When I first started offering my Tarot readings online, in 1999, I had no idea just how big a part of my life my clients would become. I had been reading the Tarot for over a decade in my area, and was used to creating deep intimate connections with people as I read for them, but I never imagined that people from all over the globe would become so intricately part of my heart and life. It is unnatural for me to give a reading and then move away from a client; when we have connected in such a deep way it is only vibrationally apt that you become my friend, my brother or sister, my kindred.
One such kindred spirit is a woman who is young enough to be my daughter, yet old enough to astound me with her own Awakening process. She has had some struggles in the last year of her life, and delivering her some of the readings I have was difficult for me, knowing she was moving through energetic disruption and upheaval. How do you tell somebody you love that their current living situation is not nurturing their spirit? How do you warn them with detached compassion and calm to be aware of those in their life who they trust, who are not operating at a level of generosity, but rather malice? Learning how to deliver words of guidance from Spirit to my clients has been my life's work, blessing, responsibility and works to propel my Awakening in amazing ways!
I have learned so much about myself through my clients, and this friend is a strong example of how a client becomes a part of my family, and how they impact ME and my spiritual awakening!
This young lady has grown so far, so fast, and surpassed even my intuitive understanding of her boundaries, by ridding herself of the negative around her. She is currently planning a trip, which involves putting faith in her self, and the Universe, as she shrugs off the mundane world she's become entrenched in, in order to go see the world, living out of a backpack, taking the biggest risk she can think of in order to more deeply and poignantly KNOW herself.
She contacted me this week about learning Reiki before she goes, and though I had not foreseen this, my heart near burst with immediate joy as I realized just how perfect this would be! She is going to pick up her roots, and travel around the world, sharing not only her spirit, and Light as she goes, but also her Reiki, which is MY Reiki, which in essence means I am going to be flowing around the globe with her as she goes! I am elated!
It set me on a deep meditation, as I sought guidance from my higher Spirit in order to glean any other impactful energy I could impart upon my friend before she disembarks on her journey later this year. I was trying to see what I could do, or be, or offer her on her journey of Spirit and Memory.
Little did I think what I would receive from Spirit would be something this young woman would be doing for me...
Every place my sweet friend goes, my own Reiki will be with her, and as Reiki knows no time or space constraints, is infinite, fluid, and ever adapting to it's host, her experiences will be energetically available to me, and my Reiki teacher, and her teacher, and so on. When we share energy healing techniques and modalities we become at One with our teachers, and our students, and if you could see this give and take of vibrational magic you'd see it like a giant web of pure light, spreading from one person to another, from one place on Earth they've been to every other place.
This vision erupted in my 3rd Eye and I felt tears come to my physical eyes as the recognition within me bloomed into full actualization of what I was feeling; this is how we are One in Light. My students become One with me, as I become One with them, as MY Reiki becomes part of YOUR Reiki which is part of your teachers and students Reiki past and future and present.
The web of Light originating from my point in the world, spreading out to each continent via the connections I have made in my 42 years, and then branching out to encompass the connections my teachers, and students have made in their own journeys... lights the entire planet up in filaments of tractable Light energy that astounds and humbles me to tears!
Lightworker; the term confuses some, and I have tried to explain this term, this concept, this way of life... I've tried to share it verbally and academically over the last few decades, and nothing could explain Lightwork in the way which I now see it in my inner Sight.
When you hold Love as a frequency within you, it transmits a Light wave, and everywhere you go that Light wave goes with you, so that it leaps and bounds around the world as you travel, connect, communicate, visualize and make impacts with others. And it crosses over the Light waves of others, until there is this criss-crossing multi-segmented web of Light encompassing an entire PLANET...
I realize today just how deep an impact my Tarot clients, cum FRIENDS, have on me, as their Light waves blend with mine, and create stronger vibratory impulses of Light which then flows entwined where ever we all go. In this way we are seeding Light waves of love energy, and working our Light. Lightworking.
If you could see what my mind has received today, then you'd see a beautiful planet which is quite literally covered in filaments of Light that bisect, connect, drift off, veer and flow in every direction, drawing together, creating ley points of Power and strength, veering off again and flowing out into other directions.
And it is the role of a Lightworker to simply spread that Light. Every person you talk to online, receives your Light and can then anchor it into their region. Every person you connect with becomes a part of your web, which then becomes a part of the webs of every other Lightworker they connect with. Until we are all sharing our Light with every other Lightworker on Earth, whether we've met or not.
This is why when we tap in and participate in global activation days, we can literally feel the Love of the Planet and all who are part-taking... we literally ARE Connected to each and every other person on the planet who is working towards the same ultimate divine goal: waking the world up to the beauty and infinite nature of Love and Light.
So to my dear sister-daughter as she readies to begin learning Reiki, in preparation to go on her trek around Gaia, I say THANK YOU my angelic friend; thank you for connecting your energy to mine, and for taking ME with you everywhere YOU go. In this we will truly be ONE.
I am delighted to be here on Earth at this time, during the great Awakening, to be witness to the pleasure and the pain, to be able to hold Light in place and give/receive Light with all who I come into contact with. I am so humbled to be able to understand this process in a more deep fashion today, and I hope that by simply reading my words your third eye will blaze and bloom into understanding of what I have seen and known.
We are One in intention and heart - and we are One in Light pulses and waves of Love.

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