Indulge me for a few minutes, okay?
I want you to breathe deeply, and relax your body, and follow me here. I want to bring you to this place I am in, so that you can better understand it. I won't actually be bringing you anywhere, because you're already there, in truth it's all there is, but I am going to try to help you see it, and feel it in a bigger scale. So, bear with me my sweet friend.
Breathe in. Exhale.
I want you to see all of the information you have ever acquired, in school, from your parents, from your siblings, friends and peers. I want you to see all of the facts, the formula's and the numerous bits of data that you have read, heard, seen and understood in all your years on this planet. See it, feel it, understand just what an incredible amount of information that is. We're talking billions of bits of information. We're moving backwards from the last thing you learned today, and believe me you learned more than just one thing today, on some scale, whether you recognized it or not; moving all the way back through your life, to the first thing you learned in your current body, in the womb, about physicality, and warmth, and muffled voices of comfort from far away...
See all of this information, all of this stimuli, get a good grasp of just how much stuff this is.
Now when you have a good idea of just how huge in stature this amount of information is, I want you to visualize yourself putting it into the biggest box imaginable. That's right, take everything you have learned on this planet, everything about color, and sound, and numbers, and people; everything you have learned about form and pattern and feeling and taste and touch. I want you to take every single thing you have retained on any level from conscious to cellular (because you do lock knowledge up at a cellular level, even if you don't consciously remember it) and I want you to see it all bounce up into the air like an enormous basketball, and then bounce down into the biggest box you ever saw.
Close the box. Seal it. And turn away from it.
The box no longer exists right now, for the sake of this little trip I'm taking you on.
So here you are, every single bit of information you have ever learned is in a box which you no longer can see or want to bother thinking about.
Where does that leave you? Who does that leave you as....
If you strip away all of the information other people have given you since the day you were born what is left?
A blank slate. There is nothing to muddle your perception, there is no bias. Bias is something you have been taught. Perception is something you have been directed to use in certain lights. You have been programmed by every single person you have ever come across on some level, to think, feel, respond, and expect in certain ways. When you take all of that away you are left with the purity of who you are.
Who is that?
Breathe in. Exhale.
You are infinite. You are infinite potentiality. And you have been living in a very limited scope of understanding, based on what others have told you about who you are, and the life you are living in. But you know that you are more than this, that there is more to this life than meets the eye.
So throw away all that old information, and start with a clean slate. You are the game master, as well as the game piece. You are the player, as well as the play write. You are the employee, as well as the employer. It is now up to you to discern how to use your bias, your perception. It is up to you now to decide what is, and what is not of value to you in your life.
Deprogram yourself; it is as simple as realizing your programming - the moment you realize it has been done to you, you liberate yourself of it. And it isn't some sinister thing; this programming. It is simply human nature. We've all lived it, as we put our children through it. We all live the values of those who shaped us, as those who shaped them, and so forth.
So reality check - are you living your authentic values? Or are you echoing your forefathers programming?
Your box is full, and closed and sealed up. What you do with it from here is your call. I keep mine with me, so I can go back and reference the contents as I need to, because I learn so much about the world when I put my programming under a microscope. It's part of who I am, because it's what brought me to this place. I value the programming, because it's allowed me to see it for what it is and instantaneously liberate myself of it.
My mothers religious values are her own.
My fathers anger is his own.
My friends materialism is her own.
My colleagues fear is his own.
My teachers prudence is her own.
My gurus heaven is his own.
Do you see?
It is not mine.
It is not yours. You are free.
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