Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Conscious Integration of Body, Mind & Spirit

We are, as you likely understand, triune beings. We are body, we are mind (consciousness) and we are soul/spirit. There are tinier aspects of self which fall into these categories, such as ego, which some debate is part of the body, and others debate is part of the mind. I believe it is part of the whole. There is the conscious and subconscious self, which again I believe are part of the whole.

I do not think there is one aspect of self which is not part of the ultimate whole of Self. This includes all aspects of self which we may perceive to be "negative". There is nothing "bad" about negative, it is a darker shade of the Light. It is how we interact with the dark sides of life and self, that helps us to remember the Lighter shades of Self.

As we experience our own Ascension and Awakening process, we go through levels of integration. What are we integrating? Energy. Quite literally. It is the frequency, the light encoded intangible presence of chi - life energy. And as we receive and integrate these various levels of energy, we expand. Literally. We are physical body, yes, and it can expand in it's own way as many of us have learned. But we are also spiritual body, and consciousness body; the body of Christ. And those aspects of Self expand too. The body of mind expands in that it increases it's ability to learn, remember, know, and store conscious information and experience. The spirit/soul body expands via essence; it literally grows larger with Light and life energy.

One of the major shifts of Integration I have experienced to date, is a conscious integration of these triune Selves. To sit still, and breathe in and out deeply, receiving the calming love energy which is in all things, and then realize something big is about to happen; there are few things more enjoyable to me. I urge you to connect to yourself this way, in preparation of all of the integrations that come from this point on. Every single level of attunement we experience comes from Self. From Spirit. From God. And each fear we have connected with each attunement of energy is a gift; a blessing disguised as pain. Remember that as you move through this exercise:

Breathing in and out, deeply, in a place of peace and quiet. Connect to your environment, and immediately seek out that Oneness which is life. Feel it move into your conscious fields of body via your crown chakra (the top of your head) and feel that wondrous peace radiate through your entire being. Accept it. Receive it with gratitude, humility, and love. Let it wash through you. And if you feel something begin to happen energetically, let it happen, and have faith.

I do this exercise quite frequently. Several times a day, consciously. And even more times it just happens on it's own, as though my being desires me to drift off into truth, and I find myself there quite unexpectedly. Now, returning back to the powerful activation which I love more than any. It is the integration of body, mind, and spirit. And when it happens it is profound, and brings with it a sense of love so deep for all three aspects.

How many of you actually sit and contemplate your body, and your mind? We can get awfully caught up in spirit, and the allure of Ascension and transcendance. I see many people in spiritual communities extoling the virtues of spirit, and then judging and fearing the ego and the individual self. This in itself is a roadblock, designed to keep us from actualizing the true depth of peace we can feel through acceptance of lower aspects of self. We are all of it. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly. And accepting that, and attuning to the energy of life and love around us, enables us to receive transmissions of Light from the Universe. These transmissions of Light deliver to us the capacity to hold more of the Light itself. And we expand. With each reception of energy, we grow bigger. As these aspects of Self expand in their own way and reaction to the Light, we can become imbalanced. One aspect will overthrow the other two, and usually with those of us trying to consciously experience our Ascension process, it is Spirit which throws body and mind into a funky place numerically. So we operate from Spirit in a way that deprives body and mind. And it is so simple to bring these aspects of Self back into perfect harmony with one another.Receive the energy of Love which is all around you, and ask for an integration.And then get really in touch with your body. And your mind. Individually. See yourself as body, running, lifting, jumping, tasting, touching and smelling. Feel the raw power that courses through your physicality, and feel thankful for being allowed this opportunity to know the physical world in such an intimate way. Try to remember that we don't come from the physical originally, and this is a treat to spirit! Then visualize your mind, your sense of self, knowledge, judgement, everything that comes with your consciousness, and see all of the information it stores. Admire the ability it has to be flexible, and to shift itself to adapt to new knowledge and indeed Light energy.

Love your mind. See all three aspects of yourself as equals. And they shall be.

I wish you the deepest love within yourself, for yourself. For mankind.

For all of Life.

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