As a Tarot reader, I from time to time am faced with the issue of reading people's future; I would like to clarify a few key issues, first regarding my readings, and then regarding other readers in general.
Let me first start by trying to describe 'the future' as I see them. Yes, I said them - for there is no one future. As the present slips into the next moment there are infinite possibilities spread out before you, and the future takes form based on the actions you take in the now.
Whether you go down Avenue A or Avenue B determines which future unfolds before you. If you answer the phone or let it ring to voice mail, determines how your future shapes up. It is the choices you make now that determine what path you move down next. This is rather elementary I believe, many people understand time is fluid and it has no beginning and no end, and it is shaped by the choices, thoughts, and actions we make.
My readings are intuitive. I am a developing Clairvoyant, but the bulk of my talent is clairsentient - I have clear sense. I feel, and smell and taste, and often see through those senses but not in an ocular way; I see via my internal mechanisms. It is hard to describe to anyone who isn't clairsentient I guess.
The way I see time is like a spiders web, with all strands and filaments branching out from the center. The present moment is the center of that web, and the future possibilities are the webs which weave outwards from the center.
When I give a reading and sense (or occasionally see) a glimmer of a possibility down spider strand A, I can then begin to give guidance towards or away from the situation, depending on if the situation is positive or negative. I do not (and I cannot stress this strongly enough my friend) commit you to that possibility as the only future - I do not want to take such great liberties with your free will. So I may mention "you may want to avoid ______" or put in a "pursuing ______ would be adventageous right now" but I will never say you MUST or MUST NOT. It's simply bad manners. And beyond that, it's false logic
If the future is determined by the choices we make in the present moment, then the only person who can truly determine your future is YOU.
What I do is help guide you towards the brightest path you can take. And I do this by connecting to your Spiritual energy, and Guides/Angels, to determine what blocks you, and needs releasing, and what would best serve you, and deserves your attention. This is how I read; I deal in upliftment, affirmation, accentuation of gifts and abilities you have, and an overall redirection of purpose through helping you to really and truly step onto the path of peace and joy in your life.
Years ago I was told by my own Guides to "give them back to themselves" through my Tarot readings. And that is what I humbly and hopefully attempt to do with each reading I give.
Other readers, however, deal on a different level of energy. There are too many readers out there trying to build up their own ego's, and wallets, through manipulation. These are the readers that deal in black and white future outcomes, who tell you what WILL happen. They are not telling you what will happen, they are telling you what they want you to believe will happen, and 99% of the time the client buys it, and sets their own future in stone by decided to take those steps which the reader has pin pointed. I see it often enough in clients who come to me wounded by past readers.
You must try to understand how infinite time truly is, and know that there is no one future. And anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is just trying to mystify you into becoming a minion of their low level energy vampirism.
Many readers exercise this cruel type of manipulation, and most of them aren't aware of the game they play; they are so bogged down by their own ego they know not what they do. They have gifts of sight or sense, but rather than pursue a pure path of sharing that gift for the betterment of others, they pursue it for payoff; that payoff is usually about feeling powerful.
How do I know this? I once walked that road, many years ago. There is a rush and a high felt when one hands you their power. And Tarot clients are as human as anyone else, willing to give up their free will in order to be told the future.
Please learn to discern the difference between a spiritualist who is using you, and a spiritualist who is useful to you.
A Tarot reader should be like a financial adviser; someone who gives you some tips to help you make the wisest choices you can, someone who can forecast trends and crashes, who can help you to invest your energy and time and efforts wisely.
And that is all. We are not to become gurus or lifelines. We are meant to be confidantes, and friends.
I do hope you will discern in all things in life, for your free will is the most precious gift you can have on Earth, and your choices are what set you apart from all others. Choose wisely, and follow your heart.

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