Epiphanies being what they are, they are generally much more explosive in the moment to the person having them, than to others, but I still like to share mine with you. So humbly and with painstaking honesty I awoke this morning with a question in my soul; why do I resist so much?
Let me expand a bit, because some of you will be saying "hold on Dee, you're one of the most open people I know, you don't seem to resist very much!" and while I am pretty open minded and spiritually progressive, I am a very private person deep within, and have locked a lot of doors to walls around my heart. In my youth I was so naive I would believe just about anything anyone said if said with conviction and eye contact, because of my desire to believe in the honesty and good in all people. As I got older I had my heart broken again and again, and again... not by the lies of others, but my own naive desire to see others in a light that clearly didn't shine. I saw society as resistant, and putting up walls, and drawing lines of division and boundary, and expressing a lot of "this is MINE, go get your own" mentality. So I mimicked in my own way, without even really knowing I was doing it. I do it with my spiritual beliefs... Far out eh?
You know those silly chain letters that go around the internet? I think they're a great way for me to simply explain what I'm getting at here. I logged into Facebook today and saw a really cute picture, I liked the picture, and I wanted to immediately share the picture with my friends list, because it brought my heart joy and I wanted to share that. BUT... the jerk who posted the picture put a hex on it (tongue in cheek here) by making a big moral limitation and stating that if I did NOT share the picture, I would have five years of bad luck. I immediately scrolled down to the next item on my wall.
Then I wondered, why would I let someone's incessant need for "likes" and "shares" limit my desire to post a picture I genuinely liked? They obviously cursed the picture with five years bad luck for those who didn't share it because of their own insecurity, why would I feel the need to rebel against them?
So I decided right then and there, to stop resisting. So I shared it. And I broke someone's five year curse against me which my ego absolutely screams at in fury!!! My ego shouts "How could you pander to the emotional lackwit who sent the picture in the first place by sharing it? Now you've assuaged his vile and demonic curse and given him the slightest indication that you bought into it in the first place! You Dee, are a moron!"
And I gently cajole and rub my ego on the head, because it isn't about the pox the Facebook user attributed to the picture he sent out into the world wide web; it's about my resistance to it.
I saw the picture, loved it, desired to share it, then put up a wall as soon as my ego disagreed with the originator of the picture and their need to be spooky, or go viral. I know my magick is strong enough to overcome a silly on-line vexation, a simple saging of my laptop will right that calamity before it occurs, but my ego immediately wanted to smite the other persons ego by virtue of the walls I put up. How dare those walls be threatened by some ignorant louts curse upon me!!!
Resistance only deprived me the opportunity to share a picture I sincerely liked. And therein lies the true curse, because had I not shared it, my friends would have maybe not been bombarded by it, and it's a cute picture let's remember. And then maybe my friends wouldn't know I think of them and want to share smiles and laughter and joy with them via this computational collaborative creation called "laptop".
So curses be damned, I am going to stop resisting. My ego resists a lot of things, simply because of the message I fear I will give if I roll over and accept. And my ego needs to simmer down and stop taking itself so bloody seriously. So send me your chain letters, your cursed attachments, your poxy pictures, I will accept them. I may not share them all, as they may not all touch or move me, however I vow to not bypass one again simply because someone else is trying to exploit my "share" for their own stupid purposes.
So while I don't see myself being assimilated anytime soon, I will cheerily contend that when it comes to following my own heart versus sating the carnivorous needs of my ego, resistance is futile, and my ego shall starve.
Let me expand a bit, because some of you will be saying "hold on Dee, you're one of the most open people I know, you don't seem to resist very much!" and while I am pretty open minded and spiritually progressive, I am a very private person deep within, and have locked a lot of doors to walls around my heart. In my youth I was so naive I would believe just about anything anyone said if said with conviction and eye contact, because of my desire to believe in the honesty and good in all people. As I got older I had my heart broken again and again, and again... not by the lies of others, but my own naive desire to see others in a light that clearly didn't shine. I saw society as resistant, and putting up walls, and drawing lines of division and boundary, and expressing a lot of "this is MINE, go get your own" mentality. So I mimicked in my own way, without even really knowing I was doing it. I do it with my spiritual beliefs... Far out eh?
You know those silly chain letters that go around the internet? I think they're a great way for me to simply explain what I'm getting at here. I logged into Facebook today and saw a really cute picture, I liked the picture, and I wanted to immediately share the picture with my friends list, because it brought my heart joy and I wanted to share that. BUT... the jerk who posted the picture put a hex on it (tongue in cheek here) by making a big moral limitation and stating that if I did NOT share the picture, I would have five years of bad luck. I immediately scrolled down to the next item on my wall.
Then I wondered, why would I let someone's incessant need for "likes" and "shares" limit my desire to post a picture I genuinely liked? They obviously cursed the picture with five years bad luck for those who didn't share it because of their own insecurity, why would I feel the need to rebel against them?
So I decided right then and there, to stop resisting. So I shared it. And I broke someone's five year curse against me which my ego absolutely screams at in fury!!! My ego shouts "How could you pander to the emotional lackwit who sent the picture in the first place by sharing it? Now you've assuaged his vile and demonic curse and given him the slightest indication that you bought into it in the first place! You Dee, are a moron!"
And I gently cajole and rub my ego on the head, because it isn't about the pox the Facebook user attributed to the picture he sent out into the world wide web; it's about my resistance to it.
I saw the picture, loved it, desired to share it, then put up a wall as soon as my ego disagreed with the originator of the picture and their need to be spooky, or go viral. I know my magick is strong enough to overcome a silly on-line vexation, a simple saging of my laptop will right that calamity before it occurs, but my ego immediately wanted to smite the other persons ego by virtue of the walls I put up. How dare those walls be threatened by some ignorant louts curse upon me!!!
Resistance only deprived me the opportunity to share a picture I sincerely liked. And therein lies the true curse, because had I not shared it, my friends would have maybe not been bombarded by it, and it's a cute picture let's remember. And then maybe my friends wouldn't know I think of them and want to share smiles and laughter and joy with them via this computational collaborative creation called "laptop".
So curses be damned, I am going to stop resisting. My ego resists a lot of things, simply because of the message I fear I will give if I roll over and accept. And my ego needs to simmer down and stop taking itself so bloody seriously. So send me your chain letters, your cursed attachments, your poxy pictures, I will accept them. I may not share them all, as they may not all touch or move me, however I vow to not bypass one again simply because someone else is trying to exploit my "share" for their own stupid purposes.
So while I don't see myself being assimilated anytime soon, I will cheerily contend that when it comes to following my own heart versus sating the carnivorous needs of my ego, resistance is futile, and my ego shall starve.
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