It isn't at all surprising that the thoughts in my mind right now revolve around being thankful, as this weekend coming up is the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. I find myself thinking about my life, and how often I can lose sight of the many blessings in it while I get wrapped up in petty issues; ultimately I end up focused on tiny minuscule things all but forgetting the abundantly good things in my life.
I think it's human nature to be this way from time to time; to miss the forest for the trees, and forget to smell the roses. We get so caught up in the day to day trials and tribulations we face in our family and work life, and can tend towards feelings of victimization or self-pity. These little dramas that we play out ultimately can leave us feeling out of balance as we magnify the things which bother us or worry us. I know from personal experience how easy it is to get bogged down in my own issues, and in retrospect how silly I can feel later when I remember my many blessings. I so often find myself gently chastising my foolishness, and wondering how I could so easily forget just how wonderful my life is?
Sure, life is full of ups and downs for each of us. And yet I do believe we never get dealt anything we aren't fully capable of handling. And I also believe strongly that each challenge we face in life helps us to develop character, while also cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness.
So at this time I would like to pay tribute to gratitude in general. We live in a world so full of ease and convenience; perhaps we've lost sight of just how many blessings surround us. When you think about it, just a hundred short years ago people didn't have the luxuries we do now; think about modern medicine for instance. A century ago people died frequently to things like influenza, diabetes, infection; these days we take for granted the ability to go to the doctor and receive treatment, medicines and cures for all sorts of ailments. Sure, it may not be easy to pay for these treatments, however they exist, and in my mind that is a definite step up.
A hundred years ago people struggled with issues like keeping warm in winter, staying fed and nourished, achieving a higher level of education; there have been so many advances in the last century that it truly can boggle the mind! We now live in a world where the largest majority of us have the right to vote, no matter the color of our skin or our sex. We live in a world where we can travel the globe with greater ease and in far quicker timelines. People are by and large far more free to worship according to their own culture, faith, and desire, as we no longer subject people to barbaric burnings or stoning or shunning. Sure, there are places in the world where war is still fought over the differing perceptions of this religion over that, but we're making progress as a whole.
And no matter how negative you may feel your personal situation is, you're sitting there reading this blog entry on the internet, which means you're sitting indoors, somewhere sheltered, with internet access and a computer. You have electricity, and perhaps have a refreshing drink sitting off to the side of your computer. You no doubt have clothing on your body, and shoes sitting by your door mat. And i'd hazard a guess to say that you likely have a television, fridge, stove, shower, and maybe even other people under your roof who you care for, and who care for you.
There is so very much for us to be thankful for. We live in a world where even if it isn't popular, we are entitled to our own beliefs, our own opinions, and our own morality. We have grown more in the last century as a global village than any other time in our recorded history. Just imagine the kind of world this planet will be in another hundred years, as our children grow and step into their own power.
We must leave them a legacy of hope, and gratitude. It is our privilege to raise children, and teach them independence, self respect, tolerance and compassion. And we should be so very grateful at how much easier it is to raise a child in this day and age. Sure, the world may be a little more stressful in ways, however we are able to provide our children with amazing modern medicine, schooling, and they are all equal in this world.
So yes, there are struggles still to be undertaken, and battles to be waged. There are many things we must continue to work towards improving and cultivating as a people. But globally we are blessed.
So now think to how blessed you are individually my friend. Because you are, and no matter what, you must remember and know that no matter how difficult your life may seem at times, there are those in this world who are far worse off than you.
There are children with no food to eat, no clothing to wear, no medicines to cure their simple ailments. There are people being exploited, tortured and mistreated as we speak. Indeed, there are still great atrocities all around us, and yet there you sit, in the comfort and shelter of your own dwelling. So maybe money's tight, and maybe work is stressful, and maybe you feel lonely and isolated. Maybe you're not happy with the way you look, or your health is failing, perhaps you feel depressed and can't seem to find the silver lining.
But I tell you this; it's there.
Life is what we make it, in each moment, and with each thought. As someone who can be prone to defeatism, I can tell you that keeping a positive outlook can be challenging, but it is also an exercise in self-awareness, and each time I catch myself falling into a pity-party mentality I learn more about myself.
So give thanks, no matter where you are right now, no matter what you're doing. Take a moment to mentally go through your check-list, and see the world expand in your perception as you do. Because you have so much to be thankful for, and when you take time to remember that you will expand your horizons. Gratitude is a powerful force, and it grows with momentum.
I wish you the brightest of blessings, and the most illuminated life possible. With great thanks too, for you've taken the time to read my words, and for that I feel truly blessed.

It is true that this present generation has more superficial conveniences thanks to an increase in technical knowledge .. But you perhaps forgot to mention that for every benefit so called science has brought .. There have been ten or more detriments.. And you also have perhaps forgot to mention that modern culture is very much UNSUSTAINABLE. For you to have a car you have to buy fuel for it .. Which means there is an unquenchable lust for oil.. That is ravaging and destroying the environment and decimating the ECCO system.. Further .. There is only a finite supply of oil that will eventually RUN out and by that time .. The mass oil spills .. And devastation wreaked on the environment .. Will be .. Awful .. For you to have computers, cell phones and TV's ... They have to be manufactured.. At a devastating cost to the environment.. And then in today's throw away society.. It is out with the old and in with the new.. Old computers and cell phones are thrown out by the hundreds of millions.. Where do they go? Land fills? Third world countries to be "recycled"? Just do a Google image search and type in "electronic e waste".. That is the legacy of modern culture... You would do well to pine for the way life was like 100 years ago .. Than applaud life today.. Because 100 years ago .. The environment was not devastated to the point that all life was in dire danger including us. Superficial conveniences NOW.. At the cost of a devastated planet that is a huge poisoned toxic waste dump (thanks to mans "innovations") is not a good trade off.. Truth is .. Everything you think of as progress, is regress.. We would be better off in the bronze age.. At least then men were too ignorant to do that much lasting harm.. Now . All life on the planet is in jeopardy .. And mans "science" is one of the greatest threats to our survival. Far from the future being bright thanks to man's innovations .. And finding ourselves in a star trek future.. The likelihood.. Is far far far greater.. the future will be more like an apoclyptic movie .. of nuclear wastlands.. polluted poinsoned water .. mountains of contaminated trash.. and desolation.. as far as the eye can see.. that is the truth of where all you think of as progess leads.. the truth is men are evil and vile to the core of their being .. and so wicked and depraved .. even when they TRY to do good.. it comes out perverse and evil.... the only hope for our race is when Jesus Christ comes to judge the wicked (the vast majority of humanity) and rule with His elect!