Before moving forward with this entry, I suggest you read Your Energy & Chakra's to get a full and dynamic understanding of the Chakra's, their relationship to your physial body via your glandular system, and a thorough knowledge of each Chakra and it's placement along your spine.
And once you are sufficiently satisfied with your understanding of the Chakra's, you may then start wondering "How can I heal blocks, and cleanse my Chakra's myself?"
Assuming you are comfortable with Meditation, we can then begin to work towards healing our own Chakra's intuitively and spiritually. This post is intended to give you my own perspective on this, as well as my own guidance towards how to make the most of this connectivity; when you access your Chakra's you will begin to work with a higher more rapidly vibrating dimensional frequency of energy. And it is always best to have a friend lovingly guide you through this process; so here I am.
You will begin by breathing; this is always the beginning of any Spiritual task, objective, or desire. Oxygenate your blood cells, which in turn stimulates your brain and your pineal gland, which is tied to your Crown Chakra. Spend as much time as you want or need with this deep breathing (Which is outlined in the Meditation post) until you begin to feel the physical relaxing, as your limbs loosen up and feel lighter, and the feeling of clenched muscular tightness slips out of your body. Breathing ever deeply, rhythmically in through your nose, and out of your mouth, you will feel the vibration within you begin to stir; this in truth is never gone - you are always vibrating - you are carbon, water, and electricity, you are always at motion on a cellular level. But when you breathe deeply for a time, and let the stress of physicality exit your body, and stimulate your brain and pineal gland, you then tap into a greater sense within you. That sense is aware of your personal frequency or vibration.
In truth, when you sense your own vibration, you can smile gently at yourself as you realize you've just done something "Clairsentient". Clairsentience is like Clairvoyance, it just means clear feeling, rather than clear vision. With Clairsentient you are using an innate spiritual ability within you to sense the higher realms of dimensional energy.
Do you think this isn't something to take a moment and not exalt in? Because it is a feat, and you've accomplished it now, simply by breathing, relaxing, and intending to connect to a higher aspect of your own energy. Congratulations, you've just reached your Higher state of being. Now, to work on your chakra's, while accessing this higher state of being!
Getting Started
You will be laying down, or sitting up straight, at any rate you want your spine relatively aligned - straight. Breathing deeply still, your arms and legs relaxed, you can now begin to visualize and work with your Chakra's. So take a few deep breaths and follow my gentle instructions, then read a bit more, breathe, close your eyes and go on. Do this throughout the rest of this guided session, until it becomes something you are confident doing on your own to completion. It may sink in right away, or it may take several attempts at reading along with me until you are ready to start doing this on your own; there is no time limit, no rush, read along as often as you want; eventually this will become habitual and you won't need my guidance any longer. Because in truth, this is very simple work we're doing here. You just require a deeper understanding of your Chakra's which hopefully you have reached by this point.
You'll begin focusing on the Root Chakra, which is symbolized by the color red. It is located right at the base of your spine, around the perineum between your anus and sex organs. You can now focus on the color red by whatever means is most powerful for you. I work at visually seeing the color red in my mind, as well as imagining eating red fruits.
When you are aware of the red whirling light of your Root Chakra you can begin to explore it. You are the scriptwriter of this, so you choose how you investigate your Root. I like to shine a white light on it to see if there are any cracks, bumps, bruises or dents in the red light. If the red light is dim or dull I know it needs cleansing, and if there are cracks or fissures in it I know it requires the healing of a block. So focus on your red Root now, and look at it, feel it, taste it. Note your body's reactions, every little sensation you have now is tied directly to your Root Chakra, so get familiar with the way this Chakra makes you feel. Do your toes tingle? Or maybe your nose itches? Perhaps you feel feathers upon your legs. Everyone feels their Chakra's in a unique way. Get familiar with it, and determine if it needs cleansing or healing.
How to Cleanse a Chakra:
If the Chakra is dull, dingy, dirty or just not quite "right", you'll want to cleanse it. I do this by two different methods. The first thing I do is "wash" the Chakra with pure white Light from the most brilliant part of the Universe I can feel. I pull this white light down into my body via my Crown Chakra and let it flow down my spine to the Chakra I'm working on, in this case the Root (Red) Chakra. The white light shimmers as it moves from my crown down to my root, then it exits my body via the bottom of the Root Chakra, and flows down into the Earth, until it arcs up from deep within the Earth and flows back into the Universe. In this way you can see yourself funneling a figure 8 of energy down your body, out the Earth, back into the Universe, where it will become clean pure white light again, to enter your Crown. You've become a human mana battery - you are now recycling universal healing energy through your body, to cleanse your Chakra, and ground you to the Earth, and move back out into the Cosmos to be utilized as pure healing white light again.
After I've spent as much time as I want working my white Light battery over the Chakra I'm cleansing, I then re-fill it with the energy which belongs there. In this case we're working still with the Root Chakra, so I use my visual mind to fill the light wheel back up with red vibrant energy - pulsating red light, until I see it is so bright red, so lush, spilling over, vibrating at a dynamic rate, creating a hum and whoosh of cleansed pure Red Light energy.
You may repeat these two steps of cleansing and reactivating your Chakra as many times as you wish to until it feels "right" again. And you will know when a Chakra is rebalanced and cleansed; your body will tell you, via your muscles your lungs, your mind. Everything will drop into place and you will simply feel that the Chakra has been successfully cleansed and reactivated.
Move on to the rest of your Chakra's, and continue this process with each light now.
Healing a Blocked Chakra
Let's say now, that while we were investigating our Root Chakra when we first began exploring it, we discovered not only was the light dim, or dull, but that there was a crack in the Chakra, or it was broken, or had a black spot in or all over it. This speaks to a blockage, which requires healing in order to be able to cleanse it.
To heal a Chakra you will pray to the Universe, or your Angels or Guides, or God; whomever you are most comfortable praying to. Simply ask that your Chakra be healed of the blockage within it, and ask that the lesson attached to the blockage be revealed to you gently, and clearly, so that you can work through it. A Chakra will only become blocked due to some great physical, mental, emotional or spiritual upheaval, denial, facade, or imbalance. So something imbalanced needs your attention in order to make sure that when the Chakra is healed, it does not immediately begin to degrade again.
You know by reading Your Energy & Chakra's that the Root Chakra:
- is located at your perineum; adjacent to the base of your tailbone. This Chakra is symbolized by the color red, and is representative of passion. It is directly connected to being grounded in your human body and as such survival, vitality, reality and your individual sexuality. This Chakra expresses itself through the adrenal glands. Some physical distresses relative to this Chakra are:
- Anemia, Fatigue, Obesity, Anus, Rectum (hemorrhoids), Constipation, Colds, Body Temperature, Bladder Infection, Rebuilds Blood Cells & Haemoglobin, Sciatic, Numbness, Leukemia
If you have a blocked Root Chakra, maybe there is an issue with sex, sensuality, passion or femininity/masculinity in your life? Or perhaps you've gone through an illness related to your bottom, bladder or blood cells. In any case, you'll want to understand the possible causes of the blockage, so you can work towards healing those as well. Because if you heal the Chakra but not the cause of it's blockage, you will get a block again in no time.
Talk to the Universe. Use your intuition. Listen to your inner child's voice, as well as your own common sense. The cause of the block is usually not hard to identify to yourself. Unless you're not willing to admit or accept it, in which case I urge you to get honest with yourself. Awakening is all about shedding the false layers of persona we build as we grow on this 3D stage of illusion, and polarity. Shake off the dust of old stories you've been living by, and allow yourself to begin writing a new tale, so you can break free of old patterns, habits, cycles, and relationships which have caused you to be anything less than true with yourself.
Once you have prayed, and sent out your intention to have the Chakra healed of it's block, move back into it and perform the exercise listed above for Cleansing your Chakras. You may find the blockage has disappeared already, or just get a feeling that it will be worked on in due course. Don't expect the Universe to do all the work though; remember, God helps those who help themselves. So do your homework while you ask for a healing to be worked upon you, and find out what caused the block, admit it to yourself, and work at changing your behaviors, attitudes, and feelings in order to transcend whatever caused the block to begin with.
After Cleasing & Healing the Chakra's?
After you've completed going through all of your Chakra's in this way, you will have 7 brightly spinning wheels of light turning in your Auric body, connecting to your physical body, and you can choose to then go forward with a deeper meditation, or to disconnect from the exercise. Either way, you will eventually want to turn the Chakra's "off" at some point, to regain mental clarity and connectivity to your physical body. You've just done a lot of energy work, and while it fills you with abundant energy at first, it can leave you feeling drained or just tired afterwards.
To turn your Chakra's off until the next time, you'll want to first understand we're not really turning them off, as they are always spinning. What we're actually doing is withdrawing our focus from them, and coming back "down to Earth" so to speak. You can use various techniques to do so, anything from doing something very 3D like eating meat, smoking a cigarette, or something visual like flicking the light switches on all of them off. No matter what method you use, it's as simple as just intending to stop working with those Lights for now.
Next time you want to work with your Chakra's, be it to cleanse them, or meditate, or try your hand at Lucid dreaming or Astral Projection, you'll simply do what we've just done here. You can get comfy with the process, fine tune it based on your own comfort levels, and begin to experiment. I have had many profound visions during Chakra cleansing sessions, and often will choose to meditate further after cleansing them. I often do this late at night and follow it up by going to sleep, to let my dreams finish what I began in unlocking aspects of my psyche, in order to heal and constantly be receptive to my own truths.
It really is that simple. I've put down a lot of words here to share the simple task; but once you've read it, and done it, you'll see that it's just a matter of remembering the color of each Chakra, where it is placed, and remembering to breathe.
So inhale deeply friend, then exhale, and go play with your Chakra's at your own leisure. Who knows what lays dormant and unexplored within you, which you can tap into through accessing a higher vibrational state of being?!

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