I ask you to empty your mind of rational analytic ego response at this time, and if you are unable to do that right now, click back page and come back to this when your mind is open.
We are a species which by it's very human nature, is prone to holding things within, holding them close to the core of our feelings. It is not easy for us to let go of. Letting go requires a vast amount of faith in infinite conceptions of that which can not be seen. It is by feeling that which can not be seen, we can tap into the faith which connects us all together essentially, as souls, as Light.
But what about those of us who don't seem capable of tapping into that faith within? Who outwardly know, believe, ascribe to a spiritual state of personal being. Yet they don't feel it on a cellular level yet. This awakening process takes us through stages, and as we rise upwards, we also go deeper within Self. As we go deeper faith emerges as something we never lacked, just something we did not know how to engage. As it begins to emerge, it is one of those magical turnings the Universe gifts us with, in that it becomes stronger each time it is felt.Faith is what is needed to let go of.
What are you holding on to?
The question is purely rhetorical, to be answered unto yourself. So ask yourself, What Am I holding on to?
We hold on to emotions, experiences, words, activities, senses, fears, angers. We hold on to so much of what we have previously witnessed. And many times what we are holding on to can be more painful by keeping it nearby, than by letting it go. Primarily - emotions, fears and perceptions.
I myself held on to a lot for many many years. I thought I had to purge myself of my pain, so I talked about it. A lot. To a lot of people. But a decade passed and the pain still hurt. So I began to explore new options for releasing my pain. You know what they say: what you resist will persist. Well the very idea that there is something to be released creates an opportunity to believe in the next moment that we are not free from what needs releasing.
Do you see the vicious cycle I am speaking of? By trying to release something which is no longer real, we are holding on to it. The very act of attempting to let go of, serves to hold on tightly, because letting go of is something instantaneous, and it is done purely by state of mind.Whatever it is that you are holding on to right now, be it something about your preconception of your health, or a relationship which caused you pain previously, or the abuse you suffered as a child, or the fear you've had for 15 years... whatever it is, you can let it go.
Not by trying to let it go. Not by affirming that you can release it. Not by believing that you must try to heal it. These are old modes of spiritual thinking which only serve to distance ourselves from personal empowerment. These modes served us at one time, in our early awakening, because we were not ready to leap from dependancy to complete accountability of self and thought and deed. But at this time, we are ready to stop coddling ourselves into believing that this has to be hard.We don't have to keep holding each others hands insisting it will eventually get easier.
The truth of the matter is, it has always been easy. It is the mind, the thinker, the worrier and the fearer, who makes it seem so damned hard.
What stands between what eats away at you inside, and liberation to feel the truth of your own love?
That is the only thing standing between pain and pleasure. Illusion and Truth.
Just you my friend. And the way you are thinking about so many things right now. The way you think about yourself. The way you think about how others think about you. The way you think about the world around you, other people, family, friends, neighbours, strangers. The way you think about your relationship to every person on this planet, every creature, every plant and insect and particle.
Change the way you think about your past, and you'll realize it isn't really there to hold on to at all... Creatures of habit, yet we can train self to learn new tricks.
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