It has been a very interesting week; it began with a 3 day long migraine, the first of that length and severity ever. This followed the 8/8 energy date, Mercury going into retrograde, the full moon, and several other poignant spiritual indicators in my own personal life.
On Sunday afternoon, a small quaint cottage town in Ontario, located about 3 hours from me, called Goderich experienced an F3 level tornado, the biggest in recorded history for our area. The main strip of this sleepy little beautiful town was decimated, one man was killed while working in a salt mine, and dozens were injured. Winds of nearly 300 k/h were recorded in a twenty kilometer span, the tornado was fierce.
And then today we experienced not one, but two earthquakes in states that are not generally known for earthquakes. The first was near the New Mexico border, in Colorado in the wee hours of the morning. And the second occurred just before 2pm this afternoon (EST) in Virginia. Apparently this is the first earthquake out of Virginia in 40 years.
So I tuned into the Earth Mother and Her grid of Light, the ley lines of the land. And the electromagnetic impulses are enormous at this time. And it was obvious to me immediately what my role in this is; to help people remain objective in the face of the unknown.
Yes, the world can experience shifts and cataclysmic events, and these events can cause injury, death, personal loss, destruction. Indeed, these ideas can be horrifying to anyone. But it is so important that we remain calm, and peaceful and try to remember that change is a natural cyclic motion in our lives in this Universe.
Every civilization before us has had it's rise and it's fall, as this too is a natural cyclic motion of life. We are not meant to be infinite in one expression of physicality; that would be pointless. We grow until we reach critical mass, and then we reach a cross roads. Earth is at that cross roads at this time in our evolution, as we have reached critical mass with regards to pollution, destruction, hatred, greed, calamity; our effect on this planet is palpable and as our forefathers before us we will eventually be brought to our own natural end, so that the next great age may rise out of the ashes.
Atlantis fell, Lemuria fell, Babylonia, Sumeria and the Mayan civilizations all fell. And none of this was due to an angry "god" trying to seek justice. None of this was to teach a lesson or right a wrong; it was simply the natural rhythms of life on this beautiful planet. Nothing is forever.
At this time, as people become hyper-paranoid about the 2012 Mayan prophecies, and misinterpretations of the end of the Long-count calender; as people talk about motherships and alien invasion, or mass Ascension to a 5D planet of parallel lineage to Earth, it is essential to remain rooted in your own peace. Be within the eye of the storm, and lead by example. If you see chaos about you, remain calm, do not get swept up into the frenzy of people around you, as you will lose sight yourself of the most simplistic and beautiful of truths: we are infinite energy, and we aren't meant to live in this body forever.
Know that Earth is a live and sentient being, an Angel of incomprehensible love and generosity. Know that She too has her own natural cycles that are beyond our scientific understandings. And support her by sending your love vibration into her crystalline grid of light, which is like a spider web which spans the globe and bisects at places of power, such as Machu Picu, Stone Henge, the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, and other places of great energetic signature.
Know that we are surrounded by multi-dimensional beings of love and harmonic resonance, who would never dream of over-ruling our free will, would never ask us to do what is not in our own hearts to do. And if you seek deeply into your own heart, you will find the place that is peaceful about these Earth changes.
This is a time of celebration and thanksgiving, because we are here at this most pivotal time on Earth, to assist others and this planet through the changes and leaps of evolution we are currently experiencing, so that the next great beginning may take hold.
So breathe deeply, be of peace, and know that everything is always perfect. Fear is only a vibration, and it can be removed from you as quickly as it appears, simply by remembering to be at peace.
Who knows what is to come next? Can nearly 7 billion hearts full of peace and love change the fate of a spinning orb in outer space? Is anything possible?
You are Love, and you are loved.

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