I am sick to death of the new age movement. Anyone who knows me well knows this has been brewing within me for a few years now. I began to see the whole movement as hypocritical a few years ago, in the mirror - personally. I saw my own actions, practices and beliefs and realized that the new age movement has become just another dogmatic offshoot of projectionary pissing contests.
So I quit.
And now I rather make it my mission to be the devils advocate with new age zombies. And yes, I do believe many new agers are zombified; living in a misty perception of life based on too many new age books and tenets. I read all the channellings, I went to the seminars, I attended the global healing sessions, and for a long time it worked for me. Until I began to see the shift within the movement, and the greed people exhibited, as they realized they could not only cash in on this movement, but also justify it because of "free will" and "destiny".
I've witnessed new age people of all ranks use, abuse, and treat people horrendously, and turn around and justify it to themselves because they believe they were meant to play that abominable role in someone elses life in order to be Angelic - do them a favour.
I call bullshit on the whole thing.
An acquaintance of mine is a new age hypnotist, who makes his living coaching athletes spiritually to help them improve their games. This guy subscribes to the new age notion that he is "ascending" in order to reach a higher dimensional state of consciousness. He believes that everything is pre-destined, and he is playing a role as an Angelic being to help the world wake up, and become more spiritual. And yet, he turned around and caused a close friend of mine unspeakable pain, by lying to her and her children, about something extremely intimate. He lied, and got caught, and then acted even more cravenly by trying to pull the "let us learn from this" routine, instead of just saying "yes I'm an ass".
I am so tired of this type of new age disconnect, where people escape reality by living in some fantasy world, where they can make the rules up as they go to better serve their own duplicitous ulterior motives.
So again, I call bullshit on the whole thing.
Lets say for argument sake that the whole Ascension thing is happening; you really are an Angelic being in a physical body come here to help raise the planets vibration so humanity can evolve to 5th dimensional beings of light and Love. Let's assume that's correct thinking for arguments sake. So here you are, living in a world which is in utter chaos, where children go hungry every minute of the day, where women are raped every minute of every day. We are here in this world full of pain, tyranny, and heartache, wars being waged for money and natural resources, and as members of this new age movement of Ascension, we are here to help raise the vibration of the planet up so we can overcome, and become compassionate loving beings of spiritual light.
What are we doing to be a part of this shift? Hanging out in yoga studios, playing with singing bowls, going to Sedona to "feel the vibration" of the desert? It's become a cliché, and where the new age movement was truly a movement twenty years ago, now it is just another industry. It is a cash grab.
Now lets say that the whole Ascension thing is bullshit, man made, created in our psyche to help us overcome the fear and loneliness of being sentient beings on a small rock in an infinite universe. Let's say that we are just creatures of insecurity who are always seeking validation and love, and that we have created this movement in order to feel more self worth.
How arrogant of us to for a moment think we're so important?
I think the truth of any situation lies within the middle ground, the eye of the storm as it were. And in the middle of the new age movement is a truth I can ascribe to: keep it simple. Stupid.
The truth can either be some grand dreamlike fantasy land which makes you feel all warm and fuzzy within your heart and pineal gland, or it can be what you see and feel and sense right around and within you. I no longer believe or care about the notion that hundreds of thousands of human beings truly believe they are on a mission of epic stellar proportions to help this planet evolve and ascend. What I care about is the lies we tell ourselves, and how we deal with people on a daily basis in our every day life.
Maybe it's time to stop reading the channellings folks, to stop going to the seminars, and ordering the newest new age fad on-line, to add to our pretty altar so we can tell people just how spiritually advanced we are. Maybe it's time to just go outside, sit under a tree, and re-connect to the Spirit within and around.
I challenge any self-professed new ager to put down the labels, and stop wearing the movement like a cool leather jacket, and get back to your roots.
Our roots; the roots and foundation of the new age movement was not about ascending to 5D reality, or going on some trippy astral journey; the roots were simply about love. Sharing love, giving love, receiving love.
Forgiveness, humility, flexibility, and compassion. These are the tenets of the original movement of the new age of Aquarius.
There is no need to complicate this process; in fact simplicity is the pathway to true peace. So simplify your spiritual experience. Stop looking outside of yourself for the "answers". Stop looking for mystery and significance in every shadow or shooting star. Just accept that we do not have all the answers and that in itself is a humbling beautiful component of our life on Earth. We are a part of a living organism which is interconnected by the trees, water, oxygen, plant and animal life. We have so much beauty around us right here on this planet; there is no need to want to escape to some higher dimensional version of Earth.
Heaven on Earth is possible if we take our collective heads out of our collective asses and start being the change we wish to see in the world - right now. Right here.
So take that 30 bucks you were going to spend on the next new age book and donate it to the Red cross, or to an orphanage in Africa, or to your local soup kitchen. You'll be doing something practical and immediate to be the change, and you'll feel so good about yourself after. And isn't that what we want? To feel good?
Call bullshit on the things which don't ring true around you, and then find something you're passionate about, and pursue it actively.
Instead of being part of the cliche, be the change.
It's far more rewarding.

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