Saturday, July 30, 2011

What IS The Divine

There is a place within each of us that is sacred; this place is the Divine within. It is a quiet place, where there is only calm and peace; a place where we are bigger than our fears, where we do not doubt ourselves. It is this part of ourselves which is constant and fluid, which some refer to as the soul, the spirit, and others refer to as the I Am. This "God-spark" as some call it, is who we are - truly. This is the beautiful essence of ethereal truth which is timeless and knows no bounds. And yet, when we are born into the physical world, we can lose sight of this part of ourselves. As babies and toddlers we are still aware, but as we get older the material world around us conditions us to focus on the 3D reality we live within. We are taught to ignore the imagination, to live a certain way, to think a certain way. And so we can forget to listen to our inner voice, to the sense within us which Is spirit.

It is this part of the self which drives me in my daily life, in my personal and work endeavors, in my online activities. I believe that this part of us grows and evolves as surely does our mind and body, and that consciously working with this dynamic aspect of our infinite nature helps us to better understand ourselves, others, and the Universe.

It is for this reason I began to share here at Awakening the Divine. You see, I don't think spirituality is a chore, or something which we need to "work" at per sé. I believe spirituality is simply an aspect of who we are, and in being aware and accountable for that part of ourselves we become fuller and richer beings. You may wonder why some of my blog entries focus on humor, or why I discuss things that don't appear to be spiritually driven; and the simple reason for this is that I believe all our experiences are spiritual. Washing the dishes can be spiritual. Driving the kids to school can be spiritual.

Indeed, walking down the road can be a spiritual activity, depending on where you are laying your focus and attention. When you are aware of yourself, in the moment, paying attention to your surroundings, your body, your mind-chatter (yes, we all have babbling conscious minds) then you are involved in your life as participant and as observer. To objectively observe your life as you live it makes you aware of more subtle aspects of yourself and your experience. It is in this observation that we exercise empathy, intuition and compassion. When we are aware and mindful of our surroundings we are more attuned to the very nature of life around us.

So some of my blog posts will be deep, and you may feel the rich level of energy which I share when I type them. And others may seem more pedestrian, relating my daily experiences as a wife, a mother, a Tarot reader, a factory worker. Is there a difference between these types of experiences as I share them? I don't believe there is, as they will all be approached in a mindful and aware manner; every single thing I share with you comes from my spirit.

I am consciously watching myself awaken to the Divine within me, I do this while I am meditating; breathing deeply and aligning my chakra's and chi. I also do this while I am vacuuming my house, or sitting at my desk at work soldering electrical circuitry. 

You can be present in every moment, breathing deeply, observing yourself and the layers of your awareness. You can listen to yourself internally, hear your ego respond to stimuli around you, hear your deeper self respond to ego, and listening to your divinity whisper soft soothing words of love within your core.

If every moment is a focused and aware meditation, every moment is then recognized as the spiritual essence that it is. This is life, this is why we are here; to grow and expand and become more honest and authentic versions of our spirits here in physicality.

This, to me, is what it means to Awaken the Divine. And it is my pleasure and great honor to be able to share this with you.

1 comment :

  1. Well said Dee. Everything we do is important. Planet Earth is the stomping grounds for education. I liked what you said about young children still being aware. I loved watching my daughter at that stage. I never discouraged it. Great post.


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