As you may know if you follow my website or blog, I like to respond to the emails and messages I get publicly, as I receive such amazing messages from people, and the questions I'm asked help me to challenge my own sense of self and knowing; I hope to pass this yearning to push beyond personal boundaries to all of you.
I received a message this week from a wonderful young man, and I'd like to share an excerpt with you, so that I can then lead into my response.
"Dearest Dee,
I hope you'll help me to understand the process of Ascension better, because I'm confused right now. You always come forward as honest and pure in your messages and I hope you aren't pressured to answer but can you tell me more about what the Ascension is like? Have you Ascended? Do you plan to?"
My sincerest thanks to "M", for the questions, and for the opportunity to delve into this particular subject matter. As a matter of fact I gave this question a lot of thought and introspection, as I realized quite promptly upon reading "M"s questions that I wasn't entirely certain myself. So I went within, and internalized and meditated upon the energy of the questions. And I realized some very fundamental things about spirituality, the new age movement, and some of the various pitfalls we encounter when we take upon ourselves to pursue a life of spiritual awakening.
What Is Ascension?
It helps if I first define Ascension; the word literally means to move upwards - to rise. In the Biblical sense, the term refers to the shrugging off of the physical body, to rise up to "Heaven" to be with Jesus in the Kingdom of God.
In a new age spiritual sense the word has become vague and over-used, while being completely misunderstood and misused. Ascension is not a place, or a destination; it is a process. When you stand up - you physically ascend. When you go into a meditative state and alter your personal consciousness to become more aware of the moment you are in - you emotionally and energetically ascend.
Ascension is a complex term, hijacked by the new age movementeers, when in all simplicity and sincerity it simply means to raise ones own frequency.
What Does This Mean?
Your frequency is your energy; we are all composed of water and carbon, and electricity. When you walk on a carpet in your socks, in a dry environment, and then touch someone or something else, you often get a "shock". The shock isn't coming from outside of you, it is coming from the static electricity you have generated by the friction of your socks upon the carpet, which travels through your body seeking it's natural fluid flow of escape. You then pass it on, or conduct it, to whatever you touch. This is a common experience, especially if you live somewhere in the world where winter means cold dry weather. If we were not able to conduct this static electricity there would be no outlet for it, and energy needs to be in motion constantly; it requires a conductor.
So to simplify, your body is a conductor of electrical energy, and that energy is innate of all physical creatures on Earth.
How Does Frequency/Energy Ascend?
This is where we move from science to spirituality, and try to have the two meet directly. If energy is constantly in motion, and reverting from water to vapor/steam and back to water, then we must assume that the energy within our own physical body is constantly moving as well, and also reverting from form to form. We shed tears when we cry, and the tears then become absorbed by our kleenex, or they evaporate, or they absorb back into the pores of our skin. We are always emitting energy, through our thoughts, our words, our saliva, breath and physical movements.
Now, how does this correspond to Ascension? Let's draw another analogy, and use the imagery of water again. Let's think about a drop of water in a lake, or pond, or stream. Is that drop of water always a drop of water in the same spot? Or is it constantly moving, intermingling with the trillions of other water drops? Does the water drop always remain water? Or does it at some time possibly wash up upon the shore, absorbing into the ground? Does the water rise to the surface and evaporate in the heat of the suns rays, and move into the atmosphere, eventually becoming a water particle in a cloud?
Water is constantly moving, and transforming, just like energy. And this is because water is a pure conductor of electricity and energy.
Now envision your body, which is largely comprised of water and carbon and electricity, and let's imagine you concentration on raising your personal energy upwards - to a higher place vibrationally. This is where things tend to go sideways with much of the spiritual community. And the reason it goes sideways, will be dealt with soon, for now the complexity: if you are meditating and focusing on raising your personal vibration, frequency, or energy, then scientifically speaking you are speeding up the vibration of your very atomic form and physiology. If you speed your particulate vibration up enough, you will spontaneously combust. That seems rather icky, and not exactly what is desired of a spiritual experience, yes?
The point of Ascension is not to speed up the personal vibration, because again, within the human body all that will do (if it were possible) is cause you to speed up to the point of imminent friction and eventually implosion. If you try with all your might, morning noon and night, to speed up your own personal vibration and energy, you'll end up wasting all your morning, noons and nights.
Ascension is about raising ones own consciousness, which requires an intense concentration of ones own personal energy and vibration.
With me?
The goal is not to change your vibration, but to change your thoughts and patterns of thinking, and belief, and personal understanding of who you are in relation to the Universe, so that you may finely tune your vibration. It isn't through a raising up of your energy that you will reach Ascension... it is through raising up of your self-awareness to the point that you can affect your energy.
And this is what true spiritual awakening is about my friend; self-awareness, truth, introspection, exploration, and in a nutshell: the human condition.
So, assuming anything I've said so far makes sense to anyone other than me, let's move forwards.
I have met so many spiritual seekers in the past 20-30 years who have sought to reach Ascension, or Nirvana; who have aimed to transcend the physical barriers of time/space, and reach a state of zen with the Universal flow of life - Chi. I have yet to meet anyone who has reached that state and remained there. If I have, they are no doubt dead, as we understand the concept of death.
So I Have to Die to Ascend???
Well... technically yes. If you're talking about the Ascension referred to in the Bible - you must first leave your physical body behind, for good. And as far as I can tell, that isn't why God put us here on Earth to begin with. We were put here, with free will (and that is all I really know for sure) in order to be humans. I don't think the goal was to put us here in duality, in a physical body, so that we could then try to transcend this state of being. I believe that there are a lot of new age quacks in the world who would have you believe that Heaven is somewhere "else"... and I urge you to stop letting those quacks guide your spiritual awakening, humbly.
If you want to experience a true Ascension - a raising up of ones own personal vibration and frequency, you must be prepared to descend. What goes up must come down. That is just a natural law of physics in the physical world. You can raise your consciousness up, through the channeling of your energy and self-awareness, in context with the energy around you Universally, however you will not "stay there"... there is no way that is possible in the human form.
It would be like asking a drop of water to evaporate out of it's ocean or lake, to move up into the sky, become part of a cloud, and then stay a cloud forever. It isn't possible - that energy must continue to flow, fluidly, and meet with pockets of heat and cold in the atmosphere, and eventually become a denser version of itself, falling back to the earth as snow, or rain, or mist.
The water drop doesn't die, it simply transforms for a while, and rises upwards, then it transforms again and comes back down. Again, and again, and again...
Get where I'm going with this?
Re-incarnation is our physical inception of Ascension/Descent upon Earth.
So What is the Hoopla Regarding Ascension?
Just that: hoopla. I'm sorry friend, there is no spaceship waiting beyond our range of scientific vision, on some parallel universal timeline or dimensional fracture, waiting to greet you into the remembrance of your Starseed heritage. It works great on paper, in film, in dreams. But it isn't the stuff our reality is made of. You are not here to escape here. And you are not here to transcend being here.
So take everything you think you know about the spiritual Ascension and chalk it up to experience, and start over. Because quite honestly - the only thing standing between you and the grandest truth about our Universe, and our Spirituality, is the concept you have in your head which has you believing that where you are, isn't the perfect place for you to be right now.
I find a lot of new agers and spiritualists spout a lot of rhetoric and fluffy jargon, which to feel comforted by. You see it in all the new age books of the last 15 - 20 years, and indeed spirituality as we know it through the new age movement has become just another heavily encoded dogmatic system of have vs. have not. I'm quite bored to death with the new age movement - in fact I'd go so far as to say it stopped moving over a decade ago, and now it's the new age constipation.
Tongue in cheek, as always, and with a devilish grin upon my face... none of this is meant to be taken too seriously. Okay?
What About The Symptoms You've Summarized?
Yes, I have talked at length about the symptoms associated with Ascension. Anyone familiar with my website knows there is a lot of information about Ascension, and the symptoms, throughout. And yet, I urge you to see those materials in a new way, now that you've read this blog entry. The symptoms are innate to those exploring a deeper sense of self. And while I may poo-poo the new age concept of Ascension, I in no way discount the truth and enormity of exploring ones own true spiritual and authentic sense of Self. As we rid ourselves the social lies and veils we have put on in this lifetime, the constricts which tell us we are "man" or "woman" and therefore must do "manly" or "womanly" things, and we must work in order to make money, and because we are ugly, or beautiful, we fall into xxx category.... all of these things are falsehoods presented to us from the moment we are born - a true spiritual awakening has you compelled to see beyond these fallacies into the truer nature of your Spirit and Universal Self. And with that level of introspection and cosmic exploration you're bound to alter your own physiology, be it through a rewiring of synaptic firing, or a simple re-arrangement of your immune system... we are constantly upgrading ourselves as we come to better know, accept, and love ourselves. The physical body will interpret everything we feel, see, believe, and fear through symptomatic responses. So symptoms - are simply messages from the deepest place within our body. Have headaches? Could be due to air pressure, or allergies, or a pinched nerve. Could also be due to how you treat yourself or others spiritually.
The simplest truth about Ascension symptoms is they are only as powerful as you believe them to be.
Ok So Please Summarize!
To make a long allegory short: Ascension is not a place you wish to go to, or a place you wish to return to - Ascension is your own personal sense of self opening - as you raise your conscious awareness of yourself physically, physiologically, and emotionally. You will literally rise upwards vibrationally when you better understand yourself and your true nature - as a Human being with a limitless grasp of empathy and love.
You aren't in a race, or a contest, there is no shelf life for spiritual awakening, and there is no boat to miss. You don't need to do _______ in order to get to _______ . Anyone who would have you believe otherwise wants something of you - either your time, your belief, or your money. Don't waste any of these things any longer - spirituality isn't a complicated laundry list of things you must acquire, do, feel, say, or become.
Spirituality is the knowledge within you in such a deep place, that everything IS as it IS in PERFECTION.
And that can't be taught. It can only be realized.
So, if you've been sitting in the lotus for the last ten years, ohming while you play your tibetan singing bowl, in order to reach the 5th or 6th or 12th dimensional vibration so that you may reunite with your spiritual cosmic family, then I urge you to stand up - slowly. Your legs may cramp, all that new age fluff you've been buying into only serves to help you build a great play about you, so that you may play at being a character. But you don't need to play, or pretend, or build a persona in order to Ascend. In fact, the less convoluted BS you feed yourself, the better :)
Offended yet? I hope not - truly. I don't set out to offend, or rain on your parade. In fact, I'm quite certain the large majority of you reading this will be nodding thoughtfully, as you think to yourself "hmmm I kinda already knew all of this". I count on it, because I think we're ready to experience a true global awakening; but this awakening will be the one where we wipe the crust from our eyes, and realize just how much fun the new age movement has been, and just how pointless it's been at the same time.
Now, bear in mind, when I say pointless, I only mean in regards to your spiritual and physical energy. You never needed tools to help you reach Nirvana. Yet you can come into my home and see all of the tools I myself have used through the decades, from Tarot cards to crystals to cauldrons to Athames to prayer beads... you name it, I have tried it all. Why? Because I'm just like everyone else in the world who yearns to better understand the Universe in a spiritual capacity. It isn't pointless to explore - exploration leads to discovery!
So yes, the journey towards Ascension has been fun, and we've made good friends, had poignant experiences, and learned a lot about ourselves through the very polarized trip we embarked upon from physicality towards our divine birth right as multi-dimensional beings of light (blah blah blah)... still grinning mind you :) BUT... I think it's time to have a different level of fun now. Don't you?
Rather than keep feeding the new age movement all your hard earned money, how about going within? All those books you've bought telling you about who you are, they were simple instruction manuals. All of them could have simply been comprised of one page - with one line -
You Are! Follow Your Heart! Don't Forget To Breathe!
Everything else in the remaining 200 pages is just cherries on the sundae.
Ascension is a state of mind, not a place. The dimension you are living in is the one you literally and physically belong in - feel free to visit other dimensions upon your travels, but don't set down roots, because home is where the heart is, most literally, and your heart is in your body which is your home. You can work on really getting to love your home, and all it encompasses, and leave the complicated stuff to the next guy.
Simplicity is peace. And peace is within.
So those are the "facts" about Ascension, as I feel em, in this moment. I'll see you in the 5th dimension tonight in our dreams, when our spirit expands and raises upwards of our physical confines, and we play in the ethereal.
With all my love, Always

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