Showing posts with label Meditation & Chakras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation & Chakras. Show all posts

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Developing & Strengthening Your Psychic Abilities

Do you dream in vivid imagery? When you are sleeping, does your mind bloom into technicolor, surround sound, and entertain you while you slumber?

The more vividly you dream, the stronger your capabilities are. And yet, if you don't experience realistic dreams, or question whether you could have latent psychic abilities, let me assure you; we all have psychic abilities!

Every single person with a brain, and more importantly pineal gland, has access to a sixth sense. Call it intuition, higher sight, or clairvoyance, it all comes down to the same thing; the souls ability to see beyond the physical.

Now let me preface this by laying down the laws as it were, regarding psychic ability. Even though we are all born with this ability, we have been convinced and conditioned through the millenia to doubt this belief, mystify it, and otherwise see those as having psychic ability as either in league with the devil, or too special to relate to. Let's dispell the myths before going any further, because as you should know at this point my dear friend, our thoughts do indeed make our reality manifest. If you doubt yourself, and your ability, you will continue to receive reasons to doubt. Do you understand? The Universe is always pumping out more of what you are vibrating; if you're vibrating doubt and insecurity, you will receive further affirmative pushes towards being doubtful and insecure.

So learn to see past the limited reality your world around you has set in stone for you - break free of the perception of other people, and get in touch with your intuition.

Intuition is the first step!

Whether you're spiritual or not most of us believe in intuition. Some call it the inner voice, or the sub-conscious, others believe it to be the voice of God, or guardian Angels. The truth is, these are all accurate depictions of the intuitive process, as it is a deep internal aspect of a Higher more etheric part of the Soul. I encourage you to get intimate with your intuitive process, so that you understand not only how your own intuition works, but also how you respond to it physically, emotionally, and vibrationally.

Those moments of connection, which are beyond denial, like when you think of a friend out of the blue, and a moment later they call you, or you're driving and get the nagging urge to turn down an unexpected road, and as you do you bypass an accident; these things are intuitive nudges which we are all gifted with!

When you think of a song, seemingly out of the blue and then the radio begins to play it, this isn't a coincidence. There is no such thing as coincidence, and your intuition is in fact a facet of your own sixth sense! If you heard the song in your mind before it began to play, you've just exercised Clair-audience, or the ability to 'clearly hear'. If you saw the song, via it's video, or band, you've exercised Clairvoyance, or the ability 'clearly see'. And if you tasted the song, via memories of foods or drinks you associate with the song, or felt it like ripples on your skin, then you've exercised Clair-sentience, or the ability to 'clearly feel'.

I'm a highly visual intuitive, and yet have a deep sense of Clair-sentience as well. And I have had experiences of Clair-audience as well, which is always a shocking and exciting sense to realize. From a very early age I exercised and honed my psychic abilities, as I was nurtured by my mother who also is very psychic, and was free to express and develop my abilities. I didn't face the blocks many of us do in society, and even though I encountered the same conditioning which tells us "psychics aren't real" or "you're imagining it", I knew on a deeper intuitive level that this wasn't the case. And I've always relied very strongly on my intuition.

I urge you to do the same, always.

Realize and actualize that "My intuition is my connection to deep wisdom, and Universal truth."

You may want to journal your experiences with your intuition, in order to see a clear pattern emerging. Or you may just trust that it is unfolding perfectly, as do all things in the bigger picture.

Trust your intuition, knowing it is God gifted, and Divine. And shift your thinking to that of "I am" rather than "I want to"... as this is a way to actualize your reality, instead of pushing away the things you desire. Stating "I am in tune with my psychic awareness" is a far more powerful message to the Universe than saying something like "I really want to heighten my psychic abilities". The message of "I want" is always a message of "I doubt" in the long run, as want signifies something is lacking.

And the truth is, you are not lacking; your psychic abilities are real, and marvelous, and just waiting for you to remember, strengthen, and recognize.

Now, as with all things, it requires dedication, focus, and discipline. You would not decide one day to run a marathon and just go run it, you would train, alter your diet and lifestyle, strengthen your body and your mind, and spend time preparing. Right?

The same is true of anything worth achieving, not the least of which are your God gifted talents and abilities.

So here are a few tips for training to unlock and strengthen your psychic abilities:

  • Avoid alcohol as it dehydrates the brain, and switch to clean water, herbal teas, and other drinks that do not contain large amounts of caffeine, sugars, sweeteners etc. The more natural, the better, always.

  • Avoid processed foods and unhealthy eating. Treat your body like a temple, as your body is like the processor, which powers the mind, and the mind requires a clean system in order to be able to boot up quickly and efficiently. Know that meat lowers your vibration, eliminating it while striving for awareness is helpful.

  • Meditating at least once a day helps get you into the practice of deep breathing which is a key to raising your vibration in order to open your Brow and Crown Chakras, which are paramount in psychic ability.

  • Use Crystals and gemstones upon your Chakras to cleanse and unblock your energy centers.

  • Reiki treatments can quickly enhance and open your Chakras, propelling your perception of your abilities.

  • Believe the Universe is supporting your growth, and know you will receive wisdom as you are ready for it. In this way do not be sad if your skills do not explode to life all at once, Awakening is an ongoing process, and it can take time to unlock your psychic abilities.

  • Seek enhancement of your entire spiritual sense of self and well being, as psychic abilities require a certain sense of spiritual ethics, responsibility, and grace; only through striving for Love and Spiritual balance will you be able to unlock the gifts within your soul.

When I was in my teens I spent a lot of time using crystals to help unlock my visions, and have always just known deep within that I would always receive exactly what I was meant to. As such, I have always received my visions thankfully, and then entered times of disconnection, and non-psychic activity with faith as well. With any ability, we will grow to a point, then seem to experience a "time out" of sorts, as the body and mind catch up to the spirit. If you encounter times of lull, or disconnect, know that this is blessed too, and spend the time regenerating, by continuing to meditate, honor your body, and seek inner knowledge.

When you have developed a firm understanding and relationship with your intuition, you may want to flex your psychic abilities with more fervor. You may want to begin to really work at developing your abilities, so here are a few exercises you may want to endeavor upon to strengthen your clairvoyance, sentience, or audience.

  • Use flash cards, with symbols for example, and have a friend or loved one "drill" you.

  • Have a friend of loved one think of numbers between 1 and 10 to start, and work at receiving what they send you. Work on sending to them as well, as psychic ability isn't just about receiving!

  • Sit under the full moon and ask the Mother Goddess to help you open up to Universal messages, signs, visions and truths.

  • Ask the trees and plants to communicate with you, and then faithfully listen.

  • Work with babies, and toddlers who do not yet use words to communicate, as they are still pristine sources of psychic gifts, and are always communicating via their senses, some of the most powerful psychics you will ever meet are under a year old.

  • Pray, and ask the Universe to help you realize what it is you need to do in order to raise your vibration and awareness enough to be in full capacity of your psychic awareness.

I hope you find this a useful starting off point! If you have any questions, or would like to further discuss this, please feel free to comment below, or contact me via the links provided at the top of the page!

With much Love, I wish you clear sight, hearing, and senses,

Friday, September 5, 2014

Raising Your Frequency Through Meditation; Achieving Ascension

I talk a lot about meditation, chakras, and energy work. Right now I'd like to talk about what these things lead to; the goal many of us share which is to attain a higher rate of vibrancy - ascension.

Ascension in the biblical sense means we all leave our physical bodies behind and rise into Heaven. In the Spiritual or New Age sense, it is quite the same - yet we do not have to die to do it.

When you meditate, or do yoga, or go on Shamanic voyage, or perform energy work or lightwork of some kind, the desire is Universal and the same from each one of us; rising above the humdrum tedium of the every day world, to achieve a state of peace, higher thinking, Oneness, and calm.
Yet, do you ever wonder what would happen if you continued to rise higher than you typically do?

There is no end to how "high" we can soar, literally, when we are opening ourselves up Universally and rising vibrationally so that we are achieving a higher state of being. There are "limits" to the physical body of course, there are "places" where the vibration is so high, the frequency too intense, and the physical body is just too dense to manage operating within the chaotic-like waves of energetic activity. So we rise as far as we desire to, within the context of being a Human, and there are levels of dimensional reality that we can access which are truly transcendent and blissful. There is no need to fear going "too far" - it's not possible.

It is so human and natural to fear this "place" the first few times you "get there". It's alien to the human body to be bombarded by such rapidly vibrating energy and light, and it can cause the nervous system to respond with anxiety, which can cause heart palpitations, sweats, shaking. Yet if you remember that you are okay, and what you're accessing is always there, surrounding you, and you're simply accessing it consciously for the first times, it becomes easier to assimilate.

Meditation or yoga, chanting, chakra work, all these and more are basically all tools meant to lead to the same destination; which is indeed not a place, but an expansion of consciousness. When you let the stress within the physical body slide off, by oxygenating your blood and brain, and you feel your body begin to truly un-clench as relaxation settles into each limb and part of your body, you then will begin to think, and perceive from a different state of "mind". This is a higher aspect of your reality, and you can rise even higher into it.

Never attempt energy work or astral travel when you are not confident or sure that you are okay - your own thoughts about a thing make it manifest. If there is doubt within you, or fear, you may well create a negative or fearful experience. So be sure you first understand why you are trying to access a higher dimensional resonance.

The reason any of us want to rise upwards vibrationally is to connect to Source; Love, Light, and positivity. This in fact is closer to the true state of your soul, and you'll recognize it as such as you begin to feel those waves of bliss physically roll down your body. You will know intuitively that all is perfect in that moment. If your mind wanders or you face uncertainty just start again, breathing deeply, feeling the weight of the heavy oppressive 3 dimensional world slip off of your body. As you breathe deeply it will feel as though you are becoming physically lighter, and this is also natural.

Allow me to lead you on a quick little journey, right there where you sit.

Just take a few deep cleansing breaths, and then open your mouth just a bit, so that there is a small space between your upper teeth and your lower teeth. With each inhaled breath through your nose, let your tongue rise to touch the roof your mouth just behind your front teeth. As you exhale through your mouth, lower your tongue back down behind your bottom teeth.  Feel your jaw relax. Do this for as long as you'd like, and with each breath in see that all is Light energy of varied speeds and vibrations. Inhale the Light into you, and with each exhale you will expel grey smoke or ash, symbolizing stress, worry, fear, anxiety. Do this for as long as you wish to. In fact do this simple part of beginning a meditation as many times a day as you wish to. Its a great way to reconnect and come back to "your senses". Five minutes of good deep breathing a few times a day can make a great deal of difference in your overall sense of well being.

Okay, when you are content with your breathing, and are full of the Light, as you've exhaled all of your worry and strife, feel that every part of your physical body is actually a minute pinpoint of light. Your skin, the cells, your blood, organs, bones - all comprised of Light energy and carbon and water. Still breathing deeply feel your inner Light shining outwards from within you, until you can feel the light pulsing around you. This is your aura, your Light body. This is where your Chakra's link from your Spiritual body to your Physical body.

Tune into the Light radiating from you, and focus on how light you feel, and intend that you continue to drop heavy dense energy, as you rise upwards vibrationally to a higher state of understanding and awareness. This is a place where deep moments of connection, understanding, kismet and communion take place. And from here you may choose to remain there, or rise even higher.

As you rise above your Spiritual body, feel the Light within and around you pulsating outwards; realize now that it is connected to the Light all around you, of other people, places, animals, plants, the sky, the earth - see how your Light has no real beginning or end - as all Light on a Universal level of reality is all of One source. Some light areas are dense, some are dim, some are brighter, some burn hot, some are cold to the touch, yet all of life on Earth is connected via this Life energy, or Chi. From this place you are capable of sending healing to the Earth, it's inhabitants, creatures, lakes, rivers and oceans, the atmosphere, and everything and everyone on Earth.

You can choose to remain there, in that state of Earthly communion, or continue to rise even higher. Because there are still places you can feel and experience beyond Earth - as you rise and feel your connection to the planets in our solar system, the sun, the moons, the dark energy between everything, and then move out to the many solar systems within our milky way galaxy - this is a journey you can take as far as you want, until you are seeing the entire Universe connected by this essential Life energy.

As you raise your own vibration upwards, you free your mind from small heavy Earthly processes, and become more attuned to your souls thoughts and feelings. Words become less impactful, as everything now processes through your senses; sight, hearing, touch, taste, thought. Explore to your hearts content - Feel how we are all connected by the same essential Light energy - know that you are free to rise above, at any time you wish to.

It is from this higher state of consciousness that I perform a Tarot reading, or cleanse my home, work with Reiki, and commune with my guides and the Universal Source of all Life. You can work on your home, your family, pets, or your city, state/province, country etc. There are no limits to where you can send your Light Energy and Love intentions. Sharing that warmth and love within you is the most delightful feeling your soul can have in your body, and the Love you will feel within you is indescribable.

As always, I am more than happy to help you better understand meditation, ascension, or anything you are having difficulty understanding, or achieving or maintaining. Always know you can reach me by email or on Facebook.

You are divine. You are loved beyond your comprehension. You are gifted beyond your present understanding, and there is no limit to what you can achieve when your heart walks in union with your intuition and wisdom.

With Utmost Love & Blessings,

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Activate & Cleanse: Root Chakra

Preparing for this less than 10 minute long guided meditation requires just a few key ingredients. 

You will want to:
  • Be in a silent, peaceful atmosphere
  • Be sitting or laying down, with your feet on the ground
  • Have 10 free minutes to breathe, eyes closed, while listening to the soothing voice who leads you
  • Be receptive to receiving healing energy
Get your surroundings ready, align your spine while either sitting or laying down with your feet on the ground, and press the "Play" button when you are ready to begin this guided meditative healing session.

I know you want to continue on to the Sacral (Orange) Chakra, but let's end with this session for now. Working with each individual Chakra to begin with is a wonderful way to become familiar with your Auric field, and your wheels of spinning Light.

Continue breathing as you give thanks for the energy just shared with you, and then continue with your day! 

Wishing you a most blessed Now,

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Chakra's: Cleansing & Healing

Before moving forward with this entry, I suggest you read Your Energy & Chakra's to get a full and dynamic understanding of the Chakra's, their relationship to your physial body via your glandular system, and a thorough knowledge of each Chakra and it's placement along your spine.

And once you are sufficiently satisfied with your understanding of the Chakra's, you may then start wondering "How can I heal blocks, and cleanse my Chakra's myself?"

Assuming you are comfortable with Meditation, we can then begin to work towards healing our own Chakra's intuitively and spiritually. This post is intended to give you my own perspective on this, as well as my own guidance towards how to make the most of this connectivity; when you access your Chakra's you will begin to work with a higher more rapidly vibrating dimensional frequency of energy. And it is always best to have a friend lovingly guide you through this process; so here I am.

You will begin by breathing; this is always the beginning of any Spiritual task, objective, or desire. Oxygenate your blood cells, which in turn stimulates your brain and your pineal gland, which is tied to your Crown Chakra. Spend as much time as you want or need with this deep breathing (Which is outlined in the Meditation post) until you begin to feel the physical relaxing, as your limbs loosen up and feel lighter, and the feeling of clenched muscular tightness slips out of your body. Breathing ever deeply, rhythmically in through your nose, and out of your mouth, you will feel the vibration within you begin to stir; this in truth is never gone - you are always vibrating - you are carbon, water, and electricity, you are always at motion on a cellular level. But when you breathe deeply for a time, and let the stress of physicality exit your body, and stimulate your brain and pineal gland, you then tap into a greater sense within you. That sense is aware of your personal frequency or vibration.

In truth, when you sense your own vibration, you can smile gently at yourself as you realize you've just done something "Clairsentient". Clairsentience is like Clairvoyance, it just means clear feeling, rather than clear vision. With Clairsentient you are using an innate spiritual ability within you to sense the higher realms of dimensional energy. 

Do you think this isn't something to take a moment and not exalt in? Because it is a feat, and you've accomplished it now, simply by breathing, relaxing, and intending to connect to a higher aspect of your own energy. Congratulations, you've just reached your Higher state of being. Now, to work on your chakra's, while accessing this higher state of being!

Getting Started

You will be laying down, or sitting up straight, at any rate you want your spine relatively aligned - straight. Breathing deeply still, your arms and legs relaxed, you can now begin to visualize and work with your Chakra's. So take a few deep breaths and follow my gentle instructions, then read a bit more, breathe, close your eyes and go on. Do this throughout the rest of this guided session, until it becomes something you are confident doing on your own to completion. It may sink in right away, or it may take several attempts at reading along with me until you are ready to start doing this on your own; there is no time limit, no rush, read along as often as you want; eventually this will become habitual and you won't need my guidance any longer. Because in truth, this is very simple work we're doing here. You just require a deeper understanding of your Chakra's which hopefully you have reached by this point. 

You'll begin focusing on the Root Chakra, which is symbolized by the color red. It is located right at the base of your spine, around the perineum between your anus and sex organs. You can now focus on the color red by whatever means is most powerful for you. I work at visually seeing the color red in my mind, as well as imagining eating red fruits. 

When you are aware of the red whirling light of your Root Chakra you can begin to explore it. You are the scriptwriter of this, so you choose how you investigate your Root. I like to shine a white light on it to see if there are any cracks, bumps, bruises or dents in the red light. If the red light is dim or dull I know it needs cleansing, and if there are cracks or fissures in it I know it requires the healing of a block. So focus on your red Root now, and look at it, feel it, taste it. Note your body's reactions, every little sensation you have now is tied directly to your Root Chakra, so get familiar with the way this Chakra makes you feel. Do your toes tingle? Or maybe your nose itches? Perhaps you feel feathers upon your legs. Everyone feels their Chakra's in a unique way. Get familiar with it, and determine if it needs cleansing or healing.

How to Cleanse a Chakra:

If the Chakra is dull, dingy, dirty or just not quite "right", you'll want to cleanse it. I do this by two different methods. The first thing I do is "wash" the Chakra with pure white Light from the most brilliant part of the Universe I can feel. I pull this white light down into my body via my Crown Chakra and let it flow down my spine to the Chakra I'm working on, in this case the Root (Red) Chakra. The white light shimmers as it moves from my crown down to my root, then it exits my body via the bottom of the Root Chakra, and flows down into the Earth, until it arcs up from deep within the Earth and flows back into the Universe. In this way you can see yourself funneling a figure 8 of energy down your body, out the Earth, back into the Universe, where it will become clean pure white light again, to enter your Crown. You've become a human mana battery - you are now recycling universal healing energy through your body, to cleanse your Chakra, and ground you to the Earth, and move back out into the Cosmos to be utilized as pure healing white light again.

After I've spent as much time as I want working my white Light battery over the Chakra I'm cleansing, I then re-fill it with the energy which belongs there. In this case we're working still with the Root Chakra, so I use my visual mind to fill the light wheel back up with red vibrant energy - pulsating red light, until I see it is so bright red, so lush, spilling over, vibrating at a dynamic rate, creating a hum and whoosh of cleansed pure Red Light energy.

You may repeat these two steps of cleansing and reactivating your Chakra as many times as you wish to until it feels "right" again. And you will know when a Chakra is rebalanced and cleansed; your body will tell you, via your muscles your lungs, your mind. Everything will drop into place and you will simply feel that the Chakra has been successfully cleansed and reactivated.

Move on to the rest of your Chakra's, and continue this process with each light now.

Healing a Blocked Chakra

Let's say now, that while we were investigating our Root Chakra when we first began exploring it, we discovered not only was the light dim, or dull, but that there was a crack in the Chakra, or it was broken, or had a black spot in or all over it. This speaks to a blockage, which requires healing in order to be able to cleanse it.

To heal a Chakra you will pray to the Universe, or your Angels or Guides, or God; whomever you are most comfortable praying to. Simply ask that your Chakra be healed of the blockage within it, and ask that the lesson attached to the blockage be revealed to you gently, and clearly, so that you can work through it. A Chakra will only become blocked due to some great physical, mental, emotional or spiritual upheaval, denial, facade, or imbalance. So something imbalanced needs your attention in order to make sure that when the Chakra is healed, it does not immediately begin to degrade again.

You know by reading Your Energy & Chakra's that the Root Chakra: 
  • is located at your perineum; adjacent to the base of your tailbone. This Chakra is symbolized by the color red, and is representative of passion. It is directly connected to being grounded in your human body and as such survival, vitality, reality and your individual sexuality. This Chakra expresses itself through the adrenal glands. Some physical distresses relative to this Chakra are: 
    • Anemia, Fatigue, Obesity, Anus, Rectum (hemorrhoids), Constipation, Colds, Body Temperature, Bladder Infection, Rebuilds Blood Cells & Haemoglobin, Sciatic, Numbness, Leukemia

If you have a blocked Root Chakra, maybe there is an issue with sex, sensuality, passion or femininity/masculinity in your life? Or perhaps you've gone through an illness related to your bottom, bladder or blood cells. In any case, you'll want to understand the possible causes of the blockage, so you can work towards healing those as well. Because if you heal the Chakra but not the cause of it's blockage, you will get a block again in no time.

Talk to the Universe. Use your intuition. Listen to your inner child's voice, as well as your own common sense. The cause of the block is usually not hard to identify to yourself. Unless you're not willing to admit or accept it, in which case I urge you to get honest with yourself. Awakening is all about shedding the false layers of persona we build as we grow on this 3D stage of illusion, and polarity. Shake off the dust of old stories you've been living by, and allow yourself to begin writing a new tale, so you can break free of old patterns, habits, cycles, and relationships which have caused you to be anything less than true with yourself.

Once you have prayed, and sent out your intention to have the Chakra healed of it's block, move back into it and perform the exercise listed above for Cleansing your Chakras. You may find the blockage has disappeared already, or just get a feeling that it will be worked on in due course. Don't expect the Universe to do all the work though; remember, God helps those who help themselves. So do your homework while you ask for a healing to be worked upon you, and find out what caused the block, admit it to yourself, and work at changing your behaviors, attitudes, and feelings in order to transcend whatever caused the block to begin with.

After Cleasing & Healing the Chakra's?

After you've completed going through all of your Chakra's in this way, you will have 7 brightly spinning wheels of light turning in your Auric body, connecting to your physical body, and you can choose to then go forward with a deeper meditation, or to disconnect from the exercise. Either way, you will eventually want to turn the Chakra's "off" at some point, to regain mental clarity and connectivity to your physical body. You've just done a lot of energy work, and while it fills you with abundant energy at first, it can leave you feeling drained or just tired afterwards. 

To turn your Chakra's off until the next time, you'll want to first understand we're not really turning them off, as they are always spinning. What we're actually doing is withdrawing our focus from them, and coming back "down to Earth" so to speak. You can use various techniques to do so, anything from doing something very 3D like eating meat, smoking a cigarette, or something visual like flicking the light switches on all of them off. No matter what method you use, it's as simple as just intending to stop working with those Lights for now.

Next time you want to work with your Chakra's, be it to cleanse them, or meditate, or try your hand at Lucid dreaming or Astral Projection, you'll simply do what we've just done here. You can get comfy with the process, fine tune it based on your own comfort levels, and begin to experiment. I have had many profound visions during Chakra cleansing sessions, and often will choose to meditate further after cleansing them. I often do this late at night and follow it up by going to sleep, to let my dreams finish what I began in unlocking aspects of my psyche, in order to heal and constantly be receptive to my own truths.

It really is that simple. I've put down a lot of words here to share the simple task; but once you've read it, and done it, you'll see that it's just a matter of remembering the color of each Chakra, where it is placed, and remembering to breathe.

So inhale deeply friend, then exhale, and go play with your Chakra's at your own leisure. Who knows what lays dormant and unexplored within you, which you can tap into through accessing a higher vibrational state of being?!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Precious Stones & Crystals

I remember my first big quartz crystal; it was the size of my fist, raw and unpolished, and heavy and cool to the touch. It was a gift from a friend of mine who owned a Spiritual store outside of Calgary, for helping him out in his shop. The stone was pretty and so vibrant. And I worked with it all the time; it went everywhere with me, in my pocket or purse, or on the dash of my car. It gave off such an aura of power, and when I used it to dowse (divine) it always provided me with amazingly accurate information.

I began to collect crystals and gemstones after that, amassing a collection of precious rocks from all over the world. Through the years I have given most of my stones away, as they let me know in their own special way that their work with me is finished, and it's time for them to move on to help another. It's been years since I last held the giant quartz in the palm of my hand, and I often wonder where it's ended up. Each stone I've given away has been given with the gentle instruction to also pay it forward when it's work was done with whoever got it from me.

In the last 25 years or so I've had hundreds of stones, always gravitating towards rocks that spoke to me vibrationally, tingled in my hand, and shared visions with me via my third eye. I have a deep love of Gaia's rock beings; they are very much alive. While they may appear to be nothing more than inanimate objects to some, to those with eyes to see and feel, they are living extensions of this planet and each has a history, personality, and skill set.

Some stones are very healing, and you can tell immediately by the gentle pulsating energy it exudes. I love to work with Rose Quartz for healing, as well as Aqua Aura Quartz, and Lemurian Seed crystals. Bloodstone, snowflake obsidian, and tigers eye are also lovely healing stones and I so love laying them about my body and just feeling the power pulse through me.

I remember the first time I laid stones upon a friend, going back a good 23 years ago, he was a cynic, and atheist, but he indulged his quirky friend Dee in her desire to work the stones around his body. He laid down on my floor and I began to set various stones about him, and upon his chakras. And when the dam burst and he began to shed gentle tears, I was so completely humbled by the power of these beautiful rocks and gems.

A dear friend of mine Robin sent me a Boji stone a few months ago which may be one of the most powerful stones I've ever worked with. I've been using Moldavite for years, thinking it was the most profound of all my transformative and visionary stones, but the Boji stone blew my mind.

When I bring a new stone home I set it on my brow chakra and let it show me "who" it is, and all it's seen in it's lifetime. Usually I get nice soft visions and feelings of love, celestial images and fantastic vibrations of peace and healing. The Boji was so intense, I had to bring myself to a heightened state of meditative awareness and breathing just to attune to its powerful vibration. It sank into my brow, heavy and solid, and opened my third eye up completely and showed me who it was...

Boji told me it's name was "Ki" - or rather that it vibrated under the resonance of "Ki", and then it showed me the history of it's awareness on Earth. It showed me a land before continental drift, when the massive continent of Pangaea was one - and the Earth had only cooled in the last few hundred thousand years. It showed me volcanos and jungles and gigantic birdlike creatures in the skies. It showed me animals on the Earth that no longer exist and then it showed me the people - shorter than us, darker than native Americans, lighter than Africans. They reassembled the Mayans yet were wilder, in animal pelts, living off the land, in caves, in clans. Ki showed me how ancient these people were, that by now their bones would be dust in the bottom of oceans - silt.

The wonders this stone has shared with me have been amazing, and I share this blog entry with you to hopefully ignite a love of rocks within you as well. There is so much more to crystals and rocks and minerals than meets the eye - they are alive and vibrant and have feelings. And they are so wise.

When selecting a rock or crystal, trust your intuition and your hands. Your hands will always guide you to the stone which is calling you. Trust in this process. And when a stone lets you know it's time to pass it along, do so joyfully, because they are not ours to keep - they are friends who come visit, work their healing, share their knowledge, and then move on to the next person in need of their gifts.

Work with your stones and crystals - place them upon  your chakra points, and ask them to heal and cleanse your energy centers and wheels of light. And be receptive to whatever visions or senses are awakened within you when you work with them.

Remember; they are older than any of our historical knowledge - they hold the key to our history, which is truly the key to our future. Revere them, respect them, cleanse them gently in moonlight or sunlight - or in salt. And love them like you would a dear friend.

Here is a list of some of the qualities of various stones:

(borrowed from Soular Energy )


AmazoniteA stone of healing which aligns the physical body & energy field, thus producing a balancing, preventive & rejuvenating energy. Eliminates aggravation by dispelling irritating & negative energy. Assists with relationships by enhancing communication concerning love.


AmethystA "stone of change, protection & enlightenment". Enhances spiritual awareness, meditation, visualization, serenity & composure. Attracts good luck & love, calms & transforms. Shifts energies to the higher frequencies of both the spiritual & ethereal levels.


AventurineA powerful general healer, it brings balance to the intellect, emotions & physical being. Quells anxiety, helps in making the right decisions & shields energy drain from outside sources.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace AgateAwakens perceptiveness & awareness, clears the mind and enhances spiritual inspiration. Calms, soothes and uplifts thoughts. Eliminates negativity and anger.

Blue Topaz

Blue TopazAssists one in attaining clarity to successfully communicate & manifest desires. Lifts burdens & helps one to see the great overall scheme of life, the "big picture". Attracts abundance & love; relieves tension. 


CarnelianStimulates the energy of love & joy. Clears negative energy, allowing light to enter & transformation to occur. Has a stabilizing effect on energy in the home. Awakens inner talents & creativity.


ChrysocollaSupports balance & harmony, relationships & self-improvement. Eases emotions bringing renewed strength & balance in love, communication & healing. Helps one to connect with Earth energies, promoting harmony, vitality & endurance during stressful situations. Supports mediation, visualization & reflective insights.


CitrineBalances & energizes, dissipates negative energy. Enhances personal power, emotional awareness, creativity & optimism. Stimulates abundance by assisting one to acquire wealth & to maintain a state of wealth.


CoralFacilitates intuition, imagination, and visualization & strengthens understanding of mysticism. Alleviates depression, quiets the emotions and brings peace. Strengthens the connection to the harmonious energies of the universe.


FluoriteKnown as a "stone of discernment". Helps to find truth that has been concealed. Eases change and brings strength and protection during transition. Stabilizes energy and helps to bring order to chaos. Supports relationships - individuals & groups - to flourish towards the greatest good.


FossilSupports growth & the achievement of goals by releasing limiting beliefs & old programming, encouraging openness to novel & innovative opportunities, which are available. An excellent stone for use in business to increase business accomplishments and to imbue quality & distinction within one's environment.


GarnetEnergizes, revitalizes and balances energy. Inspires love and devotion. Enhances sexuality and as a "stone of health" clears negative energy & enhances personal power for success.

Gold Stone (Gold or Blue)

GoldstoneA manmade stone rich in copper. Activates root and sacral chakras enhancing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire and vitality. Encourages faith that love is attainable once all limiting beliefs are released. Acts as a mood stabilizer on either spectrum-excitability or passivity.


HematiteA "stone of mental mastery". Enhances memory, concentration & focus. Deflects negativity. Stimulates the desire for peace and inner happiness, enhancing one's ability to attract love.


HowliteA "tranquility stone". Calms communication, enhances emotional expression & eliminates stress, rage and rudeness. Assists with the attainment of goals by encouraging ambition and eliminating hesitation.

Jade (Nephrite)

JadeConnected with love & virtue, called the "fidelity stone" - balances energies between self/partner & opposing energies in both the internal & external domain of one's reality. Promotes peace & harmony, soothes energy. Assists in finding wisdom for problem solving.

Jadeite (Lavender, White, Yellow)

Yellow JadeiteWhite JadeiteStone of "Magic" brings protection from the spiritual realm. Encourages group cohesiveness, understanding & actualization of purpose. Assists in grounding & accessing limitless resources of the universe.


Known as the "Supreme Nurturer", Jasper reminds us why we are here - to assist others to free themselves from limiting bonds & bring joy & light into the world. Helps to balance & unite the energy of the physical with the spiritual toward the attainment of goals. Can be used when one's energy is "low" and to provide protection against negativity.

Fancy Jasper

Fancy JasperFancy Jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. Each piece brings about tranquility and enhances ones ability to relax. Fancy Jasper aids serenity and helps eliminate stress, worry and depression. With this inward relaxation, the wearer has the chance to free their mind and think clearly.

Picture Jasper

Picture JasperA stone of proportion & harmony, wear any time protection from negativity is desired. A stone of “Global Awareness”, it stimulates creative visualization. It promotes spiritual affinity between humanity & nature. It can be used to further both the development and continuance of business pursuits.

Red Jasper

Red JasperHelps to rectify unfair situations, helps one to remember previous leanings & to take responsibility for ones life. A stone to help you connect with earth energies, it facilitates the remembering of dreams especially those aspects important to one’s life. 


LabradoriteProtects the Aura and facilitates understanding of ones chosen destiny. Helps to keep the Aura clear, balanced, protected & free from energy leaks. Facilitates the understanding of ones chosen destiny & enhances the connection between physical, ethereal & planetary realms. Supports originality & uniqueness.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli A "stone of protection and enlightenment". Assists with spiritual growth, intuitive perception and objectivity. Mentally calming, supports clarity & helps one to organize day to day activities. Enhances serenity, acceptance and dreams.


MalachiteA "stone of transformation". Assists in coping with setbacks, challenges & changing situations. Aids in releasing negative emotional experiences. Helps to intuit answers, to create an unobstructed path & to identify the steps needed to attain desired result. Brings loyalty in love, friendships and partnerships.


MoonstoneA “stone of changes & wishes”. Helps to clear obstacles on the path of destiny. Supports well-being & enhances awareness of body rhythms allowing for a better balance of the body's natural energy.


PeridotA "stone of rebirth & renewal". Promotes peace & happiness; attracts success & good luck. Protects against negativity & nightmares. Healing to damaged relationships. Attracts comfort & builds vitality.


QuartzQuartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy. Stores, releases and regulates energy; Facilitates growth and awareness, alleviates anger & opens the spirit for meditation and spiritual development.

Rose Quartz

Rose QuartzKnown as the "Stone of Love". Rose Quartz soothes, comforts & reassures, bringing about deep inner healing. Gently removes negativity & attracts the energy of love bringing peacefulness & calm to relationships.


RhodoniteHas been called "the stone of love". This love embodies care for humanity and spiritual well-being. Brings order to chaos. Supportive emotionally, balances and eases anxiety through clear vision.


SodaliteUnites logic and intuition, enhances mediation & inner wisdom. Excellent stone for group work - mentally calming, it eliminates confusion and supports increased efficiency & organization. Helps to define clarity of purpose & direction, & to resolve issues with logic.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's EyeHelps to gain insight, to concentrate, to perceive & think more clearly, and to organize scattered details. Calms turmoil, eliminates the "blues" & encourages optimism & enthusiasm for life. Stimulates wealth & enhances the ability to maintain wealth.

Tree Agate

Tree AgateHas a cleansing, balancing & stabilizing effect to wellbeing. Enhances self-esteem, clarity, perceptiveness & awakens inner talents & abilities. Helps to see the world through a broader point of view. It fosters abundance, wealth, Love & connection with nature.


TurquoiseAn "anti-negativity stone" & general healer. Dispels negative energy & protects. Encourages self-realization and creative problem solving. Strengthens the body and energy field. Heals the spirit; soothes and brings peace of mind. Attracts love.


UnakiteHelps to bring attention into the 'present'. Provides gentle release of limiting blocks & conditions to personal growth. Balances emotions and strengthens spiritual connection.


ZoisiteSupports individuality, creativity and uniqueness while maintaining connectedness with humanity. It is considered an excellent healer and energizer of the life force. Can be used to dispel laziness and idleness and is thought to improve health after long periods of illness or stress. Helps amplify the whole energy field of a person, to release inner talents of the mind.

Whatever your experiences are with stones - enter with a joyful grateful heart, and explore!

With Great Love,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Worry & The Crown Chakra

As you may be well aware, the Crown Chakra is the energetic energy source connecting our body and spirit - located at the top of the head. There are several other energetic Chakras (the word Chakra is sanskrit for "wheel " or "turning") in the body; each of which connects to a major organ or gland; the Crown Chakra is the one at the upper most part of the physical body and it opens our awareness to all that is "above" us (energetically higher on a vibratory scale).

Now that I've gotten the brief explanation of the Crown Chakra out of the way, on to the gist. I have had panic disorder for nearly a decade now, and while the worst of it was in the first two years, I do still have moments of sheer panic from time to time. The big panic attacks are limited; it is the smaller anxiety which I am still plagued by. It is a daily exercise in letting go, living with the level of anxiety I do; I am always looking for deeper clues within myself as I know this anxiety is not the illness, but rather a symptom of something deeper.

When I go deeply within myself and ponder anxiety, and it's root - fear, I come away with a knowing that my fears all stem from feelings of abandonment, inadequacy, and self-doubt. While on the outside I may appear to be quite certain about myself, internally I am constantly judging myself; it is very emotionally exhausting and quite painful. And just because I am aware of it doesn't make it easier to break out of the patterns I've fallen into.

So what does my anxiety and the Crown Chakra have to do with each other? Well I've made so many observations about each Chakra over the years during my meditations and cleansings; I know that my fears are connected on an intimate level to my Crown. When I am in a deeply receptive state, breathing deeply and tuning into my biology and surroundings on a very profound level, I notice that the milisecond my mind slips into a fearful place I feel a pinching pressure on my Crown. When I feel this pinching my throat quickly begins to "choke up" or feel swollen; signifying that this is also relative to my Throat Chakra, and my ability to express myself, or be heard and understood.

So on a higher energetic level I am aware of the root of my fears, I understand where they originate within my own experience here on Earth (all from early childhood) and I can see how I've lived my life either in abject abandon of my fears (mostly as a young woman) or in compromising hesitation regarding my life experiences and choices.

Ok, so Dee, you understand where your fears come from, and you understand where they are hooked up on your energetic Chakra system; what's the problem? Just be done with it now!

If only it were so simple. We are creatures of habit and conditioning; and I've spent the better part of the last two decades unknowingly conditioning myself to feel unworthy, unloveable, and mistrusting of myself. I remember the first two decades of my life were spent in quite a large sense of confidence, and I always had an unspoken knowing that things would always be alright in my life, and I would always be provided for.

Ironically, it was around the time I began to explore world Religions and spirituality that I also began to experience the first inklings of self doubt and anxiety about myself. I'd had anxiety since childhood but it was always regarding the actions and behaviors of others; hardly ever about myself.

But now, by age 40, there is so much self-doubt that I find myself questioning everything I do and say, quietly having an ongoing commentary within myself, asking things like "was that stupid?" or "did I cause pain?" or "that was petty - you suck".

This is deeply ingrained within me, so much so that when I catch it happening it feels like a shock, each and every time; though I'm aware of the causes, the triggers, and the affect both physically and energetically, it doesn't make it easier to accept it. Each time I find myself judging myself, and open myself up energetically to the point where I can see it for what it is, it feels a bit like an epiphany; as though it is the first time I've discovered myself doing this. So in a way I feel a bit like an amnesiac, as I easily forget to watch for the signs, to moderate my inner commentary; and when I forget then it's back into the old patterns again.

I need to dedicate myself to this, and this alone now; I am so tired of beating the crap out of myself. I know rationally that I am not responsible for the feelings and perceptions of others, and yet there is this need within me to accommodate, to bend, to be pleasing and valid. When someone hurts me I automatically look to myself for the blame, having a hard time understanding that I may not have any blame at all; I generally assume it's my lack of endearing traits that leave a bullseye on my forehead. People just seem to have no trouble being coarse, abrupt, judgemental and cruel to me. So it must be something I emit... and in this way I think to the animal kingdom; stronger animals sense the weakness of their prey and know they are higher up on the food chain - they don't question that, it's simply instinctive knowing which drives them to overtake prey again and again. In this way, I am like prey, emitting a weak signal, so in essence wearing a bullseye on my forehead and heart.

I understand that any of my extremely positive attributes (and there are some) are overshadowed by my weakness, and subconsciously some people are wired up to feel superior to others and thereby treat them differently. I don't judge this; it's human nature. I just find it interesting how in the first twenty years of my life, even though I still had doubts and hangups (I grew up in a very painful environment) I was still confident and self-assured and just knew beyond knowing that I was connected to something "sacred" in the Universe, that always had my back.

Why I ever felt the need to explore anything beyond that, I'm not quite sure, I can't remember when or why I began to seek something "more". But it was a fall down a rabbit hole I can never recover from. My blissful ignorance was blown to hell as I explored world cultural religious modes, dogmas; as I really began to understand just how convoluted "faith" is when built upon guess work. And that is all world religions are - guesswork. I don't mean anyone any offence, and while I'm sure some of you will want to immediately pray for my soul, I assure you I'm quite alright as I am in this respect. Your prayers and blessings are always welcome but they are more for yourself, than they ever are for me. You see, a prayer is a plea to something greater within and without - a request for grace to handle adverse situations, for patience to handle things which test us, and strength to be as great as we hope to be. You can pray for my soul, but it's your own soul which drives the desire to do so.

We're all fearful and anxious about death and what comes next vs. nothing comes next. Faith is a wonderful place to reside, but when it isn't backed up by knowledge it's blind faith, and anyone who doesn't have practical working experience with death is guessing. My mom had a near death experience in her childhood and I don't question her experience, I know she experienced the tunnel of white light, the angelic choir, the being pulled upwards; what I question is how much of that experience was manufactured by her pineal gland.

I've gotten slightly off track, but this digression is good as it brings me back full circle now; when I used to think about death in my first 15 years, I knew God was in Heaven and I would join him when my body died eventually, because I was reborn through Christ.

Then, in my late teens and early twenties when I thought about death I thought the exact same thing, only more abstracted, with less linear lines so to speak; not as many rules, not as many dogmatic confines.

Then in my mid twenties and into my thirties thoughts of death elicited images of the Universe, and nebulae, and alternate dimensions; my view had expanded to a Universal level, and I just knew that the journey wouldn't end with my body, and that gave me tremendous peace. This peace could only exist if a fear had once taken it's place; so the peace I would feel was really indicative in my sometimes doubts in the ongoing nature of the soul, or our essence. I had faith, but not 100%.

Now, I'm 40, and I don't know quite honestly. And sometimes that eats at me, but not very often. You see, I made that my mission last year; to come to grips with my fear of death and "what next". And I have made a tremendous amount of insightful progress. I don't attach the same meanings to death that I used to; my exploration helped me to see things in a different light, and now when I think about death leading nowhere, I'm ok with that instead of instantly panicked. And when I think of death leading somewhere I'm ok with that too, because as far as I'm concerned I have no control over what happens to "me" when my body dies, so I have two choices: stress the $@%! out about it, or just breathe and exhale.

I exhale.

Now I'd like to exhale regarding my internal commentary of fear and self-doubt. I'm doing it all the time, cutting myself down, limiting my abilities, putting up boundaries and blocks because of fear and uncertainty. I want to move to a place of wider perspective on this, like I have regarding the thought of death. I want to know on a deeper level why it's pointless to run this internal commentary, because on a rational level I get how destructive it is, I know I'm poisoning my cellular body with negative ions. Even as I typed that last statement my Crown Chakra pinched and felt tight, and I realized I was feeling anxious and stressful about what I'm doing to my body.

Do you see?

Am I odd?

That is one thing I often wonder; do other people worry as much as I do? They don't seem to. Mostly.

So I'm going to make it my mission now, as of this day, to be mindful of my inner commentary, and to be paying attention to my internal responses, so that I can start to re-condition myself. I feel like the member of a cult who has escaped, who now needs to go through extension behavior modification in order to reclaim their own sense of identity.

Out of the numerous things I would like to work on within myself, this is the one which needs dealing with now. I am ready to stop worrying about worrying.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Big Picture: Greater Perspective

I often reference "the big picture" when I am speaking to people during Spiritual Consultations, or in my Tarot Readings. And every  now and again, a person will look at me uncertainly and ask me what I mean.

Perception being a personal and internal thing, "the big picture" can mean many different things, depending on your thought process. So I'll share with you my idea of "the big picture". Perhaps you'll see the irony in it, as I do; the big picture truly requires you to get "smaller" to really see it .

I will share my idea of the big picture through visualization, so please allow me to take you on a bit of a journey now. Relax where you are sitting reading, and take a couple of cleansing deep breaths.

Now look at your self and your life from a third person perspective. See your life from outside of yourself, as though you were looking at your environment and experiences as you would a TV character. Detach yourself, and un-bias yourself. See your life from a distance, and first begin by seeing everything directly surrounding you. See the room you sit in, in the house or apartment or flat you live in. See the other people or pets in your living environment, all going about their business, doing their own things. See your job, or school, and other daily obligations as something like branches on a tree; they are extensions of how you spend your time on a daily basis. 

Now move outwards a bit further, so that you see your house, apartment or flat in the neighborhood in which you live. See all of the other houses, buildings, parks, trees, cars and everything that take up space in your neighborhood.

Move outwards further now, and see your neighborhood in the city or town or village which you live in. See the totality of your locality; see how many people live in close proximity of each other in your area of the world, see all of the cars, and the fields, and the rivers and streams and lakes. 

Move out yet again, so that you now see your city or town in the province, or state in which you live, and then again move out to see your province or state in the country in which you live.

In your unbiased unattached perspective, see your country in relation to the oceans and seas that surround it, and the other countries which border it. Continue to widen your view to the point where you now see the entire world. 

Here you are, now looking at the Earth. And I want you to move again further out, so that the Earth becomes smaller as you move away, and eventually it becomes nothing more than a dot, and then inevitably a star shining far in the distance.

Seeing all of this widening of perspective, think back now to where you are sitting, at your computer or tablet, reading a blog article on the internet, in the room which you are sitting in. Can you truly see your life as something chaotic or dramatic when you have just previously seen life from such a bigger vantage point? You have just watched your world get incredibly small, while you watched the world grow infinitely huge.

This is seeing the big picture. Because in essence, this is the state of being; we are small individual creatures living our remote secluded lives in our tiny regions of a vast planet. And yet, the Universe goes on naturally, despite what we are experiencing from moment to moment in our emotional and physical life. The comets still move through space, as the planets still revolve around the suns, and the nebulae continue to expand in gaseous explosions of brilliant hues. The pains and pleasures you feel on a daily basis really seem to pale in comparison to the vastness of our Universe, don't they.

When life bogs you down, and you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed by it all, you can always remember the "big picture". The next time you feel yourself losing your wits at the piles of responsibilities you have, and the phone won't stop ringing, and the bills keep piling up, and you worry about how you'll afford X without sacrificing Y, catch yourself, and take a deep cleansing breath, and move outwards... look at the big picture, as you yourself become continually smaller and tinier. And remember, that long after this crisis, or this sorrow, or this upheaval passes, life will still continue to move naturally through this entire Universe.

The big picture is humbling, awe-inspiring, mysterious and peace inducing. I have shared with you elsewhere on this blog of mine that I have suffered from Panic Disorder in my past. And one of the things which helped me to overcome and cope with that panic was meditation. The thing which every meditation began with was this particular visualization exercise. To this day, if I feel myself losing my grip in the moment, I move to this visualization... and then I exhale and remember that "it isn't so bad after all". Because in such a terrific and immense Universe where everything is possible, and mysterious, and enigmatic, how can our small problems really amount to much in the grand scheme of things? This is the big picture, and it is beautiful.

With Divine Love,