Whether you are just beginning to explore a Spiritual path in life, or you've been consciously walking a path of enlightenment for years, it is always illuminating to gain perspective from the viewpoints of others. I endeavor to share my unique views here and via my website as well.
In this blog entry I'd like to talk about the Chakra's. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which loosely translated means "wheel of light". And this is indeed what the Chakra's are; wheels of spinning light. These light wheels are a direct gateway, connecting the physical body to the auric or etheric body. While the spirit resides in, above and all around the physical body, the Chakra's anchor your soul to your material body.
These wheels of light energy translate your spiritual or soul energy into physical manifestations through the body, and act as translators between the two bodies. When the spirit is out of alignment in some way, the Chakra associated with the particular area of imbalance will create a blockage in itself which can eventually lead to a physical symptom. For a simple example, let's say your soul or spiritual energy is out of balance in regards to expressing and receiving love. Should you go on without clearly giving and receiving love in a healthy balanced way, your spirit will translate this into a blockage in your Heart chakra, which can eventually lead to depression, self-esteem issues, or even anxiety.
Many people think that the physical ailments they suffer from are simply the body responding to it's own biology; however the body is in constant energetic contact with your higher self and soul energy, and often times the physical ills we experience are merely symptoms of stuck spiritual energy in our Chakra's.
There are many many Chakra's, some located along the spinal column, some at the hands and feet, and still many others located outside of the body; some are close to the body, floating in close proximity, while others still are located outside of our atmosphere, our solar system, and even our current dimension. This may sound way out there, but if you look at life from a very wide perspective you'll see that our Universe is interconnected, and all energy is fluid and unending. The energy which makes up our body is no different than the energy that makes up our planet, which is no different than the energy that makes up our solar system - all energy is interconnected.
An analogy which I like to use to help make this clear pertains to air. Think about your house, and how each room in your house feels and smells a certain way. You can go into your kitchen and the air in that room may feel warm and vibrant, there may be smells which you associate with your kitchen, like coffee, or baking, or your dinner. Now imagine you walk out of the kitchen and go to your bedroom, the air feels and smells differently. And yet, is the air different? There is no end to the air in the kitchen and no beginning to the air in your bedroom - it is all the same, it just takes on a different feeling and context from room to room.
Our energy is much like this, in that there is no end to your energy or beginning to mine; we are like drops of water in the ocean, ever moving and transforming from calm to wave; from deep water to shallow.
The 7 Main Chakra's
The Chakra's most people focus on are the primary 7 which are directly located along the spinal column of your body. These are your most direct physical Chakra's, and these are the ones I will talk about for now.
The above image depicts the placement of the primary Chakra's.
- The Root Chakra is located at your perineum; adjacent to the base of your tailbone. This Chakra is symbolized by the color red, and is representative of passion. It is directly connected to being grounded in your human body and as such survival, vitality, reality and your individual sexuality. This Chakra expresses itself through the adrenal glands. Some physical distresses relative to this Chakra are:
- Anemia, Fatigue, Obesity, Anus, Rectum (hemorrhoids), Constipation, Colds, Body Temperature, Bladder Infection, Rebuilds Blood Cells & Haemoglobin, Sciatic, Numbness, Leukemia
- The Sacrum (Sacral) Chakra is located just below your belly button on your spine, and is symbolized by the color orange. It is directly tied to your emotions and desires, and connects you on a deeper level to your feelings, intimacy, self worth, and procreation. The gland it works through are the sex glands. Physical ailments associated with the Sacral Chakra are:
- Impotence, Frigidity, Ovaries, Uterine Problems, Candida, Eating Disorders, Drug Use, Depression, Alcoholism, Polarity Imbalances, Gout, Allergies, Asthma (Oxygen Deficiencies)
- The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above your belly button, below your breastbone, and it is symbolized by the color yellow. This Chakra represents mental clarity, knowledge and self awareness, and the gland it rules is the pancreas. The physical illnesses associated with this Chakra are:
- Ulcers, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Hypoglycemia, Blood Sugar Disorders, Constipation, Nervousness, Timidity, Addictions to Stimulants, Parasites & Worms, Toxicity, Jaundice, Poor Memory
- The Heart Chakra is located at the center of your chest (breastbone) and is represented by the color green. It directly connects to relationships, love, compassion and forgiveness. The gland affected by this Chakra is the thymus. Some of the physical issues associated with this Chakra are:
- High Blood Pressure, Passiveness, Lethargy, Asthma, Immune System, Breathing Difficulties, Pneumonia, Emphysema, Cell Growth, Muscle Tension, Heart Problems, Chest Pain
- The Throat Chakra is located at your throat and is symbolized by a light robins egg blue. It is tied into your ability to communicate, wisdom, speech, and organization. This Chakra rules the thyroid gland. Illnesses associated with this center are:
- Thyroid, Flu, Fevers, Blisters, Infections, Herpes, Itching, Sores, Tonsillitis, Toothaches, OCD, Speech Disorders, TMJ, Hyperactivity, Melancholy, Hormonal Problems, Swelling, Hiccups, PMS, Mood Swings
- The Third Eye (Brow) Chakra is located between your brows above the bridge of your nose, and is a dark indigo blue. It is linked to intuition, clairvoyance, perception and self realization. The gland associated with this Chakra is the pituitary gland. The physical ills associated with it are:
- Blindness, Vision, Headaches, Migraines, Earaches, Nightmares, Sleep Disorders,Fear, Manic Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Equilibrium Imbalances
- The Crown Chakra is located at your crown - the very top of your head, and is violet in color. It is connected to your higher self, as this Chakra is a portal out of your body into the Divine. It is associated with bliss, self-awareness, and peace. The gland associated with this Chakra is the pineal gland. And the physical issues attributed to this Chakra are:
- Depression, Alienation, Mental Illness, Neuralgia, Confusion, Senility, Veins, Blood Vessels, Lymphatic System, Bacteria, Warts, Skin Rashes, Eczema
Each Chakra is connected to the ones directly next to it via white light, and indeed they are all interconnected, just as your physical organs are. When one Chakra is imbalanced or out of alignment it can affect all of the other Chakras. For instance, if you have a blockage of energy flow from your Root Chakra, it will affect all of the other Chakras as this energy wheel works to ground your spiritual body to your physical body and the Earth. If you are not expressing energy in a healthy manner through this Chakra you may feel spaced out, disconnected, and then all of the other Chakra's will fall out of sync as they will not be receiving healthy grounding energy from below.
So it is vital that you understand your spiritual body, or aura, or whatever you'd like to call it. These Chakra's are as much a part of "you" as your heart, or lungs, or blood. We spend so much time and money keeping our physical bodies healthy, it only makes sense that we focus the same amount of energy and care towards our spiritual body.
Meditation is a wonderful way to keep your Chakra's under observation, as when you breathe deeply and enhance your brain with deep oxygenation, your intuition will be more easily followed. Your intuition can guide you visually through your Chakra system, and if you have faith in your inner sense of knowing then you can practice observing your Chakra's and their functions.
When I first began working with Chakra's I liked to use a lot of visualization. I would start at my Root always, and work my way up, so that I would be grounded before I began to work with the Higher level Chakra's. The higher the Chakra, the "higher" the energy - literally. You don't want to begin working with your Third Eye or Crown if you are not properly grounded, as you will not be able to calmly decipher the messages you receive through your senses.
So start simply, picture things that you associate with the color red, like an apple, or a fire truck. I personally always used fruit as I could envision myself biting into the bright fruit and associate taste with the color. For instance I would use strawberry for my Root chakra, and focusing on the taste and sensation of biting into a bitter sweet berry would help me to more strongly envision the Chakra itself. I have also used light bulb visualization which many people use. Simply walk into a white room - flick on the switch on the wall, and let the color of that particular Chakra shine. If it is dim, then perhaps that's an indication of an energetic block. So you can then work on "cleaning" the light bulb.
The simple act of intention is enough to cleanse and balance your Chakra's much of the time. And as with all things, practice makes perfect. So play with your energy centers, follow your intuition, and ask your Guides and Angels to help you. When you ask for help be receptive to the signs you'll receive in answer.
As with all things: faith is key; both in yourself, and in the Universe.
I hope this helps you to better understand your aura, and your Chakra's. Now go to work playing with them! Line them up, keep them shining brightly, cleanse them with white or gold light, and follow your inner knowledge.
With Divine Love!

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