As Mercury is the planet that rules communication and technology, when it is moving forward we can surmise that all things are "smooth sailing" in our lives in regards to dealing with other people, and our technological gadgets. However, when Mercury dances backwards from our point of view (which happens 2-3 times per year) we can experience energetic challenges.
The challenges we all face are fairly understandable, as communication with others amps up to a point where we can become confrontational, misunderstandings abound, arguments and hurt feelings become an annoying norm. We can also experience glitches with technology, ranging from computer issues, to electric in the home, car or any other device which uses energy to operate.
In the early stages of a spiritual Awakening, it is very tempting to vilify Mercury in retrograde, as the challenges which accompany it are often just too much to cope with. It is one of those things you hear that make you groan audibly, as you realize "oh sh*.... Mercury is about to go retrograde again!" It's too tempting to hibernate, avoid legal issues, stay away from people who usually push your buttons in the best of times. And yet, it becomes clear as we gain self-awareness that this period of stagnation offers up a rich treasure trove of healing potential.
So the first thing I urge you to do is become familiar with the retrograde dates each year, in advance, and mark them on your calendar. Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and knowledge truly is power. This year Mercury is retrograde from:
- January 21 – February 11
- May 19 – June 11
- September 17 – October 9
You'll note that we are currently midway our January retrograde at the time of this entry, and it's no coincidence, as I find the reminder timely for not just my readers and clients, but also myself.
After you make note of the upcoming retrograde periods of Mercury for your personal knowledge, you will then want to approach the astrological occurrence from a more intellectual perspective, which requires a slight adjustment to your thinking; in other words it's time to exercise objective non-attached open-mindedness.
The Challenges in a Mercury Retrograde
Let's bullet this out so we can be clear and simple.
- Communication breakdown
- Legal issues & setbacks
- Confrontational energy
- Self-awareness in blurry vision
- Technology glitches and hiccups
You can see how these five issues can cause people to generally want to avoid other human beings, as when the energy around us seems to support random arguments, nastiness, closed mindedness and hostile judgmentality, it's just a bummer to have to not only observe it in others, but also feel sucked in to it ourselves.
And yet, I urge you to see this as a time of the year to look forward to, as it is chock-full of opportunities to get really really real.
The Opportunity Present
Let me bullet these points to coincide with the challenges listed above.
- Can break out of old patterns of hyper-sensitivity, over-reaction, egotistical drama-centered self-delusion
- Learn to pay closer attention to legal matters, dot i's, cross t's, and learn when to let go of the need to be in control.
- Learning when to choose ones battles
- Opportunity to clearly see oneself, in all shades of positive and negative, in order to truly grow beyond conditioning and previous limitations
- A chance to step away from technology and simplify life for a few weeks at a time.
We do not receive energetic challenges from the Universe to cause us pressure, or pain; the Universe is simply answering our own subconscious desires to awaken, to rise above petty 3D illusions, and to become whole love-centered beings of compassion and peace. We cannot truly know peace until we fully understand what removes peace from our state of being.
You understand duality, and know that life on Earth is an ongoing exercise in polar opposites, which is designed to help us find center, and learn to release attachment to extremes. So these opportunities Mercury provides us with three times a year to experience friction in communication and relationships truly are a gift from the Heavens!!
When things are going smoothly in life, we can become complacent, lazy, and stop challenging ourselves to be truer, more authentic beings. So when the hot fiery planet Mercury stands still then moves backwards we are truly being given an opportunity to look in the mirror, identify our own ego and it's need to be right, at the cost of being love, and then take measures to grow beyond the newly identified self-knowledge.
This is a gift, isn't it!
So here are a few tips I have compiled from personal experience through the years, to help prepare for and experience Mercury retro periods, while facing ourselves fully and honestly, and appreciating the individual journey we are all on in life.
- Be now-focused - dwelling in the past or future at this time is counter-productive, stay rooted in the NOW
- BREATHE - this is a must at every moment of every day of every year. Oxygenate your brain, it is simple biology
- Think before speaking; this is also a must for every day of the year, however at these times it is a MUST
- Practice the "golden rule" with every single person you encounter
- Use mantra's to help yourself stay mindful, focused, and compassionate. For example "I am peaceful & loving and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change the truth of who I Am"
- Go slowly, with your words, deeds, thoughts, and also physically - put one foot in front of the other, and be watchful and observant
- Set your ducks in a row - if the car is overdue for an oil change, get it done. If you haven't run a virus program on your computer, get it done. If you have unpaid parking tickets, pay them. Don't break the law to avoid unwanted legal headaches
- Remember to take none of this too seriously! Life is meant to be enjoyed, if you aren't having any fun then it's time to BREATHE (remember that - all ways) and regroup, re-think, re-prioritize, and return to a NOW focused state of gratitude, love, and peace
Consider Mercury in retrograde as a gift from God and the Universe to you; the gift may itch, not be the right size, you may want to return it, but the truth is the thought behind the gift is truly what counts. And the thought behind the uncomfortable gift is simple this: Dig deeper, be authentic, rise above petty 3D ego squabbles, remember you are LOVED and LOVE.
I honor and love the Spirit within you, and myself. And as such I will endeavor to speak love and patience, and breathe deeply in each moment, so that when we are communicating I truly listen to your words, body language and energy. And should we start to clash, instead of blaming you or what you said or implied, I will investigate MY OWN behavior, reactions, attachments, and feelings.
When I am responsible for ME and you are responsible for YOU, then we are free to be US without fear of drama, manipulation, abuse, neglect, or abandonment.
I wish you a stellar remainder of the retrograde! I hope you rise to your own truth and beauty, and surpass your own dreams and expectations.

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