As someone who began to consciously awaken at a very early age, I sometimes take for granted that others will vibe with me, and understand what I understand. I forget all too often and easily that everyone has their own triggers for awakening, and that some people have yet begun to experience their own self-aware transformation of lucid understanding.
Today, a new fan of my Facebook page asked "what now?" It was such a simple question, and yet it is possibly one of the most important questions any of us can ask! There comes a time in each of our lives when we realize there is more to this existence than meets the eye, and we begin to process an influx of energy which can be overwhelming, beautiful, all encompassing, and very powerful. It's like realizing you've been sitting in a dark room for years, never noticing the light switch right next to you; you finally see the light switch, turn it on, and are engulfed by such a powerful bright light that you sit dazzled for a time, bathing in the glow of understanding.
And yet, what next? The light is on; we've made a personal discovery of Universal proportions, what do we do with it?
The answer to this is of course very personal, and will differ from individual to individual. However, I am happy to chart a course, or a guideline if you will, to share what has worked for me, and those I have known over the last couple of decades in the early stages of awakening to Universal truth and Love.
So firstly, if this can be delineated in any way, you will want to take stock. This requires a personal inventory of your own internal sense of self. You have seen or felt something larger than you can contain within your mind, and it can be a very confusing time, so I highly recommend the first step in any process of awakening be centered around understanding who you have been, who you are, and who you wish to become in light of this. This requires more strength and courage than you may yet realize... it is a rabbit hole of sorts; the first step towards authentic self-awareness requires you to be honest with yourself about ALL of who you have been, and who you are being. It is arduous and emotional and you'll face things about yourself that make you feel ashamed, guilty, sad, regretful, and possibly jealous of others. And yet, please know this part of your awakening is absolutely blessed, as you are now looking at your 3D human self through the eyes of an awakening Angel. Remember, Angels don't judge, nor should you. Look to your cycles in your history, your "flaws" as it were. For me, personally, this was my neediness, my fear of rejection, and all of the choices I made in my life to try to cling to love, or the illusion of it. I had to look at myself very clearly and see where I had given away my power to others, in order to feel as though I belonged; in order to feel valued. I had given my value to others, through their judgments of me, and indeed it is still a part of my personal journey of awakening, as it is part of my genetic programming. I've come to accept that I was heavily hard-wired as a small child to seek love, and yearn for acceptance, so I have to check myself regularly, and ask myself what my motives are when dealing with personal relationships.
While taking stock you may encounter weaknesses in your personality or disposition, which you can now begin to work on strengthening. And you will also begin to identify your own strengths, and this is where you will begin step two: loving yourself. Sounds easy, doesn't it?
It's not. It's very easy to academically understand the importance of loving ourselves, but it's harder to do than it is to think about. We live in a world where we're constantly judging and being judged, and we tend to be our own harshest critics. You may not see this, as you may see people who are full of arrogance, and yet I would gently suggest that anyone exhibiting arrogance is truly covering up insecurity and self-loathing on a deeper level. All acts of aggression, anger, hostility, self-righteousness etc are devised to build up ones own sense of ego, and if one is busy building up their sense of self and ego then they must not really feel great about themselves deep down within. Right?
So work on knowing yourself, and everything you explore through your taking stock, and then work on accepting what you can, changing what you cannot accept, and learning to see yourself through the eyes of unconditional love. It isn't about perfecting yourself so that you can then love yourself; it's about loving yourself warts and all.
This process is long-term my friend, and ongoing, there is no finish to taking stock and loving yourself - prepare to work at it day by day.
The next suggestion I'd make is establishing your relationship with the Universe, or God, or the Life Force... no matter what you refer to "it" as, your awakening will bring you to the knowledge that there is something out *there* which defies our current understanding.
Now at this point, I'd like to point out you don't need to be religious or spiritual to have an awakening... Yes, you read that correctly. An agnostic or an atheist can have a personal and all-encompassing awakening to self-awareness... it really all boils down to you anyways. Even if you believe in God, or Angels, or faeries and dragons... it makes no difference. Believing in yourself is the most truly "spiritual" experience you can have on Earth, while in the human body and mind.
Through establishing your relationship to the unknown, you familiarize yourself with it, making it less mysterious, which makes it easier for you to see your own infinite beauty and perfection. Whether you're a scientific thinker, a Christian, or a little of both, the process of awakening will have you questioning everything you've learned up until now, and tweaking your perception to better fit your ideal of who you'd like to next become now that you've had your grand epiphany.
The next thing I'd like to suggest is more of a "don't" than a "do", and it is the basic and simplistic K.I.S.S lesson - Keep It Simply, Silly. Sure, you can go buy tools of esoterica now that you've awakened to the state you're in, and use Tarot or Runes, or dowsing or crystals to help you experience deeper aspects of your own divinity. However, remember these are merely tools, and not the path to divinity itself. And this leads me to the final tip I'd give to the newly awakening person reading this: follow your heart.
Your intuition is hardwired to work with both body, and mind, and it will seldom if ever lead you wrong. So learn to cultivate your inner ears to listen to your inner voice. Pay attention to your gut feelings and reactions to people, places, and situations. If it feels wrong or off, then don't do it. If something compels you, ask yourself why, and if you establish that something special lays before you waiting to be explored then explore it.
Awakening is often referred to as Ascension, and I'd like to point out that all the word means is a literal rise upwards; this is what awakening is: you will be rising your awareness upwards, opening your mind, expanding your perception, and raising your personal energy and frequency. This process will feel good at times, and at other times it will be exhausting, so follow that intuition; when it's time for a "disconnect" and rest, rest. Be true to how you are feeling, and be honest with yourself as you do feel emotions, noting what comes from ego and what comes from the heart. Work at observing your ego, without judgment, so that you can begin to truly understand who you Are, as opposed to who you've been acting like.
I would suggest browsing through this blog for previous articles I've written about Awakening and Spirituality, as well as Self-Awareness. There is a lot of information here, and should you wish to know something and can't find you, you are always free to comment below or contact me via the Facebook Page for The Divine Awakening. I am here to help in any way I am able to, and it is my honor to be able to lend my knowledge to anyone who feels drawn to me.
Lastly, I want you to remember to keep it light, and light hearted. Life is meant to be lived with joy, with harmony and happiness, and Awakening is not a job, there is no destination, and there are no prizes for those who work at it harder than others. We all have our own time and path, honor your own, and respect the path of others.
I wish you the utmost blessings during your own journey of self-awareness.
Today, a new fan of my Facebook page asked "what now?" It was such a simple question, and yet it is possibly one of the most important questions any of us can ask! There comes a time in each of our lives when we realize there is more to this existence than meets the eye, and we begin to process an influx of energy which can be overwhelming, beautiful, all encompassing, and very powerful. It's like realizing you've been sitting in a dark room for years, never noticing the light switch right next to you; you finally see the light switch, turn it on, and are engulfed by such a powerful bright light that you sit dazzled for a time, bathing in the glow of understanding.
And yet, what next? The light is on; we've made a personal discovery of Universal proportions, what do we do with it?
The answer to this is of course very personal, and will differ from individual to individual. However, I am happy to chart a course, or a guideline if you will, to share what has worked for me, and those I have known over the last couple of decades in the early stages of awakening to Universal truth and Love.
So firstly, if this can be delineated in any way, you will want to take stock. This requires a personal inventory of your own internal sense of self. You have seen or felt something larger than you can contain within your mind, and it can be a very confusing time, so I highly recommend the first step in any process of awakening be centered around understanding who you have been, who you are, and who you wish to become in light of this. This requires more strength and courage than you may yet realize... it is a rabbit hole of sorts; the first step towards authentic self-awareness requires you to be honest with yourself about ALL of who you have been, and who you are being. It is arduous and emotional and you'll face things about yourself that make you feel ashamed, guilty, sad, regretful, and possibly jealous of others. And yet, please know this part of your awakening is absolutely blessed, as you are now looking at your 3D human self through the eyes of an awakening Angel. Remember, Angels don't judge, nor should you. Look to your cycles in your history, your "flaws" as it were. For me, personally, this was my neediness, my fear of rejection, and all of the choices I made in my life to try to cling to love, or the illusion of it. I had to look at myself very clearly and see where I had given away my power to others, in order to feel as though I belonged; in order to feel valued. I had given my value to others, through their judgments of me, and indeed it is still a part of my personal journey of awakening, as it is part of my genetic programming. I've come to accept that I was heavily hard-wired as a small child to seek love, and yearn for acceptance, so I have to check myself regularly, and ask myself what my motives are when dealing with personal relationships.
While taking stock you may encounter weaknesses in your personality or disposition, which you can now begin to work on strengthening. And you will also begin to identify your own strengths, and this is where you will begin step two: loving yourself. Sounds easy, doesn't it?
It's not. It's very easy to academically understand the importance of loving ourselves, but it's harder to do than it is to think about. We live in a world where we're constantly judging and being judged, and we tend to be our own harshest critics. You may not see this, as you may see people who are full of arrogance, and yet I would gently suggest that anyone exhibiting arrogance is truly covering up insecurity and self-loathing on a deeper level. All acts of aggression, anger, hostility, self-righteousness etc are devised to build up ones own sense of ego, and if one is busy building up their sense of self and ego then they must not really feel great about themselves deep down within. Right?
So work on knowing yourself, and everything you explore through your taking stock, and then work on accepting what you can, changing what you cannot accept, and learning to see yourself through the eyes of unconditional love. It isn't about perfecting yourself so that you can then love yourself; it's about loving yourself warts and all.
This process is long-term my friend, and ongoing, there is no finish to taking stock and loving yourself - prepare to work at it day by day.
The next suggestion I'd make is establishing your relationship with the Universe, or God, or the Life Force... no matter what you refer to "it" as, your awakening will bring you to the knowledge that there is something out *there* which defies our current understanding.
Now at this point, I'd like to point out you don't need to be religious or spiritual to have an awakening... Yes, you read that correctly. An agnostic or an atheist can have a personal and all-encompassing awakening to self-awareness... it really all boils down to you anyways. Even if you believe in God, or Angels, or faeries and dragons... it makes no difference. Believing in yourself is the most truly "spiritual" experience you can have on Earth, while in the human body and mind.
Through establishing your relationship to the unknown, you familiarize yourself with it, making it less mysterious, which makes it easier for you to see your own infinite beauty and perfection. Whether you're a scientific thinker, a Christian, or a little of both, the process of awakening will have you questioning everything you've learned up until now, and tweaking your perception to better fit your ideal of who you'd like to next become now that you've had your grand epiphany.
The next thing I'd like to suggest is more of a "don't" than a "do", and it is the basic and simplistic K.I.S.S lesson - Keep It Simply, Silly. Sure, you can go buy tools of esoterica now that you've awakened to the state you're in, and use Tarot or Runes, or dowsing or crystals to help you experience deeper aspects of your own divinity. However, remember these are merely tools, and not the path to divinity itself. And this leads me to the final tip I'd give to the newly awakening person reading this: follow your heart.
Your intuition is hardwired to work with both body, and mind, and it will seldom if ever lead you wrong. So learn to cultivate your inner ears to listen to your inner voice. Pay attention to your gut feelings and reactions to people, places, and situations. If it feels wrong or off, then don't do it. If something compels you, ask yourself why, and if you establish that something special lays before you waiting to be explored then explore it.
Awakening is often referred to as Ascension, and I'd like to point out that all the word means is a literal rise upwards; this is what awakening is: you will be rising your awareness upwards, opening your mind, expanding your perception, and raising your personal energy and frequency. This process will feel good at times, and at other times it will be exhausting, so follow that intuition; when it's time for a "disconnect" and rest, rest. Be true to how you are feeling, and be honest with yourself as you do feel emotions, noting what comes from ego and what comes from the heart. Work at observing your ego, without judgment, so that you can begin to truly understand who you Are, as opposed to who you've been acting like.
I would suggest browsing through this blog for previous articles I've written about Awakening and Spirituality, as well as Self-Awareness. There is a lot of information here, and should you wish to know something and can't find you, you are always free to comment below or contact me via the Facebook Page for The Divine Awakening. I am here to help in any way I am able to, and it is my honor to be able to lend my knowledge to anyone who feels drawn to me.
Lastly, I want you to remember to keep it light, and light hearted. Life is meant to be lived with joy, with harmony and happiness, and Awakening is not a job, there is no destination, and there are no prizes for those who work at it harder than others. We all have our own time and path, honor your own, and respect the path of others.
I wish you the utmost blessings during your own journey of self-awareness.

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