So we're well into our Mercury retrograde period, and I have to say, the retrograde in Aries is not making for articulate communication from where I'm sitting observing. In just a scant 24 hours I've witnessed people becoming very volatile, name calling, berating, belittling, and these are spiritualists! How can people use their beliefs to put another person down? How on Earth can someone who claims to be working Light turn around and insult another person, or harm another person in any capacity to further their own agenda or ego?
I know the energy is rather harsh at this time, and many of us who are empathic are feeling rather bruised by the experience of it all; the urge to tuck myself away until this passes on August 26th is definitely present; but this is when we are able to really stretch ourselves and grow. This retrograde brings to the surface any inner issues which have not yet been addressed, and give us an opportunity to really check ourselves, verbally, emotionally, mentally and empathically. This is not a time to go off half cocked and start ranting; as that is just letting the energy drive the vehicle. This is a time to exercise restraint, observation of self and ego/response, and to learn to find center amid our own internal storm.
I am no exception to this. I am a Pisces, with my Mercury in Aries; this is absolutely a time of internal shifting for me. I've been having extremely vivid and emotional dreams, and moments of sadness, and moments of agitation. I try to keep myself aware in every moment, as my ego responds to something someone says, or my emotions feel tugged by something that moves me. It is my goal to ride this next three week period with as much compassion and honesty as possible, as I know that ultimately it is these times of regression and communication breakdown where we do the most growing and expanding.
However, it irks me to see other spiritualists going what I would call "off the deep end". I had one such person on Facebook call me stupid for disagreeing with his political outlooks. Another Facebook acquaintance, when asked to please stop posting his propaganda on my wall, began to post more of it at lightning speed. Needless to say, both of these people have been removed from my friends list.
So are we fair-weather spiritualists? Do we only tote Love and Light when the going is good? When the proverbial poop hits the fan, do we start to fling it ourselves? Is it part of the new age agenda to treat people with reverence when they agree with us, and yet resort to playground bully tactics when they do not?
Let's all get a collective grip, because we are in this together. We may be individual, and be having unique experiences, however we are all human beings having extremely momentous energetic shifts in our lives, and while we may not completely understand the goings on in another persons life, we can all surely understand what it is to need time, space, and compassion, can't we?...
My goal over the next three weeks is to be as real as I can be, without indulging my ego's need to be right, to be heard, to be praised. It is my intention to maintain my usual state of mind and being, no matter how squirmy the energy around me makes me feel. And it is my promise that I will not be sitting idly by watching anyone pummel another person with their words, deeds, or actions - just for the hell of it. I do not abide by bullying, in any capacity, and I will show my mama-bear claws if need be!
So live, and yet let live. Truly. And if you don't like what someone else is doing, honor that they have the right to do it, and if you can't live with that, then remove yourself from their presence. Respect yourself; the best way you can do that is to respect others.

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