I am regularly and routinely shocked when I realize that I am amongst a small percentage of human beings who believe the world is not okay the way it currently is. In my own mind and consciousness when I think about the tyranny on this planet, the lies and the ways in which we are truly enslaved by commerce and politics, I can't help but feel infuriated at the way in which society has evolved to become something corrupt and elitist. And yet it is clear to me that while the planet appears to be waking up to the magnitude of our reality in all it's messed up spectacle, there are still so many people who are more comfortable with the lie.
You see, when someone begins to realize that the world is corrupt, and corporate greed runs the planet, it is a scary notion; not something easy to digest. When you really begin to see how big pharmaceutical corporations, oil corporations, banks and politics all strive to keep people complacent and afraid, it leaves you feeling raw, uncertain and extremely fearful. If an entire planet can become blinded by the almighty buck, and suddenly science fiction seems less like fiction and more like a bleak reality, then what is yet to come becomes an overwhelming future full of grim injustice.
The things that weigh on me most heavily right now are the things I cannot control as an individual; such as Hydraulic Fracturing and the way in which the powers that be are actively lying to the world about how invasive and damaging the "Fracking" industry is. People can set their drinking water on fire, tremors are being triggered by the Fracking process, entire ecosystems are rotting before our eyes, because we are reliant on fossil fuels, because those in power have given us no other alternatives. Then there is Monsanto and the GMO reality we are all living and facing; when it becomes okay for a presidential administration to grant secrecy and anonymity to companies who are genetically modifying our crops, and these genetic mutations are proving fatal in animal testing, and yet they are so deregulated that the public is not viewed as having a need of or right to the exact laundry list of toxins that are going into the food we eat. These GMO altered foods are killing the worlds Bee population, which is another huge concern; without Bee's our planets plant life will surely die out.
Why do we allow these things to happen, putting out of mind the horrendous truth of the machine which we are enslaved to and trying to ignore the magnitude of what we are doing to this planet and each other is not changing anything.
The bottom line is the 1% of the worlds Elite are rich because we feel powerless and so we become complacent and just adopt a "you can't fight city hall" frame of mind..
The facts are in people, autism, ADD, panic disorder, and other psychological and neurological illnesses and diseases are directly related to pollution, vaccinations, water contamination, chemical waste - when do we say enough is enough and truly become activists??
The word activist has taken on a negative connotation, as the grass roots movements of the 1960's lost massive amounts of credibility due to right wing criticisms of the peace and love movement. It became almost a joke to think about the long haired "hippies" of the 60's, and instead of their message of liberty, love, community and peace remaining their legacy to the world, we instead look back with comical caricatures of stoners like Cheech and Chong symbolizing a hippy. But the movement itself wasn't about the style or the music; it was about people, and freedom, and sustaining a future for our children which would be fertile and abundant with possibility.
An activist is one who is active: and apathy is the antithesis of activity. We have become complacent and apathetic towards the world around us; we are so desensitized to war, to bloodshed and genocide, we are bombarded by images of murder and terrorism on the television; something within us as a global community has learned to turn off the feeling of fear and shock within. It's a safety mechanism and none of us can be blamed; the world around us has been devised to make us feel exactly this way. It was the vision of our forefathers not to ensure a democratic world for us to build upon with equality and opportunity, but rather to build powerful governmental structures to ensure those with the 'right' ideas stayed in control. This is why the poor fight wars while the rich profit from them; it's why the poor flock to churches while the rich bow down to the dollar alone. As an entire planet we've been duped by those who always had the most money and the most influence; and we are now truly enslaved.
We are enslaved by a system which is thrust upon us from the day we are born; and we seldom question the choices we are groomed for, because to question our reality means we accept something is wrong. And accepting something is wrong requires you to either do something, or live with the guilt of your own inaction; both are undesirable outcomes.
So what do we do?
On a bad day (which I have increasingly to be honest) I fear that nothing can be done, because it is too late and to try to change the mechanisms of the global money machine means complete planetary anarchy is necessary, and the second that occurs we will be living under obvious and conspicuous martial law.
We live under martial law already; it's apparent to anyone willing to truly see, yet it is disregarded or covered up, and we ignore it. The media is owned by those in power, and seldom does a truly unbiased news report surface anywhere in mainstream media. We are blinded by Hollywood, and pointless programming about people who are truly devoid of any redeeming qualities. We watch reality tv, which is totally unreal, and devote our attention to the latest person to OD, or self destruct in the public lens of fame.
Why do we do this? Why do we pay more mind to some singer with loose morals and questionable talent, than we do to the very horrors that are all around us? We do it because we have been conditioned to.
Conditioning is a kinder way to say brainwashed. But to get right to the heart of the matter, that is what has happened. In the last century, while technology and science have begun to explode, and we've become aware of the entire planet on a real time internet basis, we have been brainwashed by the popular culture, the trends, the fashions, the politics, and the money.
We are completely reliant upon the machine now; who among us don't use gasoline, or plastics, or medicines; our whole reality is set up on a foundation of commerce and big business.
But maybe we don't need to do anything radical to be a change; maybe it's as simple as deciding to become responsible and think globally while truly acting locally. Little things can make a big difference. So like our parents and their generation during the 1960's grass roots movement, perhaps we can start actively demonstrating our desire to see things begin to take a shift towards conscious creation, proactivism as it were. Research and read, and learn about who is in charge of things where you are interested, and try to stop using products which support tyranny. Switch brands, read ingredients, take the time to investigate the shots you give yourself or your children before committing your genetic health to nameless billionairs living overseas while CEO'ing pharmaceuticals.
Gandhi said we were to "Be the change you wish to see in the world", and this is the basis of any activist group or ideal. Instead of just talking about what's wrong we have to start making it right. It requires us to be willing to make some changes in our own personal lives. And that can be uncomfortable, or an inconvenience. But when you take your own needs out of the equation and think about the future, your own needs seem paltry by comparison. Think about your children, and their children, and imagine a world in which they cannot swim in lakes or streams, or eat a berry off the bush, or get an education without being forced to receive mysterious vaccinations. Imagine a world where there are no green places any more, and where water is recycled because we've run out of clean renewable water sources. Imagine a world where the sky is forever milky white due to chemical trails, and a blue sky with puffy white clouds is something children read about in history books.
Can you live with that heavy weight in your heart? I can't.
Start making changes in your own life. Don't be afraid; there is nothing to fear. If every single person begins to make wiser choices for their own life, then the machine changes, because the only thing dictating supply is demand; if we demand different things then the powers that be will have no choice but to supply what we require.
We don't need fossil fuels, we have renewable and natural resources like the wind and the sun, we don't need vaccinations because our bodies come equipped with beautiful and miraculous immune systems which magically grow stronger when given the chance to create anti-bodies by being ill.
Don't you see? We have everything we need already - and it's all supplied by the very planet we are destroying.
Switch to a more natural way of thinking, seeing things, and living, and your children will have a richer future because of it. As a single person we are just one small voice; but when we gather and take up a common cause we are unstoppable.

You see, when someone begins to realize that the world is corrupt, and corporate greed runs the planet, it is a scary notion; not something easy to digest. When you really begin to see how big pharmaceutical corporations, oil corporations, banks and politics all strive to keep people complacent and afraid, it leaves you feeling raw, uncertain and extremely fearful. If an entire planet can become blinded by the almighty buck, and suddenly science fiction seems less like fiction and more like a bleak reality, then what is yet to come becomes an overwhelming future full of grim injustice.
The things that weigh on me most heavily right now are the things I cannot control as an individual; such as Hydraulic Fracturing and the way in which the powers that be are actively lying to the world about how invasive and damaging the "Fracking" industry is. People can set their drinking water on fire, tremors are being triggered by the Fracking process, entire ecosystems are rotting before our eyes, because we are reliant on fossil fuels, because those in power have given us no other alternatives. Then there is Monsanto and the GMO reality we are all living and facing; when it becomes okay for a presidential administration to grant secrecy and anonymity to companies who are genetically modifying our crops, and these genetic mutations are proving fatal in animal testing, and yet they are so deregulated that the public is not viewed as having a need of or right to the exact laundry list of toxins that are going into the food we eat. These GMO altered foods are killing the worlds Bee population, which is another huge concern; without Bee's our planets plant life will surely die out.
Why do we allow these things to happen, putting out of mind the horrendous truth of the machine which we are enslaved to and trying to ignore the magnitude of what we are doing to this planet and each other is not changing anything.
The bottom line is the 1% of the worlds Elite are rich because we feel powerless and so we become complacent and just adopt a "you can't fight city hall" frame of mind..
The facts are in people, autism, ADD, panic disorder, and other psychological and neurological illnesses and diseases are directly related to pollution, vaccinations, water contamination, chemical waste - when do we say enough is enough and truly become activists??
The word activist has taken on a negative connotation, as the grass roots movements of the 1960's lost massive amounts of credibility due to right wing criticisms of the peace and love movement. It became almost a joke to think about the long haired "hippies" of the 60's, and instead of their message of liberty, love, community and peace remaining their legacy to the world, we instead look back with comical caricatures of stoners like Cheech and Chong symbolizing a hippy. But the movement itself wasn't about the style or the music; it was about people, and freedom, and sustaining a future for our children which would be fertile and abundant with possibility.
An activist is one who is active: and apathy is the antithesis of activity. We have become complacent and apathetic towards the world around us; we are so desensitized to war, to bloodshed and genocide, we are bombarded by images of murder and terrorism on the television; something within us as a global community has learned to turn off the feeling of fear and shock within. It's a safety mechanism and none of us can be blamed; the world around us has been devised to make us feel exactly this way. It was the vision of our forefathers not to ensure a democratic world for us to build upon with equality and opportunity, but rather to build powerful governmental structures to ensure those with the 'right' ideas stayed in control. This is why the poor fight wars while the rich profit from them; it's why the poor flock to churches while the rich bow down to the dollar alone. As an entire planet we've been duped by those who always had the most money and the most influence; and we are now truly enslaved.
We are enslaved by a system which is thrust upon us from the day we are born; and we seldom question the choices we are groomed for, because to question our reality means we accept something is wrong. And accepting something is wrong requires you to either do something, or live with the guilt of your own inaction; both are undesirable outcomes.
So what do we do?
On a bad day (which I have increasingly to be honest) I fear that nothing can be done, because it is too late and to try to change the mechanisms of the global money machine means complete planetary anarchy is necessary, and the second that occurs we will be living under obvious and conspicuous martial law.
We live under martial law already; it's apparent to anyone willing to truly see, yet it is disregarded or covered up, and we ignore it. The media is owned by those in power, and seldom does a truly unbiased news report surface anywhere in mainstream media. We are blinded by Hollywood, and pointless programming about people who are truly devoid of any redeeming qualities. We watch reality tv, which is totally unreal, and devote our attention to the latest person to OD, or self destruct in the public lens of fame.
Why do we do this? Why do we pay more mind to some singer with loose morals and questionable talent, than we do to the very horrors that are all around us? We do it because we have been conditioned to.
Conditioning is a kinder way to say brainwashed. But to get right to the heart of the matter, that is what has happened. In the last century, while technology and science have begun to explode, and we've become aware of the entire planet on a real time internet basis, we have been brainwashed by the popular culture, the trends, the fashions, the politics, and the money.
We are completely reliant upon the machine now; who among us don't use gasoline, or plastics, or medicines; our whole reality is set up on a foundation of commerce and big business.
But maybe we don't need to do anything radical to be a change; maybe it's as simple as deciding to become responsible and think globally while truly acting locally. Little things can make a big difference. So like our parents and their generation during the 1960's grass roots movement, perhaps we can start actively demonstrating our desire to see things begin to take a shift towards conscious creation, proactivism as it were. Research and read, and learn about who is in charge of things where you are interested, and try to stop using products which support tyranny. Switch brands, read ingredients, take the time to investigate the shots you give yourself or your children before committing your genetic health to nameless billionairs living overseas while CEO'ing pharmaceuticals.
Gandhi said we were to "Be the change you wish to see in the world", and this is the basis of any activist group or ideal. Instead of just talking about what's wrong we have to start making it right. It requires us to be willing to make some changes in our own personal lives. And that can be uncomfortable, or an inconvenience. But when you take your own needs out of the equation and think about the future, your own needs seem paltry by comparison. Think about your children, and their children, and imagine a world in which they cannot swim in lakes or streams, or eat a berry off the bush, or get an education without being forced to receive mysterious vaccinations. Imagine a world where there are no green places any more, and where water is recycled because we've run out of clean renewable water sources. Imagine a world where the sky is forever milky white due to chemical trails, and a blue sky with puffy white clouds is something children read about in history books.
Can you live with that heavy weight in your heart? I can't.
Start making changes in your own life. Don't be afraid; there is nothing to fear. If every single person begins to make wiser choices for their own life, then the machine changes, because the only thing dictating supply is demand; if we demand different things then the powers that be will have no choice but to supply what we require.
We don't need fossil fuels, we have renewable and natural resources like the wind and the sun, we don't need vaccinations because our bodies come equipped with beautiful and miraculous immune systems which magically grow stronger when given the chance to create anti-bodies by being ill.
Don't you see? We have everything we need already - and it's all supplied by the very planet we are destroying.
Switch to a more natural way of thinking, seeing things, and living, and your children will have a richer future because of it. As a single person we are just one small voice; but when we gather and take up a common cause we are unstoppable.

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