Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mercury Retrograde, August 2011

It is now August 2nd, 2011, and today Mercury goes into retrograde. I am not an Astrologer, but I do follow certain trends and cycles, as I am aware of how they affect me, and people at large. Mercury retrograde used to scare me, to be quite blunt. I would cringe as one of the three to four retrogrades of Mercury would come around each year, as I knew that my computer would inevitably fry, or my car would need major repairs, or the tv or phone or other electro-gadget would go kaput! Not to mention the mis-communcations with people; oh the tempers do tend to fly when Mercury is in a retrograde phase!

Retrograde means to move backwards, and of course Mercury doesn't literally move backwards, as all the other planets in our solar system it is on one constant course at all times. However, three to four times a year it aligns in a certain way with the Sun on it's trip around it (the solar year for Mercury is shorter than ours, seeing as it is much closer to the Sun than Earth is) that from our vantage point, it appears to be moving backwards for a few weeks at a time. Mercury rules communcation and has a strong impact on our technological modes of keeping in touch as well. When Mercury is in retrograde, from my own personal experience, people tend to become a bit more agitated, even sometimes hostile, in their attempt to be heard. Deep rooted emotional issues can boil to the surface, requiring us to look at them closely, when we've done such a good job of stuffing them down deep inside to be ignored. I don't think I've experienced a Mercury retrograde in the last decade that didn't include some level of drama, trauma, or just plain mis-communication of whack proportions with someone.

A friend online helped me to discover this last week that my astrology chart indicates that Mercury was in the sign of Aries when I was born. I've never had a chart done as I do not know my time of birth, so I was pleased to be able to find out the positioning of the planets on the date of my birth! But I was dismayed, to be honest, to hear my Mercury was in Aries. Aries is the sign I understand the least, and have clashed most often with in my life, especially in my youth, with my father who was a very pragmatic Aries, as compared to my ultra idealistic Pisces.

Mercury is retrograde as of today in Aries. So I'm trying to remain calm and centered, but already I feel certain internal issues bubbling to the surface, and it gets me thinking; what can I heal and cleanse at this time?

You see, where I once felt sheer panic at the thought of a Mercury retrograde phase, I now rather welcome it, after the initial shock has worn off that is. Yes, I still experience a modicum of revulsion knowing that little hot planet is going to alter it's movement from our perspective. But when I get my senses back about me, I know now that it is only more of the cosmic "good stuff" from the Universe, sent to help us all deal with the issues we sweep under the rug of the psyche.

We're very good, as a species, at not dealing with the things that hurt, or embarrass, or anger us. We're quick to cling to the warm and fuzzy, and call it good, and stroke it lovingly and bathe in it's glory. However, the bad experiences we often tend to shoo away, and attempt to disown it, so that we don't have to deal with the feelings it brought into our lives. 

But real growth; real spiritual awakening and awareness requires us to look very deeply within. And when you look at yourself through a microscope you're going to find things that just feel awkward, at best! I mean, if I'm being totally honest I can admit that I am fickle, and overly sensitive, and often can let my insecurities get the better of me, rather than think things through thoroughly before reacting. I also know that I am prone to judgment, and sometimes am just downright unfair to myself, and to others. And these are things I don't particularly like about myself. And yet, they will not change if I do not address them.

So when Mercury appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point, it is really a gift to us all. We are given an opportunity to identify things that don't work smoothly within us, and our lives, and our relationships, and these opportunities are always gateways to growth, progress, and epiphany.

So I urge you, as I urge myself, to use the next few weeks to really pay attention to yourself, and to others. Think before you speak, and I mean really think. Feel your response before you give it, and weigh it; is it coming from ego? Is it coming from insecurity or anger? Are your feelings misplaced? What would love do?

Be patient over the coming weeks, with yourself, with others, and with all forms of technology. Do not fall into a polarized sense of victimization either. Just breathe, focus on the moment, and let the Universe know that you are faithful that everything you experience is for your greatest good. Even if it feels pretty darn bad in the moment. 

If you find yourself feeling agitated, anxious or jittery, breathe deeply. Take stock. Move from reactionary thinking to observation, and get out of your own way. Be compassionate, even if there are people around you who appear to be going off the deep-end, and remember we each deal with energy shifts in our own way.

We wouldn't be able to grow if we didn't have some negative experiences to catalyze that growth with, would we. And a strong character is always forged via hardship, adversity, and tenacity. So fasten your spiritual seat belt, keep your ego in check, and be gentle, with yourself and with others.

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