I saw a comment made online earlier today, about empathy/intuition being "not impressive", and the reasoning behind this statement was "because a child can do it".
This really stirred something within me, and the laughter that shot out of my belly was tremendous - I realized how apathetic we can become in our Awakening experiences. A child can be born, does that mean it isn't impressive?
The picture above holds the statement "Miracles happen for those who believe"; this doesn't mean only believers will be granted miracles, it means those with the eyes to see and heart to believe know that miracles abound!!!
To the person experiencing intuition or empathy consciously for the first time; it is no less than miraculous!! If you've lived your whole life unaware of the connection between other people's energy and emotions, and your own responses physically and emotionally, and then one day you just get it in a really conscious way, it is kind of mind blowing.
So I want to remind you of the every day miracles we are all surrounded by in our lives.
I'll start with the intuition miracle:
- You're humming a song, and a little while after it comes on the radio.
- You think of a loved one, and a moment later the phone rings - it is them.
- You get a feeling you should turn right instead of drive straight, 5 minutes later you find out there was an accident on the road you were originally going to drive on.
These are just three of countless types of miracles we can witness through our intuition, or gut instincts.
Next there are the empathic miracles:
- You feel another persons pain so profoundly that you can identify with them in such a way as you want to be there for them, comfort them, love them.
There are all types of empathy; the above example is my personal favourite as it is what tears down walls and creates bridges.
Now the every day miracles of YOU:
- Your body inhales and exhales regularly without your conscious need to regulate it.
- Your biology rejects negative ingested items and absorbs positive proteins and minerals.
- Your brain is firing at lightning speed, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when your body sleeps.
- Your heart pumps about 2000 gallons of blood each and every day. The average bucket is 5 gallons - you do the math :)
- Your body lets you know when it is tired, hungry, thirsty, stressed, anxious, happy, sad... etc.
- You are made of the same stuff the Universe is made of - and the Earth!
- There is electricity, and water living inside of your body, and yet you are not electrocuted!
Don't take these every day miracles for granted, for they truly are magnificent! When each experience is greeted with fresh eyes and fresh perception, it can be felt anew each time. So you may have had 200 astral projections, but that doesn't mean you can't thrill at the miracle of the experience each time you have it!
When you lose your passion, you will lose yourself.
Einstein said there were two ways to look at life; the first was as though there were no miracles, the second was as though everything is a miracle.
Which way do you choose to see life?

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