Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Projection: Realizing We Do It!

Most of us spend most of our waking hours projecting our inner feelings on to those around us.

This is a part of the condition we call "Humanity". As Human beings, we come into this world innocent, new, and fresh. Unfettered, and completely open - a book with nothing written on the pages. As babies, we rely upon others for every single thing we require, desire, and assimilate. We can not move freely, we can not speak freely, we can not understand clearly. As each of you has grown up, you have been taught, by your parents, your grandparents, friends and family, schools, churches, organizations, and society at large. They have taught you what is "right" and what is "wrong", and most of this you have taken at face value, as truth. In some societies, you were taught that having more than one spouse was "wrong". Yet in other societies it is normal for men to have more than one wife; making it "right". In some societies it is considered "wrong" to be homosexual. Yet in other societies and cultures, there is nothing "wrong" with ones sexual orientation, no matter what it is. These are examples, meant to provoke you to think on a deeper internal level about all you have been given by those who have taught you.

As you have been taught, you have also been shaped; molded. You came into this world without identity, simply as a helpless, innocent child. You were taught about "right" and "wrong" and other lessons involving guilt, shame, politics, law, economy etc were introduced into your knowing. And all of this knowing helped to shape you into the person you perceive yourself to be right now.

Did you define yourself?

Or have you been defined by the world around you? The learning disability that was discovered in public school, was that self-discovered, or given to you by someone in authority over you? The depression you suffered through your teens, which was medicated without your necessary consent, was that given to you or self pre-scribed? So here you are, grown, full of lessons about "right" and "wrong" which you have accepted at face value because it was expected of you to adhere to certain core values in your individual life. Do you feel like an individual? Have you been free to choose, or have you been guided towards choices which were laid out before you were even born?

One of the lessons most of us have been taught in our society and global culture in the last 40 years, was to lay blame, to judge, to seek fault, and retribution of fault. You may interject and say "but no, I do not judge, I know it is pointless to lay blame", but I urge you to still yourself and explore deeply with me. We are a planet that has seen two world wars in the last century, and has fought several other more area specific wars. We have seen people annihilated in the hundreds of thousands over things such as skin color, and heritage or belief system. We have been taught to pick sides. To be "pro-life" or "pro-choice". What is the pro in opposition? You are either Democrat or Republican. You are either educated or uneducated. Fat or thin. Attractive or ugly. Rich or poor. Black or white. Gay or straight.

So many labels used to describe so many people, and yet not capturing the very essence of who We Are.

We use these labels as a means to deflect the truth of personal accountability, and to point the finger elsewhere. What I mean by this, is that we have become a global society complacent about our own inward motivation and agenda, always seeking an "other" person to be "wrong".

This is the way we were taught, as were our parents, and their parents before them. It has been handed down from generation to generation, and landed square in our laps. Here we are, knowing there is more to this life than meets the eye. What to do with it?

Seek truth within.

One of the most valuable tools for knowing the Self is projection realization. It takes the projector and seats them in a place of personal accountability (so that you answer to yourself, not your ego-self, but your overall sense of Self) knowing that each experience had with any other person or situation is mirroring something internal to be learned from.

There are only two true emotions in the duality of our reality - Love, and fear. Just as we were taught "right" and "wrong" and all the other miriad polar opposites society has gifted us with, the grandest polarity is that of Truth, which is Love, and falseness, which is fear. Fear is the root of every negative emotion every human being has ever had. There is no anger, there is only perceived anger based on a deep rooted fear within the person appearing angry. There is no hatred, only fear of what one does not understand in another. There is no sorrow, only fear of what else can be taken away from ones sense of security in self.

If there is a right and a wrong, then truly they are Love, and fear. Fear is self-replicating, energetic, and will always cause a person to look to point blame elsewhere. Love has the ability to accept, to be honest, to forgive, and move on.

The next time you get "angry" at someone, take a moment to sit and reflect. Where is the anger coming from? Can you identify the fear beneath it? Is it rational? Is it based on something someone taught you at a very young age? Does it have anything to do with a feeling of being disconnected from people, from Spirit, from the fabric of Life and Love?

Instead of taking your angry feelings out on the person who has brought them to the surface of your knowing, turn the feeling inwards, explore it, see what you learn about the nature of yourself, and then see how you can let the false notion of fear go. Because fear is a false notion.

There is nothing to fear, but fear itself. Anyone can project what they deny, point the finger towards another, lay blame at anothers feet, and act as though they are impervious to the "wrong" side of life. Yet it takes a dedication to self, to truth, to integrity, to stand firmly within your own knowing, and identify your own agenda, fears, insecurities, as exhibited by your own reactions to people around you.No one can ever hurt you, without your inviting them to.

And we invite all we experience, on an energetic level, in order to remember that fear is not real. It is only a perceived state of self-denial; denial of the truth of Love within.

You are Love. We are One in essence of that Love. Fear can cause individuals to take roads we would not walk down, would judge them for, would sacrifice or kill them for, yet it is only fear.Taught to a child who had no control over what they were being taught.

It is never to late to re-learn.

Espavo, (Ancient Lemurian greeting meaning "Thank you for taking up your power)

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