly pursuing a Spiritual avenue, and yet at some point you realized on a conscious aware level that you were feeling urged, called, compelled to open your mind, and your heart. So you decided to pursue a Spiritual Awakening, and for that I salute you, respect you, love you, acknowledge you, and am here with you.

We undertake this journey alone, for our self, and yet we are never alone, as we understand that like attracts like, and where one person begins to seek Spiritual peace and sovereignty, others gather. In this way we are creating a battery of love energy on Earth, and each new moment of your Awakening is a new moment to share your Light with others around you! We aren't seeking new members like the Jehovah's Witnesses, or Mormons; we aren't trying to "save" anyone like Christians. We are simply so gloriously thrilled in what we are beginning to experience, feel, and know that we are compelled to share this with others. Not to change them or fix them or enlighten them even; but simply because we feel connected to them in a deep way, and wish for them to know peace.

Here are some surefire steps you can follow on your Spiritual Awakening journey, to help you make the most of your energy, time, emotions and experience. Following these suggestions can make for a very pleasant multi-dimensional experience in this very heavy dense 3 dimensional reality.

  1. Remember at all times: this is ALL about YOU.

Your awakening is about how you are feeling, what you are remembering, what you are learning, what you are intuiting, envisioning, and experiencing. Your awakening is about nobody but YOU - and as such you should always try to remain centered on the knowledge that everything that comes into your world, your reality, is just for YOU. Awakening does not remove negative experiences from our lives; we are still subject to the laws of attraction, and karma on Earth, and we still have so much to remember, and learn, and as such we are still going to be challenged by all of the regular things we've always grappled with. Awakening can rather amplify these things though; now you're consciously pursuing your Spirituality, so you may find negative experiences confront you in more vivid realness! It may seem ironic and utterly laughable at times, as something will pop up to trick you or trap you into old cycles you once lived, and you may have to shake your head a few times, and remember what you know, lest you do fall into the old pitfalls! Life is always going to present challenges, trouble, adversity, and painful situations. As a spiritualist you empower yourself to realize you are NOT a victim - ever - and that while pain is inevitable in this world, suffering is optional. Focus on your self, your behaviors, your reactions, your habits, your negative mindsets, your weaknesses, and then be mindful and watch yourself. If you feel drawn to drama, fighting, ego etc, it's a message from Spirit: You've lost perspective of the big picture. This is about YOU - not "them". This is about how YOU feel - not about how "they" made you feel. This is about what you're putting out there - not what "they" are putting out there. Focus on self-awareness, learn to laugh at yourself, take none of it too heavily, be willing to change, admit your wrongs, and move forward without regret, or judgment, because you KNOW in your being, this has all been a part of your lesson: and the lesson is Awakening to the truth of the Love within you.

2.   Make Time for Your Spirit - Every Single Day!

download (1)You know the 3D work-a-day world we are living in is just a big experiment, based on things like greed, politics, religion, fear etc. The world around us is a mirror to each person living in it, so begin to project the truth of your vibrant and beautiful soul! But doing this type of Light work requires a great deal of transformational energy on your behalf, and can be exhausting. If you're doing energy work, Reiki, healing and helping others in a Spiritual way, this can be taxing after time if you do not stay centered and grounded. If you're giving so much of your Light and your positivity to a world full of cynics and egos, you're going to have moments of utter futility! It's necessary to remain mindful of your own energy, what you can handle, what you cannot, and when you need a "reset". So make time each day, for a meditation, a bubble bath, a quick prayer or blessing. Do something that helps you rejuvenate each day, be it watching the sun rise, or set, or drawing an oracle card. Whatever brings your spirit balanced peaceful calm is something you will want to gift yourself each and every day. How else can you continue to Awakening to such vast amounts of knowledge and energy, while giving so much of yourself to the world around you, and not end up feeling empty at the end of the day? Refill yourself, as you give so much away.

3.   Take EXTRA Care Of Your Physiology!

Your body is attached to it's Aura, and Chakras, and while you are Awakening you are receiving and emitting such great quantities of energy through those centers, that it affects your physical body in ways you aren't even aware of. Each Chakra attributes to a gland or organ, and your Aura is directly a part of your cellular makeup, knowing this can help you remember to care not just for the mind and spirit, but also the body. Ascension is cyclic, one week we will be riding a high energy vibration as we receive massive uploads of Light and wisdom! The next week we can find ourselves crawling around in exhaustion, barely able to focus on simple tasks. This is natural - this is Awakening! So be sure your body is hydrated; water water water, drop caffeine and stimulants where possible, and if necessary, as they can mess with your frequency and cause anxiety during high energy days. Get as much sleep as your body needs!! Some months you may get by on 6 hours a night, even if it's disturbed and fulfilling, you're managing. Then a few months present insomnia challenges, which you manage still to adapt to. Then all of a sudden you'll have a few weeks of deep long slumber, and can feel guilty for suddenly sleeping 12 hours at a time! Please don't feel guilty - know your body is demanding what it needs for GOOD reasons! You do so much energy work on a subconscious level during Awakening, and then you are off Astrally during your sleep too, it's exhausting! And the influx of energy we receive during this process is colossal! So cut yourself a break, sleep, eat, drink water, rest, and just be happy!

4.   Keep An OPEN Mind! The Ego Will Struggle with This!

The ego isn't a criminal, not a villain; it isn't here to make your life impossible, or unhappy. Ego is our sense of identification within the world. It has helped us define our beliefs, about ourselves, and the world around us. The ego has been wonderful in helping us differentiate between the polarities on Earth; we've learned a lot about "good" and "bad" through our ego! Yet, the ego will fight Spiritual epiphanies and truths, as at the core of a Spiritual Awakening is the knowledge that the ego, or the false persona we become in life, is not in truth who we are. We are infinite beings of Light and Love; the ego feels threatened by our realizing this, as it feels as though we are trying to ilimiate those traits which make us individual. But if you can realize you don't need to shed your ego to Awaken, the ego can then calm down somewhat. You don't need to transcend ego in this lifetime, you simply need to recognize it for what it is; a character you've learned to play based on the life you've lived and experiences you've had, and you can then begin to stop playing the character to such extreme degrees! Keeping an open mind is hard for the ego; ego likes to cling to what it feels comfortable with, so when knowledge comes to you and feels threatening to your ego, you're likely going to immediately feel drawn to just shut the knowledge off, call it a lie, and ignore it. But this will be a pitfall in your Awakening at many times in your life, so it's best to stop letting your ego call the shots with Spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Your intuition knows what's what; if the ego can't handle something it's discovered, let your intuition sort it out; you'll know deep deep inside of yourself if ego is having a tantrum, or not. You will face a lot of knowledge during Awakening that will at first rub you wrong, make you feel violated or mistrustful, or even guilty for having fallen for it for so long; but these wisdoms you come across are meant to help you be liberated, and achieve a deeper peace and love, so as much as some piece of learning may make you feel threatened, stick with it, explore your feelings; they reveal so much about who you are, and how your ego defends itself.

A deep and intimate journey of self-awareness can be painful as we come to see things about ourselves that are false, or detrimental, or greedy, or negative. The point is to see it, acknowledge it, make repairs where possible, and then move on. You aren't asked to feel guilty! You're asked to release guilt, understand your previous actions and behaviors with compassion, and then grow from it.

5.   Seek Like Minded People!

There is always strength in numbers, and this is why people of various beliefs gather together. And yet, the reason I TONY-OVERHEAD-DRUM-CIRCLEencourage you to seek kindred people isn't to be stronger, but to be stretched further! The main point in Awakening is to identify ego and "tame" it, so that we can be the truest part of our Spiritual essence. When we gather with others who share similar beliefs, we confront new information, and we can share what we know! We become teachers and students, as well as friends, and this is where information begins to circulate, and minds begin to open even faster! If we explored Awakening alone our whole life, it would be a very one sided exploration. Yet when we befriend others who are striving for Awakening the experience becomes one of examination, observation, reflection, and ultimately it is richer! Be with people who lift you up, inspire you, support you, and do the same to them!

6.   Learn to Face Your Fears.

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real: it isn't real, it's perceived by the one feeling afraid, and that fear amplifies itself so that often fear can seem rather irrational to those observing fear in others. But our fears are real, in so much as we give them validity. So it is my gentle suggestion that you seek to understand your fears, and then overcome them. I work on this daily, as I have a few fears which hold me back. I am afraid of driving fast on the highway, or over bridges or up steep hills. I never had this fear until about 15 years ago when I went through a difficult time in my life. Since then I began to shelter myself, never driving on the highway, avoiding big hills and bridges. Yet in the last few years I knew I could not keep letting these fears defeat me. So I began to explore my fears, in ways that made me very uncomfortable. Yet this uncomfortable feeling spurred me to examine myself on a deeper level, and I eventually came to realize the fear was based on control, or rather a lack of it. So I decided to start trying to drive the highway again. Baby steps at first, get on during rush hour when traffic wasn't moving, and slowly sit in stop and go, and I did this for a few weeks, getting used to actually being ON the highway, even if it wasn't moving. Slowly I began to be able to hop on during quicker times of day, and get off at the next exit. My adrenaline would rush and what a feeling of victory within me as I merged back into regular traffic. I have pushed myself a little further each week over the last half year, and at present can drive the highway all through my city. That is a big feat! I still feel momentary pulses of anxiety, but then I breathe, and draw Reiki energy into myself and my car, and shake that fear off. I am proud of myself, which is egotistical of course, and yet deeper than this, I am impressed with my courage, and encouraged, and hopeful, because I know now I am stronger than I thought I was. Overcoming fears, no matter what they are of, will ultimately lead you to a greater sense of self-awareness and peace. I have a fear of spiders, I know I will never overcome this fear. So I accept it, and myself, as I know I am not hurting spiders, and they understand if they stay out of my home we will not have a problem *grin*.

These six tips for Awakening Spiritually are simply the tip of the iceberg, and yet if you endeavor to make these six things a priority in your Awakening, your experience will be more authentic, honest, and rewarding.

I wish you the brightest of Blessings, as you endeavor to truly know yourself. May you amplify your strengths, overcome your weaknesses, and surpass your fears.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Understanding Ascension: The Multi-Dimensional Body

We use these terms in spiritual circles, in regards to our experience, and often I am amazed to find people use the words but don't really understand them.

I want to dispel any misconceptions, because I find it absolutely meaningful for you to really fully comprehend your Awakening experience, in order to enjoy it to the fullest, and be in control over your process and actions.

We understand what we are Awakening to; the truth of our spiritual connectedness to the Universe, and all life, and the nature of our very soul and being. We know we are more than simply human beings; we are infinite beings of Gods creative Love and Life, expressed in a physical body, gaining experience in the realm of polarity, as part of an endless experience of action and reaction in the Universe of free will and karma.

I want to discuss a few of the usual key terms, and what they truly mean to you and your spiritual journey. If I leave anything out it's probably not pertinent to my train of thought at this time. But for now I want to look at:


We live on the level of conscious reality called the Third Dimension. We are living in a template of sight, form, mass, quantity, volume, and being. We experience everything through the filter of mind and heart and intuition, and as we begin to awaken to our infinite souls nature, we realize that there are higher dimensional realms, and lower ones as well, which are part of the great Oneness of the Universe. The lower the dimensional realm, the heavier the weight and density of its reality, the slower it vibrates. You remember science class, and the particle theory? When particles are cooled they slow their vibratory rate, and move more slowly and heavily. When particles are heated they speed up vibrationally and move more quickly.

When our spirit engages within the physical body, it does so through the etheric body of aura and chakras. When the etheric body is "heated" by raising the vibration to a higher rate of frequency, through meditation, or shamanic voyage, or ritual, we then "lighten" the body's and their ability to be aware of a higher dimensional reality. The same is said when someone becomes heavily entrenched in the 3D reality they are living in, and deprive the spirit its needs; they will vibrate more slowly, experiencing mainly the 3rd dimensional reality, or lower. A lower dimensional reality would feel like "hell" in that you are not aware of the Light and infinite nature of Love in all of life, and you would be cut off from your chakras, aura, and spirit. This would feel lonely, lead to isolation, depression, likely even leads one ego into delusions, and possibly psychotic disconnection. This is why much of the world seems to be so lacking in love, compassion, and enlightenment; many human beings are spiritually disconnected, and they energetically reside on a base dimensional reality and vibration. They are living within their own personal "hell on earth" in that they are only perceiving the physical, and not the spiritual.

Ascension is the process of raising  your personal frequency, your electricity, your aura, and your Chakras, to a higher vibrational rate, which enables you to perceive higher dimensional realms and realities. It is at these higher levels of reality our souls reside, our guides, the saints and angels and ascended masters. When you consciously undertake a journey of Awakening, intending to ascend your energy, it is to do so in order to be in unity with the higher dimensional beings in the Universe, in order to live a truth which transcends physicality. This is not just a spiritual theory, but rather a scientific fact; we are water, carbon, and electricity. We are made of billions of atoms which are 90% empty space within each of them. These atoms comprise particles and cells which are constantly in motion in the physical form; your intention, and understanding of yourself, the Universe, and love, can either speed or slow the vibration of your own personal energy fields; your meridians, aura, and Chakras. And this leads me to the next item I believe needs understanding:


We are vibrational beings of electricity and water, right? That is a given, we understand this. You hear spiritualists talk about the importance of being grounded, but do you really understand what this means? If you were to enter an electronics manufacturing plant, chances are you'd be asked to plug in before entering the shop floor, or "grounding" yourself. If you did not ground, and touched circuitry chances are you'd conduct electrical static, which could potentially damage the circuitry. Our bodies are natural conductors of electricity, making us very susceptible to being shocked, and conducting that shock or pulse. You've rubbed your feet along the carpet, touched someone and shocked them? Or rubbed a rubber balloon against your hair, causing your hair to stand on end? We conduct electric energy. When we are working actively at a spiritual Awakening we start to do things designed to heighten our frequency and raise it to reach higher spiritual states of awareness and consciousness. And as we 'ascend' energetically we speed our vibratory rate, which generates more electrical power. If we don't ground we run the risk of experiencing spiritual "shock"!

These shocks evidence themselves as premature kundalini blossoming, which can lead to psychotic episodes in people who are not spiritually mature enough to access this powerful life energy. If you try to run before you can walk you're going to fall down; and this is true of our spiritual journey. So when a spiritualist recommends you "ground" or "center" yourself before meditating, or working with your Chakras or energy, what they are suggesting is that you quite literally ground yourself to the earth, and center your energy centers so that as you raise your vibration you are "insulated" against spiritual shock!


Grounding is the process of taking your own personal vibration and extending it into the Earth, so that it takes root within the very dense and heavy vibration of the planet itself, in order to help you stay connected to your physical body, and to help your Chakras remain centered between "above" and "below". You are the midway point between Heaven and Earth, and as such, when you go exploring higher dimensional planes of reality,  you shift a balance within your energy vortex and structure. When raising or ascending energetically, be sure to extend yourself energetically into the lower energies of the Earth; this assures that no matter where you "go" in an astral sense, you will be firmly connected to your physicality.

As you can see at this point in reading, you are absolutely much more than a spirit living in a body; you are a vibratory being of light, frequency, vibrations and waves; and as you gain spiritual knowledge and seek to reach higher states of consciousness, you become responsible for the energy within and around you. It then becomes important to keep your home cleansed of negative energy, as when we travel in the astral realms, we bring "back" with us whatever we've encountered. At times your meditations or visions can end up attracting stray spirits or energy patterns, who are drawn to your brilliant vibrational light! So when you are finished any ritual, meditation, or energy work, take a few moments to cleanse your atmosphere and body, and then also:

Cut Cords

As we travel energetically and astrally, we meet with guides, angels, ether-dimensional beings, and can form relationships and attachments with them. You are familiar with cutting cords to rid yourself of painful physical relationships with people on Earth, but have you ever thought about the cords you have etherically? They exist, and while they may be rooted in loving relationships with your angelic friends and family of light, you owe it to them and yourself to cut those cords to remain independent, rather than co-dependent. You can visualize a white bubble of light encircling you, and as it does, picture it melting away any cords or energy strings of light coming out of your body or aura. This is like the end of a hug, and on a psychic level it demonstrates to the Universe that you respect the beings of Light who are assisting you, and respect your self enough to not have to rely upon them. Lest we become energy vampires, it's just good manners to cut cords after any energy work is done.


You are a person on Earth with a physical body, which is surrounded by 7 layers of an auric body, which houses 7 main primary Chakras. These invisible layers of your spiritual bodies are as real and impactful as your physical body. So get into the practise of understanding how those bodies function, and then how to keep them clean and well maintained. You cut your hair, trim your nails, bathe, and brush your teeth, all in an effort to keep your physical body well taken care of. So too should you meditate, breathe, center, ground, and honor your energetic bodies and the higher dimensional realities you encounter when performing Light-work of any kind.

As the Oracle at Delphi said, "know thyself." Once you truly understand the electric vibratory state of being of your etheric spiritual bodies, and how they relate directly to the physical body you inhabit, it becomes so much more obvious how we not only impact our surroundings, but how they impact us. So know thyself, and continue to strive to know thyself. The process of Awakening is not a grand epiphany moment; no one "Wakes up" all at once and knows everything. Awakening is a series of epiphanies in a lifetime, that reach higher states of awareness, and help one access higher realms of truth. Focus on the journey, not a destination, and don't let your ego interfere with your Awakening. It isn't about your personal identification as the person you've been trained to be; it is about the truth residing within your heart, intuition, and soul; these are the things we reach for in a spiritual Awakening.

I wish you bright blessings, on your infinite journey of self-realization and awakening. Love,

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Anger Is Not Real: Understanding Our Fears

Animals operate via instinct, and biology. Animals can show fear, they can demonstrate territoriality, protectiveness, possessiveness, hunger, desperation, and even madness in rare cases. Yet there is one thing animals do not demonstrate, something which humans demonstrate all too often, which isn't germane to who we truly are; Anger.

Anger is not a true emotion; it simply doesn't exist in and of itself, it is a man-made emotion which is generated at it's core and foundation by fear. Fear that is usually attached to a lack of control. Fear is the root of all anger, and until people are willing to deeply reflect and introspect upon their anger, they will never be able to truly overcome it.

And we need to overcome our anger on this planet, because it is driving us towards the brink of extinction.

There is a lot of anger in the world, anger which people are quick to demonstrate now in every day circumstances. It is frightening, which definitely creates more anger. And in this way, anger has become like a snowball, spreading more fear everywhere it goes, which in turn becomes more anger, and around we go.

You show me an angry person, and I'll show you their experiences, their childhood, their violations and mistreatments, and show you how their fear transformed into anger.

What makes you angry? Think about it for a moment. Be open minded, and for a moment think about something that simply pisses you off beyond reason. You know what grinds my gears? I get ticked off royally at snobbery, and elitism. Why? Now I could sit here and list off reasons to you, to try to justify my anger towards societies different treatment of people based on their income, but truly it would only be my ego trying to validate an emotion that serves no purpose. The real reason I get angry at snobbery is because I'm afraid of being judged as a bad person for being poor. It's fear that spurs my anger, plain and simple. I am afraid that the world may not take me seriously, or respect me, or understand me, or see value in me, because I do not have a lot of money.

Pretty silly, yes? No. We all do this my friend. While my example may not apply to you, you yourself exhibit anger over some thing, or behavior, or action, and at the core it is not anger that makes you feel this way; it is fear.

Fear is a vulnerable feeling and emotion; when we are afraid we fear being exposed, or being left open to be hurt or mistreated.We fear having no control, over the behaviors, feelings, and judgments of others. We share our fears with those we are closest with, yet don't go around broadcasting our fears, lest we be taken advantage of because of them. So instead of wearing our fear in public, we disguise it as anger, and righteousness, and eventually we begin to believe the disguise is a valid part of who we are. But it isn't - it is simply covering up the truth which is based on a very simple fear.

Every act of violence a person can perpetrate upon another living being, is motivated at some level by fear. Now you may automatically feel like NO DEE - you are WRONG here... But bear with me. For a moment.

Let me use some of the most heinous exhibitions of anger to draw an analogy. For starters, let's look at people who abuse children, or animals. You may not see them being motivated by fear, you may simply see a sick mofo who needs to be taught a lesson! You may feel outraged by their absolutely disgusting lack of morality, compassion or common sense. And yet I am sure if you looked more closely at the abuser, to their own childhood perhaps, or some life experience, you would find someone who was once abused themselves, and never learned to express their fears about it, and instead developed an angry disposition by which to protect themselves. In this way their anger is a byproduct of their own painful past. I am not justifying their angry behavior or abuse! Not by a long shot. I am simply trying to draw you to see this from a new perspective; their evil acts are not committed for the sake of being evil; they have let their fear transmute into something so horrendous and monstrous that they only know how to express themselves in ugly vile ways.

I was abused growing up, and yet I did not grow up to become an abuser myself. Why? Why didn't my fear transform itself into an anger that cripples my ability to treat others with compassion? I think the reason why is simple: the love within me is too strong to be overcome by fear or anger. I am no angel, I've done things I regret in my life, yet I've tried to learn from my mistakes, and my empathy makes it impossible for me to willingly do harm to anyone or anything else. My fear makes me vulnerable, yet I see within it a strength, so I am not afraid to be honest about my fears. I rather want to celebrate my fears, in the hopes that I will understand them enough to overcome them, and then share that with you so you too can better understand your own fears, in order to surpass them.

Another example in our society, all the crap going on in the middle east - terrorism, extreme religious zealots; you may just see a bunch of angry men using fear and murder as a way to control their reality. But I try to see a little deeper into this; seeing men who were once boys, children, who were raised in a society which does not value life in the way other cultures do. Boys who were indoctrinated into a fearful response to the western world, boys who were trained, and conditioned to meet their fear with violence in order to overcome their fear. I see boys who became violent murderous men simply because they had shitty role models. This war on terror? It's an absolute joke - terrorism will never cease to exist on earth until such a time as every parent on this planet endeavors to raise their children to LOVE instead of FEAR.

Love creates bridges, love uses commonality and compassion to create inclusion.

Fear creates walls, and uses our differences and chaos to create separation.

The next time you feel angry, about anything whatsoever, bit it huge or small, take a moment to explore where that anger you're feeling is coming from. Go deep - dare to go as deep as you humbly can. I'm quite sure you will find your anger is a byproduct of a fear that is so deep seeded within you, that you may not even be consciously aware of it. Yet through a conscious desire to become self-aware, you can and will become consciously aware of everything that "makes you tick", and this is what leads to revelation, liberation, and sovereignty.

You are not an angry person, and this isn't an angry world. You are a complex being who has been raised within the context of the culture and society around you, who has been taught what to think and believe by people who have no better idea about life than their forefathers before them. This world is a complex collective of billions of individual thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes, and yearnings. When you see people exhibiting anger, rather than think about how different they are from you, look instead into the core of them to see how similar you are. For no matter how outwardly evil, vile, or different you may perceive them to be, at the core they are a person who was once a child, who was raised differently than you, who lacks a level of self-awareness that enables them to operate out of love rather than fear.

We were all born in much the same way - we lived within warmth and security for 9 months, then arrived into this 3 dimensional world of density, form, and matter with no ability to communicate ourselves. We spent the first year of our life using crying, and grunts and small sounds to communicate our needs. It wasn't until we began to learn and comprehend language that we began to understand fear, and anger.

Fear and anger are taught, and learned, and are in no way indicative of who we are as biological beings on this planet. Anger is not a part of our biology, instinct, or genetic makeup. It is a byproduct of fear, and all fears can be overcome and transcended through self-awareness, and a willingness to open ones mind to see beyond the small confining space we are trained to occupy.

I challenge you to view anger in this way now, moving out into the world and observing anger as it happens around you. Witness the anger in others, through their words, their actions and behaviors, and then allow your empathy to envision what has led this person to use anger as a means to protect themselves from what they fear.

Explore the fears within you - by exploring the things that make you angry. Go deep, see where your anger begins - because this is where your fear stagnated to become an obstacle within you. I assure you, when you are able to see your emotions in this clear way, you will be able to overcome the things you fear in a liberating and eye opening way.

Choose Love - it is truly the only emotional motivator that matters.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Making Every Day Valentine's Day!

Valentine's day is just a few days away, and has me thinking of love. While I tend to look at Valentine's day as more of a corporate creation to encourage people to spend money on cards, flowers, candy etc, I sure do think it's great that we have dedicated an entire day globally to love.

Maybe love is fantastic enough to warrant more than one day though?

When you love someone in the beginning, it's all butterflies and anticipation, remember how it feels to be falling into love with someone for the first time? You find yourself drift off to think of them mid-day, and your face heats up with blood as you blush remembering how it feels to be with them. The first kiss sends your heart sky-rocketing, and you fly on the chemicals your body produces when it's falling in love.

When you share your life with that love for a few years, the passion can wane, as responsibilities take the fore-front. Soon you're passing each other in the hall, hurridly saying "i love you too" before hanging up the phone to deal with your next daily errand or task. In the beginning our minds are almost always with our new love, and yet after a few years of shared life we can begin to take one another for granted.

It's human, every couple I've known who has been together for more than a few years tends to fall into the same category, and after a decade or so you find yourself trying to remember just when was the last time you both engaged in spontaneous love making without planning ahead to have a sitter, and a night out. Like two ships that pass in the night, often times long-time committed relationships can start to feel like room-mate relationships more often than not.

My husband and I will celebrate our 8th year wedding anniversary in May, and have been together nearly 13 years now. We have been through some astounding ups, and extremely trying downs together. He is honestly the best friend I could possibly ask for, and while we've gone through rough patches, there is no one else on Earth I would ever want to share my body, mind, and spirit with. But after all these years we can fall into the same rut so many of you do, we have a child, responsibilities, bills, commitments, it's not often either of us put our relationship first. And that's just a little sad, don't you think? I know we're not unique, most of my peers are in the same boat. No matter if you're in a traditional relationship or not, when two people share their lives for any number of years, the bloom can fall off the rose before you even know it, and eventually you find yourselves mastering everything from carpooling, to financial planning, cooking, cleaning, and raising kids, but there is one way you just can't seem to click together anymore: romance.

Love is the most fantastic thing there IS - in all the universe. Nothing tops love, whether it be the love you feel for your child, or the love your pets show you, or the love you share with your friends; love pretty much rules existence! But the love you have shared with your life partner, your husband or wife, or girlfriend or boyfriend, it's just even more amazing, because it's intimate, and it's time-tested. This is the one person in the world who has seen you at your absolute worst, and still shows up every day!

My husband has seen me cry so hard my nose runs, has heard me laugh so violently I farted! He has seen me gain and lose weight like a yoyo, and has endured my seemingly non-ending self-consciousness about it, yet he has never once made me feel I wasn't beautiful to him. He has let me sleep and cared for our daughter when I was exhausted, and vice versa. Who else on Earth could watch you eat an entire bag of chips, or bawl watching a tv program, or rant and rave after having an argument with a parent, and still love you unconditionally?

Try to make time for your significant other this weekend, and then, ever day after that. My husband and I came close to calling it quits a couple of years ago; we'd been through a storm so rough it's hard to describe. We made it through it though, and now the love is even deeper, the friendship even more poignant, the relationship even more nourishing. And we make an effort to put each others needs first. This has made so much difference in our home, and in our lives. So I dedicate this post to my husband Eric, and to your partner as well, because whether we realize it or not, these people are important aspects of our spiritual journeys as well.

My husband is an agnostic, and though much of what I do fascinates him, and he can't quite explain how his wife knows what she knows, he has his own beliefs, and we allow each other the room to be who we each are in relation to the Universe, God, and personal beliefs. He has stood by me during my dark nights of the soul, and stands by me cheering when I reach new revelations, and experience moments of spiritual epiphany. He provides me with a mirror by which to observe my own behavior, negative or positive, and for this I love him so deeply. He has accepted me on every level, and this has given me the freedom to truly be who I am in every moment, without reservation or doubt.

I remember the first time I tried to get him to meditate with me, and as we sat under the full moon in our back yard, I fell deeper in love with him because it was so clear he was doing it just to make me happy. Spirituality isn't his objective in this life, and I honor that, just as he honors it is what drives me. Think about how your partner has supported your spiritual journey. If you have found someone who inspires you to be your best you, know that this is worth it's weight in gold. Being with someone who allows you to be yourself is such a liberating experience to have.

So honor your loved ones, all of them, and yet take a moment to reflect on your special sweetie, and take a mental walk down memory lane now. Remember the first time you laid eyes on them, your first date, your first kiss. Remember all of your firsts between way back then, and now, and then get off your computer, or tablet, or phone, and go give them a kiss. And if they aren't in the vicinity, send them an email or a text message, out of the blue, expressing just how special they are to you.

And then do this again tomorrow, and the next day. And make Valentine's day an every day affair, that doesn't require jewelry or gifts, or fancy restaurants or trips. Because we don't have to spend money to express our love and gratitude to our spouses and partners. In fact, some of the most profound gifts my guy has given me have been gifts of words, understanding, eye contact, and other unspoken, unplanned things. When I wake up and there is magically a coffee ready for me to drink, or the car has been cleaned of snow before I go out, or inexplicably laundry ends up clean in my room... this is so much more meaningful to me than any greeting card could ever be.

Happy Valentines week to you all, now do yourself a favor, log off the interworld, and go pounce on your special one and enjoy some magic. And if the kids interrupt two minutes later, that's okay, go tend to them, knowing you get to live every day of your life with your best friend, you're most important person, your souls companion. And that's pretty blessed.

And if this Valentines day you're stag and still haven't met that special one, don't give up hope, and yet don't focus all your energy into wanting a relationship. Because when you improve your relationship with yourself, through self-awareness, meditation, and consciously attempting to know yourself and better your self in every way, the Universe invariably sends you exactly what you put forth. I believe we have more than one special one in each life, and your next one could be waiting for you. So put yourself out there, go out, be available, and let the Universe know you're ready to share your life with another! And if you're not, that's fantastic too - love yourself. Love yourself because you are wonderful, in every single way!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a man to go hug and kiss.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lightwork: The Web of Light Ever Expands!

When I first started offering my Tarot readings online, in 1999, I had no idea just how big a part of my life my clients would become. I had been reading the Tarot for over a decade in my area, and was used to creating deep intimate connections with people as I read for them, but I never imagined that people from all over the globe would become so intricately part of my heart and life. It is unnatural for me to give a reading and then move away from a client; when we have connected in such a deep way it is only vibrationally apt that you become my friend, my brother or sister, my kindred.

One such kindred spirit is a woman who is young enough to be my daughter, yet old enough to astound me with her own Awakening process. She has had some struggles in the last year of her life, and delivering her some of the readings I have was difficult for me, knowing she was moving through energetic disruption and upheaval. How do you tell somebody you love that their current living situation is not nurturing their spirit? How do you warn them with detached compassion and calm to be aware of those in their life who they trust, who are not operating at a level of generosity, but rather malice? Learning how to deliver words of guidance from Spirit to my clients has been my life's work, blessing, responsibility and works to propel my Awakening in amazing ways!

I have learned so much about myself through my clients, and this friend is a strong example of how a client becomes a part of my family, and how they impact ME and my spiritual awakening!

This young lady has grown so far, so fast, and surpassed even my intuitive understanding of her boundaries, by ridding herself of the negative around her. She is currently planning a trip, which involves putting faith in her self, and the Universe, as she shrugs off the mundane world she's become entrenched in, in order to go see the world, living out of a backpack, taking the biggest risk she can think of in order to more deeply and poignantly KNOW herself.

She contacted me this week about learning Reiki before she goes, and though I had not foreseen this, my heart near burst with immediate joy as I realized just how perfect this would be! She is going to pick up her roots, and travel around the world, sharing not only her spirit, and Light as she goes, but also her Reiki, which is MY Reiki, which in essence means I am going to be flowing around the globe with her as she goes! I am elated!

It set me on a deep meditation, as I sought guidance from my higher Spirit in order to glean any other impactful energy I could impart upon my friend before she disembarks on her journey later this year. I was trying to see what I could do, or be, or offer her on her journey of Spirit and Memory.

Little did I think what I would receive from Spirit would be something this young woman would be doing for me...

Every place my sweet friend goes, my own Reiki will be with her, and as Reiki knows no time or space constraints, is infinite, fluid, and ever adapting to it's host, her experiences will be energetically available to me, and my Reiki teacher, and her teacher, and so on. When we share energy healing techniques and modalities we become at One with our teachers, and our students, and if you could see this give and take of vibrational magic you'd see it like a giant web of pure light, spreading from one person to another, from one place on Earth they've been to every other place.

This vision erupted in my 3rd Eye and I felt tears come to my physical eyes as the recognition within me bloomed into full actualization of what I was feeling; this is how we are One in Light. My students become One with me, as I become One with them, as MY Reiki becomes part of YOUR Reiki which is part of your teachers and students Reiki past and future and present.

The web of Light originating from my point in the world, spreading out to each continent via the connections I have made in my 42 years, and then branching out to encompass the connections my teachers, and students have made in their own journeys... lights the entire planet up in filaments of tractable Light energy that astounds and humbles me to tears!

Lightworker; the term confuses some, and I have tried to explain this term, this concept, this way of life... I've tried to share it verbally and academically over the last few decades, and nothing could explain Lightwork in the way which I now see it in my inner Sight.

When you hold Love as a frequency within you, it transmits a Light wave, and everywhere you go that Light wave goes with you, so that it leaps and bounds around the world as you travel, connect, communicate, visualize and make impacts with others. And it crosses over the Light waves of others, until there is this criss-crossing multi-segmented web of Light encompassing an entire PLANET...

I realize today just how deep an impact my Tarot clients, cum FRIENDS, have on me, as their Light waves blend with mine, and create stronger vibratory impulses of Light which then flows entwined where ever we all go. In this way we are seeding Light waves of love energy, and working our Light. Lightworking.

If you could see what my mind has received today, then you'd see a beautiful planet which is quite literally covered in filaments of Light that bisect, connect, drift off, veer and flow in every direction, drawing together, creating ley points of Power and strength, veering off again and flowing out into other directions.

And it is the role of a Lightworker to simply spread that Light. Every person you talk to online, receives your Light and can then anchor it into their region. Every person you connect with becomes a part of your web, which then becomes a part of the webs of every other Lightworker they connect with. Until we are all sharing our Light with every other Lightworker on Earth, whether we've met or not.

This is why when we tap in and participate in global activation days, we can literally feel the Love of the Planet and all who are part-taking... we literally ARE Connected to each and every other person on the planet who is working towards the same ultimate divine goal: waking the world up to the beauty and infinite nature of Love and Light.

So to my dear sister-daughter as she readies to begin learning Reiki, in preparation to go on her trek around Gaia, I say THANK YOU my angelic friend; thank you for connecting your energy to mine, and for taking ME with you everywhere YOU go. In this we will truly be ONE.

I am delighted to be here on Earth at this time, during the great Awakening, to be witness to the pleasure and the pain, to be able to hold Light in place and give/receive Light with all who I come into contact with. I am so humbled to be able to understand this process in a more deep fashion today, and I hope that by simply reading my words your third eye will blaze and bloom into understanding of what I have seen and known.

We are One in intention and heart - and we are One in Light pulses and waves of Love.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Developing & Strengthening Your Psychic Abilities

Do you dream in vivid imagery? When you are sleeping, does your mind bloom into technicolor, surround sound, and entertain you while you slumber?

The more vividly you dream, the stronger your capabilities are. And yet, if you don't experience realistic dreams, or question whether you could have latent psychic abilities, let me assure you; we all have psychic abilities!

Every single person with a brain, and more importantly pineal gland, has access to a sixth sense. Call it intuition, higher sight, or clairvoyance, it all comes down to the same thing; the souls ability to see beyond the physical.

Now let me preface this by laying down the laws as it were, regarding psychic ability. Even though we are all born with this ability, we have been convinced and conditioned through the millenia to doubt this belief, mystify it, and otherwise see those as having psychic ability as either in league with the devil, or too special to relate to. Let's dispell the myths before going any further, because as you should know at this point my dear friend, our thoughts do indeed make our reality manifest. If you doubt yourself, and your ability, you will continue to receive reasons to doubt. Do you understand? The Universe is always pumping out more of what you are vibrating; if you're vibrating doubt and insecurity, you will receive further affirmative pushes towards being doubtful and insecure.

So learn to see past the limited reality your world around you has set in stone for you - break free of the perception of other people, and get in touch with your intuition.

Intuition is the first step!

Whether you're spiritual or not most of us believe in intuition. Some call it the inner voice, or the sub-conscious, others believe it to be the voice of God, or guardian Angels. The truth is, these are all accurate depictions of the intuitive process, as it is a deep internal aspect of a Higher more etheric part of the Soul. I encourage you to get intimate with your intuitive process, so that you understand not only how your own intuition works, but also how you respond to it physically, emotionally, and vibrationally.

Those moments of connection, which are beyond denial, like when you think of a friend out of the blue, and a moment later they call you, or you're driving and get the nagging urge to turn down an unexpected road, and as you do you bypass an accident; these things are intuitive nudges which we are all gifted with!

When you think of a song, seemingly out of the blue and then the radio begins to play it, this isn't a coincidence. There is no such thing as coincidence, and your intuition is in fact a facet of your own sixth sense! If you heard the song in your mind before it began to play, you've just exercised Clair-audience, or the ability to 'clearly hear'. If you saw the song, via it's video, or band, you've exercised Clairvoyance, or the ability 'clearly see'. And if you tasted the song, via memories of foods or drinks you associate with the song, or felt it like ripples on your skin, then you've exercised Clair-sentience, or the ability to 'clearly feel'.

I'm a highly visual intuitive, and yet have a deep sense of Clair-sentience as well. And I have had experiences of Clair-audience as well, which is always a shocking and exciting sense to realize. From a very early age I exercised and honed my psychic abilities, as I was nurtured by my mother who also is very psychic, and was free to express and develop my abilities. I didn't face the blocks many of us do in society, and even though I encountered the same conditioning which tells us "psychics aren't real" or "you're imagining it", I knew on a deeper intuitive level that this wasn't the case. And I've always relied very strongly on my intuition.

I urge you to do the same, always.

Realize and actualize that "My intuition is my connection to deep wisdom, and Universal truth."

You may want to journal your experiences with your intuition, in order to see a clear pattern emerging. Or you may just trust that it is unfolding perfectly, as do all things in the bigger picture.

Trust your intuition, knowing it is God gifted, and Divine. And shift your thinking to that of "I am" rather than "I want to"... as this is a way to actualize your reality, instead of pushing away the things you desire. Stating "I am in tune with my psychic awareness" is a far more powerful message to the Universe than saying something like "I really want to heighten my psychic abilities". The message of "I want" is always a message of "I doubt" in the long run, as want signifies something is lacking.

And the truth is, you are not lacking; your psychic abilities are real, and marvelous, and just waiting for you to remember, strengthen, and recognize.

Now, as with all things, it requires dedication, focus, and discipline. You would not decide one day to run a marathon and just go run it, you would train, alter your diet and lifestyle, strengthen your body and your mind, and spend time preparing. Right?

The same is true of anything worth achieving, not the least of which are your God gifted talents and abilities.

So here are a few tips for training to unlock and strengthen your psychic abilities:

  • Avoid alcohol as it dehydrates the brain, and switch to clean water, herbal teas, and other drinks that do not contain large amounts of caffeine, sugars, sweeteners etc. The more natural, the better, always.

  • Avoid processed foods and unhealthy eating. Treat your body like a temple, as your body is like the processor, which powers the mind, and the mind requires a clean system in order to be able to boot up quickly and efficiently. Know that meat lowers your vibration, eliminating it while striving for awareness is helpful.

  • Meditating at least once a day helps get you into the practice of deep breathing which is a key to raising your vibration in order to open your Brow and Crown Chakras, which are paramount in psychic ability.

  • Use Crystals and gemstones upon your Chakras to cleanse and unblock your energy centers.

  • Reiki treatments can quickly enhance and open your Chakras, propelling your perception of your abilities.

  • Believe the Universe is supporting your growth, and know you will receive wisdom as you are ready for it. In this way do not be sad if your skills do not explode to life all at once, Awakening is an ongoing process, and it can take time to unlock your psychic abilities.

  • Seek enhancement of your entire spiritual sense of self and well being, as psychic abilities require a certain sense of spiritual ethics, responsibility, and grace; only through striving for Love and Spiritual balance will you be able to unlock the gifts within your soul.

When I was in my teens I spent a lot of time using crystals to help unlock my visions, and have always just known deep within that I would always receive exactly what I was meant to. As such, I have always received my visions thankfully, and then entered times of disconnection, and non-psychic activity with faith as well. With any ability, we will grow to a point, then seem to experience a "time out" of sorts, as the body and mind catch up to the spirit. If you encounter times of lull, or disconnect, know that this is blessed too, and spend the time regenerating, by continuing to meditate, honor your body, and seek inner knowledge.

When you have developed a firm understanding and relationship with your intuition, you may want to flex your psychic abilities with more fervor. You may want to begin to really work at developing your abilities, so here are a few exercises you may want to endeavor upon to strengthen your clairvoyance, sentience, or audience.

  • Use flash cards, with symbols for example, and have a friend or loved one "drill" you.

  • Have a friend of loved one think of numbers between 1 and 10 to start, and work at receiving what they send you. Work on sending to them as well, as psychic ability isn't just about receiving!

  • Sit under the full moon and ask the Mother Goddess to help you open up to Universal messages, signs, visions and truths.

  • Ask the trees and plants to communicate with you, and then faithfully listen.

  • Work with babies, and toddlers who do not yet use words to communicate, as they are still pristine sources of psychic gifts, and are always communicating via their senses, some of the most powerful psychics you will ever meet are under a year old.

  • Pray, and ask the Universe to help you realize what it is you need to do in order to raise your vibration and awareness enough to be in full capacity of your psychic awareness.

I hope you find this a useful starting off point! If you have any questions, or would like to further discuss this, please feel free to comment below, or contact me via the links provided at the top of the page!

With much Love, I wish you clear sight, hearing, and senses,

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mercury in Retrograde: The Under-Appreciated Gift!

You are probably aware at this point in your Awakening of just what it means when Mercury goes retrograde. Each planet experiences retrograde phases from our Earthly perspective, as a retrograde occurs when our vantage of a given planet makes it appear to be either in stasis, or moving backwards for a period of time. Of course, the planet isn't really moving backwards, but from where we are observing, the illusion is realistic. And at these times, each planet brings it's highlighted facets to the fore.

As Mercury is the planet that rules communication and technology, when it is moving forward we can surmise that all things are "smooth sailing" in our lives in regards to dealing with other people, and our technological gadgets. However, when Mercury dances backwards from our point of view (which happens 2-3 times per year) we can experience energetic challenges.

The challenges we all face are fairly understandable, as communication with others amps up to a point where we can become confrontational, misunderstandings abound, arguments and hurt feelings become an annoying norm. We can also experience glitches with technology, ranging from computer issues, to electric in the home, car or any other device which uses energy to operate.

In the early stages of a spiritual Awakening, it is very tempting to vilify Mercury in retrograde, as the challenges which accompany it are often just too much to cope with. It is one of those things you hear that make you groan audibly, as you realize "oh sh*.... Mercury is about to go retrograde again!" It's too tempting to hibernate, avoid legal issues, stay away from people who usually push your buttons in the best of times. And yet, it becomes clear as we gain self-awareness that this period of stagnation offers up a rich treasure trove of healing potential.

So the first thing I urge you to do is become familiar with the retrograde dates each year, in advance, and mark them on your calendar. Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and knowledge truly is power. This year Mercury is retrograde from:

  • January 21 – February 11

  • May 19 – June 11

  • September 17 – October 9

You'll note that we are currently midway our January retrograde at the time of this entry, and it's no coincidence, as I find the reminder timely for not just my readers and clients, but also myself.

After you make note of the upcoming retrograde periods of Mercury for your personal knowledge, you will then want to approach the astrological occurrence from a more intellectual perspective, which requires a slight adjustment to your thinking; in other words it's time to exercise objective non-attached open-mindedness.

The Challenges in a Mercury Retrograde

Let's bullet this out so we can be clear and simple.

  • Communication breakdown

  • Legal issues & setbacks

  • Confrontational energy

  • Self-awareness in blurry vision

  • Technology glitches and hiccups

You can see how these five issues can cause people to generally want to avoid other human beings, as when the energy around us seems to support random arguments, nastiness, closed mindedness and hostile judgmentality, it's just a bummer to have to not only observe it in others, but also feel sucked in to it ourselves.

And yet, I urge you to see this as a time of the year to look forward to, as it is chock-full of opportunities to get really really real.

The Opportunity Present

Let me bullet these points to coincide with the challenges listed above.

  • Can break out of old patterns of hyper-sensitivity, over-reaction, egotistical drama-centered self-delusion

  • Learn to pay closer attention to legal matters, dot i's, cross t's, and learn when to let go of the need to be in control.

  • Learning when to choose ones battles

  • Opportunity to clearly see oneself, in all shades of positive and negative, in order to truly grow beyond conditioning and previous limitations

  • A chance to step away from technology and simplify life for a few weeks at a time.

We do not receive energetic challenges from the Universe to cause us pressure, or pain; the Universe is simply answering our own subconscious desires to awaken, to rise above petty 3D illusions, and to become whole love-centered beings of compassion and peace. We cannot truly know peace until we fully understand what removes peace from our state of being.

You understand duality, and know that life on Earth is an ongoing exercise in polar opposites, which is designed to help us find center, and learn to release attachment to extremes. So these opportunities Mercury provides us with three times a year to experience friction in communication and relationships truly are a gift from the Heavens!!

When things are going smoothly in life, we can become complacent, lazy, and stop challenging ourselves to be truer, more authentic beings. So when the hot fiery planet Mercury stands still then moves backwards we are truly being given an opportunity to look in the mirror, identify our own ego and it's need to be right, at the cost of being love, and then take measures to grow beyond the newly identified self-knowledge.

This is a gift, isn't it!

So here are a few tips I have compiled from personal experience through the years, to help prepare for and experience Mercury retro periods, while facing ourselves fully and honestly, and appreciating the individual journey we are all on in life.

  • Be now-focused - dwelling in the past or future at this time is counter-productive, stay rooted in the NOW

  • BREATHE - this is a must at every moment of every day of every year. Oxygenate your brain, it is simple biology

  • Think before speaking; this is also a must for every day of the year, however at these times it is a MUST

  • Practice the "golden rule" with every single person you encounter

  • Use mantra's to help yourself stay mindful, focused, and compassionate. For example "I am peaceful & loving and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change the truth of who I Am"

  • Go slowly, with your words, deeds, thoughts, and also physically - put one foot in front of the other, and be watchful and observant

  • Set your ducks in a row - if the car is overdue for an oil change, get it done. If you haven't run a virus program on your computer, get it done. If you have unpaid parking tickets, pay them. Don't break the law to avoid unwanted legal headaches

  • Remember to take none of this too seriously! Life is meant to be enjoyed, if you aren't having any fun then it's time to BREATHE (remember that - all ways) and regroup, re-think, re-prioritize, and return to a NOW focused state of gratitude, love, and peace

Consider Mercury in retrograde as a gift from God and the Universe to you; the gift may itch, not be the right size, you may want to return it, but the truth is the thought behind the gift is truly what counts. And the thought behind the uncomfortable gift is simple this: Dig deeper, be authentic, rise above petty 3D ego squabbles, remember you are LOVED and LOVE.

I honor and love the Spirit within you, and myself. And as such I will endeavor to speak love and patience, and breathe deeply in each moment, so that when we are communicating I truly listen to your words, body language and energy. And should we start to clash, instead of blaming you or what you said or implied, I will investigate MY OWN behavior, reactions, attachments, and feelings.

When I am responsible for ME and you are responsible for YOU, then we are free to be US without fear of drama, manipulation, abuse, neglect, or abandonment.

I wish you a stellar remainder of the retrograde! I hope you rise to your own truth and beauty, and surpass your own dreams and expectations.