Well after about a six month period with WordPress I've opted to return to Blogger. So welcome back to the original Soul Searching blog!
You'll find all the old material is still here, though it may take a while to get it indexed properly again, so I have removed the "search" box until everything is kosher again. Otherwise, all the archives are in place, and all posts are present and accounted for!
This change comes at a time of great creative energy, and I'm finding myself absolutely inspired at every turn! The energy we're receiving this last couple of weeks is intense, in a word, and yet when you're able to just center, and focus on gratitude and positivity the ride becomes the smoothest (if not speediest?) of sailing!
I have little else to say, as I've just spent nearly 12 hours migrating the blog, and tweaking the little html quirks that needed tweaking, so I'm about ready to call it and go read a book, and maybe nap.
As you can see though, I've lost all my followers in the move!!! So if you'd take a moment to peruse the Follow Me signs located to the right ---> Pick one that works for you, so you can stay in touch with my articles as they publish!
I wish you a fantastic day! The sun is shining, and it's colder than it should be here in Ontario but again - the sun is shining!
That's enough to make me want to do a couple back flips!
Love & Laughter & of course - HUGS -

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