When I give a Tarot reading I always end it with a "shot of Quantum Light Healing", and clients are informed that they will receive this cleansing Light modality the night they receive their reading. Today I received an email message from a Tarot client of mine named Sherry; in it she asked:
"What is quantum light healing? I'm a reiki master; is it similar to that?"
Let me first start out by saying that I am not the "founder" of Quantum Light Healing, there are many people who use similar healing modalities, however I did not model my healing after anyone else's. Quantum Light came to me about 8 years ago through extensive meditation and introspection; communion with Spirit. Some may call it channeling, however I dislike that term; I really prefer to simplify it by saying I followed my intuition to discover a mode of healing we can all access, easily, readily, and innately as human beings.
What Is Quantum Light?
Let's first start by understanding the word quantum. The dictionary defines a quantum as:
"What is quantum light healing? I'm a reiki master; is it similar to that?"
Let me first start out by saying that I am not the "founder" of Quantum Light Healing, there are many people who use similar healing modalities, however I did not model my healing after anyone else's. Quantum Light came to me about 8 years ago through extensive meditation and introspection; communion with Spirit. Some may call it channeling, however I dislike that term; I really prefer to simplify it by saying I followed my intuition to discover a mode of healing we can all access, easily, readily, and innately as human beings.
What Is Quantum Light?
Let's first start by understanding the word quantum. The dictionary defines a quantum as:
How I Discovered Photon Light Healing
I don't believe in accidents, or coincidence, and know on a higher plane of awareness that Photon Light Healing is a tool we can all access, however it came to me in a slow unwinding process of self discovery, through years of meditation and reflection. I had expressed an interest in healing modalities about 12 years ago, and looked into Reiki primarily, but after studying level 1 I discovered this was not exactly what I was looking for. My hands knew what they wanted to do, as did my heart, but I had to get my brain to wrap around it in order to begin to really know how to use it. I had been using it my whole life, as do many, unwittingly, but once I began to really firmly grasp what it was I was working with, the name Quantum Light Healing just fit - and so I began to call it that. I didn't coin the phrase and don't wish to make it sound like I discovered anything; I didn't. I simply tapped into an energy healing model and gave it a name which resonated within my intuitive knowing.
How Does It Work?
It's so simple, and as easy as using your imagination really. If you have worked with your Chakras, and are aware of how to open your third eye and crown up, to connect to a Higher state of consciousness Universally, then you are ready to start weaving Quantum Light Particles. Our Universe is comprised of Light and Dark energy and matter. The Light energy is infinite as far as I know, it is self replicating, and while I am not a physicist it seems to defy the laws of physics by expanding on itself, collapsing, and acting much like the waves on the ocean; it ebbs and flows and is seemingly unending. It is the light stars and suns emit, very radioactive and no doubt incredibly dangerous to the physical body in close contact. And yet when working Quantum Light you are not using it tangibly; you are using it energetically. That is to say, you don't scoop up a handful of photons to apply to the body; you use the radio waves and pulses of the nuclear energy to affect the cells of the body. And this is done via attraction, telepathy, intention, or whatever you want to label it as.
It may sound bizarre or far fetched, but once you understand how Quantum Light works you understand that it's no different than how the lungs function. We inhale and exhale without thinking about it, and our body lives. If we stop inhaling we stop oxygenating our blood and the physical body stops functioning. But we don't have to think about it, the body simply knows it needs oxygen and the brain regulates breathing in order to provide appropriate amounts of inhaled air. Quantum Light is similar, in that once you recognize it as an intrinsic part of the Universe and our own energy as part of the Universe itself, all you need to do is direct it.
When you want to pick up a cup on the table in front of you, you reach over and pick up the cup. Right?
When you want to use Quantum Light, you call it to you vibrationally, and then "tell" it what to do. It's as simple as that.
Well, it's as simple as that if you're able to modify your vibration, and frequency. There is a great deal of self aware body modulating that goes into working QL.
Is It Like Reiki?
Yes and no. It is like Reiki in that it is pure Universal Light energy being used in a loving manner to direct a healing in the physical or emotional or spiritual body. But it is different than Reiki in that it is not a discipline, and not directed by symbols or manifestations of levels of mastery. It simply IS. And one doesn't need a certificate or fancy title to wield it. All one needs to do is work towards an awakening of self-awareness and spiritual cohesion of the physical and emotional.
Sound easy? That's up to you. Everyones awakening process varies. Mine has been four decades in the shaping and some days I feel as though I am still utterly ensconced in the sleep of ignorant complacence.
So What Can It Do?
That is up to you - the individual. My own understanding of QLH has changed over the last few years, as I've begun to understand I do some of my most powerful healing while my body and mind sleep - it is done in Spirit, through dream weaving, and astral projection. Where I used to spend great amounts of time trying to mold and wield the Light intentionally and visually, now I understand that all I need to do is set the intent, and then visualize, and then sleep. My Spirit always follows what I have laid forth. It is as though I draw a blueprint with my mind, and see it in my third eye, by traveling through the healing in advance and setting my desires for what I'd like to achieve, and then when I sleep my Spirit makes it so.
I also use it while awake though, often through the day, sometimes wittingly, sometimes just instinctively. I see that I am Quantum Light, therefore using it as an extension of my own body and mind and spirit, and breath, is no big challenge.
But You Have So Many Health Problems?
This is a valid and real point that I want to address. I have spinal diseases which have limited my mobility and cause me a significant amount of daily pain and disability. I also have CFS/Fibromyalgia and a few other health issues. Most healers will agree that healing the self is a different commodity than healing another. It is like a mother who spends all her time and money and energy caring for her kids, clothing them well, making sure they have everything they require and desire, and at the end of the day she is wearing second hand clothing quite happily, not really caring that shes out of style and not quite vogue. A mother knows instinctively how to care for her children, putting herself first can be a challenge. And I've come to understand that people with deep empathy find it easier to connect to Quantum Light as they are just more open and 'out there' or accessible emotionally, which also can make them more prone to illness themselves. When you're an open receptacle for other peoples feelings, you're bound to take on issues that don't 'belong' to you. And this leads to illness.
Physician heal thyself - words of wisdom, easier said than done.
And why would I spend my time directing Universal Light at myself? Feels greedy. I fill my own cup, I'm happy and at peace, and my body may be crippled but my heart is so full of love and compassion I do not feel I am at a deficit really. I would much prefer to direct that QLH outwards, as it seems to be what my Soul is driven to do.
So that is Quantum Light Healing in a nut shell. If you meditate on the concept of Light, what it IS, your body, how it is comprised of that Light, and then how all life is also comprised of varying rays of that light, you will perhaps begin to feel your hands tingle with it. It may make itself known through a pressure on your third eye, or a slight 'whoosh' in your inner ears. And if that is the case for you - send it outwards and see where it goes. Like a pebble in a pond, the ripples are exponential and go in all directions.
May the Light bless your awareness. Love Always,

1. quantity or amount: the least quantum of evidence.
2. a particular amount.
3. a share or portion.
4. a large quantity; bulk.
We all know what Light is, but let's refine our understanding, because it isn't just light that is used in healing, it is a Universal aspect of a portion of Light. Not all Light is "healing" - some light is simply illuminating, some of photonic, some is reflective and refractive. The Light used to heal is Photon Light - a quantum (or particular amount) of energetic, nuclear Light - it is alive, active, and reactive.
So by all intents and purposes, Quantum Light is simply photons which are virtually all over the Universe.
Modern medicine uses this principal to a small degree when treating cancer cells with radiation - which photons are comprised of. However the radiation used in cancer treatment is destructive, used to kill cancerous cells, rather than heal. So in essence the Quantum Light used by modern medicine to treat cancer is malevolent and used with an intention to destroy.
The Quantum Light I and many others use is the same basic particulate Light, it is made of the same stuff, it is radiated, it is charged and photonic, however the intention with which it is directed is different, and intention is what guides any healing on a cellular level.
How I Discovered Photon Light Healing
I don't believe in accidents, or coincidence, and know on a higher plane of awareness that Photon Light Healing is a tool we can all access, however it came to me in a slow unwinding process of self discovery, through years of meditation and reflection. I had expressed an interest in healing modalities about 12 years ago, and looked into Reiki primarily, but after studying level 1 I discovered this was not exactly what I was looking for. My hands knew what they wanted to do, as did my heart, but I had to get my brain to wrap around it in order to begin to really know how to use it. I had been using it my whole life, as do many, unwittingly, but once I began to really firmly grasp what it was I was working with, the name Quantum Light Healing just fit - and so I began to call it that. I didn't coin the phrase and don't wish to make it sound like I discovered anything; I didn't. I simply tapped into an energy healing model and gave it a name which resonated within my intuitive knowing.
How Does It Work?
It's so simple, and as easy as using your imagination really. If you have worked with your Chakras, and are aware of how to open your third eye and crown up, to connect to a Higher state of consciousness Universally, then you are ready to start weaving Quantum Light Particles. Our Universe is comprised of Light and Dark energy and matter. The Light energy is infinite as far as I know, it is self replicating, and while I am not a physicist it seems to defy the laws of physics by expanding on itself, collapsing, and acting much like the waves on the ocean; it ebbs and flows and is seemingly unending. It is the light stars and suns emit, very radioactive and no doubt incredibly dangerous to the physical body in close contact. And yet when working Quantum Light you are not using it tangibly; you are using it energetically. That is to say, you don't scoop up a handful of photons to apply to the body; you use the radio waves and pulses of the nuclear energy to affect the cells of the body. And this is done via attraction, telepathy, intention, or whatever you want to label it as.
It may sound bizarre or far fetched, but once you understand how Quantum Light works you understand that it's no different than how the lungs function. We inhale and exhale without thinking about it, and our body lives. If we stop inhaling we stop oxygenating our blood and the physical body stops functioning. But we don't have to think about it, the body simply knows it needs oxygen and the brain regulates breathing in order to provide appropriate amounts of inhaled air. Quantum Light is similar, in that once you recognize it as an intrinsic part of the Universe and our own energy as part of the Universe itself, all you need to do is direct it.
When you want to pick up a cup on the table in front of you, you reach over and pick up the cup. Right?
When you want to use Quantum Light, you call it to you vibrationally, and then "tell" it what to do. It's as simple as that.
Well, it's as simple as that if you're able to modify your vibration, and frequency. There is a great deal of self aware body modulating that goes into working QL.
Is It Like Reiki?
Yes and no. It is like Reiki in that it is pure Universal Light energy being used in a loving manner to direct a healing in the physical or emotional or spiritual body. But it is different than Reiki in that it is not a discipline, and not directed by symbols or manifestations of levels of mastery. It simply IS. And one doesn't need a certificate or fancy title to wield it. All one needs to do is work towards an awakening of self-awareness and spiritual cohesion of the physical and emotional.
Sound easy? That's up to you. Everyones awakening process varies. Mine has been four decades in the shaping and some days I feel as though I am still utterly ensconced in the sleep of ignorant complacence.
So What Can It Do?
That is up to you - the individual. My own understanding of QLH has changed over the last few years, as I've begun to understand I do some of my most powerful healing while my body and mind sleep - it is done in Spirit, through dream weaving, and astral projection. Where I used to spend great amounts of time trying to mold and wield the Light intentionally and visually, now I understand that all I need to do is set the intent, and then visualize, and then sleep. My Spirit always follows what I have laid forth. It is as though I draw a blueprint with my mind, and see it in my third eye, by traveling through the healing in advance and setting my desires for what I'd like to achieve, and then when I sleep my Spirit makes it so.
I also use it while awake though, often through the day, sometimes wittingly, sometimes just instinctively. I see that I am Quantum Light, therefore using it as an extension of my own body and mind and spirit, and breath, is no big challenge.
But You Have So Many Health Problems?
This is a valid and real point that I want to address. I have spinal diseases which have limited my mobility and cause me a significant amount of daily pain and disability. I also have CFS/Fibromyalgia and a few other health issues. Most healers will agree that healing the self is a different commodity than healing another. It is like a mother who spends all her time and money and energy caring for her kids, clothing them well, making sure they have everything they require and desire, and at the end of the day she is wearing second hand clothing quite happily, not really caring that shes out of style and not quite vogue. A mother knows instinctively how to care for her children, putting herself first can be a challenge. And I've come to understand that people with deep empathy find it easier to connect to Quantum Light as they are just more open and 'out there' or accessible emotionally, which also can make them more prone to illness themselves. When you're an open receptacle for other peoples feelings, you're bound to take on issues that don't 'belong' to you. And this leads to illness.
Physician heal thyself - words of wisdom, easier said than done.
And why would I spend my time directing Universal Light at myself? Feels greedy. I fill my own cup, I'm happy and at peace, and my body may be crippled but my heart is so full of love and compassion I do not feel I am at a deficit really. I would much prefer to direct that QLH outwards, as it seems to be what my Soul is driven to do.
So that is Quantum Light Healing in a nut shell. If you meditate on the concept of Light, what it IS, your body, how it is comprised of that Light, and then how all life is also comprised of varying rays of that light, you will perhaps begin to feel your hands tingle with it. It may make itself known through a pressure on your third eye, or a slight 'whoosh' in your inner ears. And if that is the case for you - send it outwards and see where it goes. Like a pebble in a pond, the ripples are exponential and go in all directions.
May the Light bless your awareness. Love Always,

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