Thanks to for the beautifully apt animated image.
Not unrelated to the spiritual ego, is the sense of spiritual elitism you can run into online, or in select groups, churches, houses of worship or even covens. Unfortunately, when people begin an Awakening, and realize how timely, divine and blessed their experiences are becoming, they can tend to put a polarity spin on it and start judging their experience as good - thereby judging the experience of other people and peers as negative.
It's only natural, and we all do it. And yet, one of the main factors in our spiritual awakening is honesty, and authenticity. We can not continue to grow, awaken and increase personal frequency while indulging the veil, whether knowingly or unwittingly. So I ask you to be really honest with yourself as you read on, and to not be defensive. Defensiveness is another human trait that we use to push away those who strike a nerve within us. If you feel yourself becoming defensive, challenge yourself to remain calm and keep reading. It's easy to have an awakening with like minded people, it can be a very charmed experience, like being in a warm cocoon while undergoing a metamorphosis. But when you emerge from chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly, are you really prepared to fly? No, those wet wings must dry first, as the outside world can be a shock. Rather than surround yourself with people just like you, seek your opposites - the polarities of personalities - and then face your inner turmoil as you react and respond to them.
Okay, let me get to my first point about spiritual elitism: lately I am seeing a whole heck of a lot of "me vs them" mentality online. I'm seeing a lot of very intelligent, spiritually gifted people making comments about "them" with regards to people who are in opposition of them, lumping "them" into a group which automatically takes on the connotation of "negative". This is detrimental to "them" and you - indeed all of us. There is enough segregation on planet 3D polarity Earth - awakening is about breaking down those walls, not putting more bricks in them.
Point two that I must get to before I implode: I am so tired of these "light vs dark" comments. Yes - everyone is comprised of both light and dark. It is fairly common knowledge in our spiritual circles, that light can not exist without dark and vice-versa. We are here on planet polarity to explore these dual aspects of light and shadow, good and bad, happy and sad, up and down... all of these polar opposites help us awaken to the truth of our Soul - CENTER. LOVE.
Just because you are an incredibly gifted spiritual being who thinks pure thoughts and meditates and feels blessed in all ways, does not mean that anyone who challenges you, disagrees with you, or has different beliefs and ideals than you is of the "dark"...
That really irks me. I've seen it for years, I played into it myself in my own experience. And I learned from it. And I urge anyone reading these words to learn from it right now and then let it go. We are 6.5 billion souls sharing an ever changing planet, with dozens of religions, belief patterns, socio-economic experiences, and personal upbringings. We are not going to agree on all aspects of awakening, ascension, chakras, kundalini, starseeds, or any other spiritual topic of esoterica. There are people who are here to explore their shadow side in detail, as part of their soul mission, and who are any of us to judge that as bad, or negative?
The dark is as much GOD and LOVE as the light ever was.
So - this spiritual elitism - it must end my brothers and sisters. No one is any better than another, more enlightened than the least enlightened, any further ahead on the journey, or any closer to the "finish line". Okay?
Now, breathe - with me, because I find myself riled up, as I generally do when I feel the urge to play devils advocate. I speak about what I know, and I know ego, spiritual ego, and spiritual elitism because these were favorite toys of mine during my own early awakening experience. It was wonderful to feel special, gifted, blessed above others, to believe that God hand picked me to have a more charmed spiritual life than others. I played that role to the hilt, until I realized it was just more dogmatic black and white polarity fueled bullpucky.
Perpetuating this ideology only serves to hurt you, and anyone around you. Ultimately it must be recognized for what it is: more of the same old same old. Awakening is not about polarity - or escaping ego - or moving to a different space and time; it is simply an internal experience of knowledge in bloom. To awaken is to remove the veil of 3D dogma and fear, to realize we are all One in the Love of our Cosmic creator. There is none better, none worse. There is no experience that is evil, and there is no experience that is bad. It is all blessed and good - even when it feels horrendous - because it is all coming to you through you for your own best intentions.
God does not make mistakes. Therefore, none of your brethren are on the wrong track - it simply doesn't exist. So if you think so-and-so is going about their spirituality all wrong, time to look in the mirror. There is no such thing as "doing it wrong".
There are simply infinite paths, fueled by the ultimate Love of the Mothers free will gifted to us to explore.
So let's come down from our ivory towers, and sit on the sand for a while, watch the sun set, and remember that it all boils down to perception: if you're seeing yourself on any type of different level than anyone else, then you're still trapped in the illusion. There is nothing wrong with that either.
There is nothing wrong with anyone, until you assign it a negative value judgment.
So choose liberation - choose Love.

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