So often, we can say things in the "heat of the moment" without really giving them thought. I for one can be very prone to "foot-in-mouth" moments; where I say something which after it is uttered I wish I could take it back. Because of this, and knowing myself as I do, I try to be very thoughtful before speaking in a passionate moment, or when upset or angry.
We can not take our words back, once they are spoken (or typed) they are out there, and though we can apologize or even delete our words online, the heavy residue of the energy surrounding them is still there. And this is where karma and the law of attraction come into play.
Those who know me well, know that I do not usually talk about these things, as I understand that these energetic theories are simply counter balances in our Universe, and we are not going to achieve anything by trying to manipulate them. Karma is a series of checks and balances, and the law of attraction isn't hooked up to our conscious thoughts, but to our sub-conscious thoughts, or as Neale Donald Walsch outlined in his Conversations with God books, our "sponsoring thoughts".
Yet I am aware that our words also have an energetic cause and affect, and the energy we were surrounded with when we used the words goes into the Universe to create and draw in similar energy. So words spoken in anger or sorrow tend to draw more anger or sorrow into our energy fields.
It is good and truly healing to express how we are authentically feeling in any given moment or situation, however we must become more honest in our communication, and I see all too often people using defensiveness or insult to express their negative feelings. You can easily express your sadness or anger without resorting to passive aggressive insults or put downs. When you insult another person you are telling the Universe that you don't think that much about yourself too - if you did you could not put down another, as you would know we are all interconnected, and "whatsoever you have done to the least of my brethren you have done to me".
So when you are angry, or scared, or sad, try to think before you issue you words via your voice or the written word; be mindful, and let your heart guide you. You can express your truth in a kind and compassionate way. Because you will eventually be in a different state of mind, and when this happens, you may feel badly about the words you spoke in the heat of the moment.
Your words represent your energetic feeling about yourself and the world around you, and draw a certain energy resonance to you. So choose your words wisely and with Heart. Do not cover up what you feel with spiritual platitudes, because this isn't being authentic or real either, yet you can express yourself honestly and with love at the same time. You can say "I am unhappy with you right now because of _____" and yet you do not need to belittle or besmirch.
Know that when the moment passes, and your anger or sadness passes, you will still be accountable for your words and how you've used them. So let love be your guide when you speak. Not only should we treat people as we wish to be treated, but we must speak to them as we would wish to be spoken to.
Let love be your guide.

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