I talk often of energy work, and using the Universes abundant (indeed infinite) supply of White Light, which is Love energy, to cleanse and bless ones own Chakra`s and being.
You can also access this White Light to bless and cleanse your living space, and all who reside within.
If you have access to sage brush (I use white sage), you will want to use bound sage stalks, which are pre-tied together and easily lit as they are dried out. You can also choose to use loose sage if you have the proper charcoal to heat it with.

You can also access this White Light to bless and cleanse your living space, and all who reside within.
If you have access to sage brush (I use white sage), you will want to use bound sage stalks, which are pre-tied together and easily lit as they are dried out. You can also choose to use loose sage if you have the proper charcoal to heat it with.
Above is a Sage stalk tied in an Abalone shell. Below is a charcoal heat source and loose sage.
When using a charcoal, you will want to make sure it is in a source that can withstand extreme heat, as it will become extremely hot. I use a metal cauldron for charcoal sessions, you can use an old pot (make sure it is thick the heat will spread through metal) with a handle that doesn`t heat, and I don`t recommend using an Abalone shell for charcoal as the heat will bleed through and can crack the shell.
In any event, whether you use loose sage or a sage brush, it is best to first understand why you`re using sage in the first place.
What Sage Does:
Sage is a natural cleansing herb, it grows freely around the world, and the Native Americans knew long before the white man came to North America, that Sage had many wonderfully healing properties. Not only is it a tasty complement to turkey or other poultry and cooking, it also can be used in healing ointments, oils, and pastes. Sage helps lower perspiration, lowers blood sugar in diabetes, is antimicrobial, and helps to dry up lactation glands in nursing mothers. Oil of sage is used actively to combat Candida and salmonella. The healing properties of the Sage plant are far reaching, and those healing affects transcend simply ingesting the plant or using it topically. You can also burn the sage plant to release cleansing smoke into your environment, and to help cleanse away negative energy.
When you light the sage to perform a cleansing, you will notice it`s odor immediately, and it can take getting used to as it is pungent, and may remind you of thanksgiving dinners of your youth if your mother used sage in her dressing. I recommend opening a window or two to help ventilate the smoke as you begin to smudge (cleanse) your home. The smoke from the sage plant gathers up negative particulate ions in your home and transforms them to neutral energy which is then easily converted to positive energy. The smoke will also help you to set up energy grids in your home, creating barriers by which only positive energy can enter, and negative energy will be deflected. In this way, Sage is extremely therapeutic and trans-formative.
How to Begin:
I always begin any type of energy work with a prayer, or blessing to the Universe. I will share with you what I say, but urge you to find your own rhythm, words of power, and to follow your own intuition, as the words I use are powerful for me based on my beliefs, but they may not be as powerful for you. You can say literally whatever you are compelled to say, and call upon whomever you want to call on for healing assistance. But when I begin to do energy work I want to call upon certain elements and beings to assist me, so I begin by standing at my altar, closing my eyes, and saying something along the lines of:
"I call out to my Guides, to the Angels and Ascended Masters, to all whom walk in Light and with Love. I call out to the Universe, and the White Light of all Life which resides in all places at all times. I ask that you come to me now, in Love and Peace, so that I may cleanse my self, and my home of negative energy, thoughts, and attitudes. Please be with me, guide my hand, use my body as an instrument of healing, and work with the Sage smoke to bind darkness away from my home, so that only Light and Love may dwell within."
I then light my sage and go through my home, saging all window's, doorways, all the beds, corners and walls. I continue to talk to the Universe as I do so, to say things such as "cleanse my daughters bed, so that her sleep is deep and restful, her dreams are sweet and supportive, and that she wakes feeling rested and alert", or "Please cleanse every corner, every nook and cranny of my home, please let this smoke filter away all unwanted lower level energy so that only peace may reside within these walls."
Does it Really Work?
The answer to that question lies within your own intentions my friend. When you work with energy, your will and intention is what shapes the very results; if you do not believe at some level, then no it will not 'work', as you will not faithfully be drawing the positive energy towards you that you say you desire. So you must check yourself first and foremost. Do you believe in positive energy? Do you believe that the Universe has your best intentions? Do you feel worthy of receiving help from the Universe to heal your home and body of negative energy? All of these questions lead to your own state of being, and understanding. Only when you understand your connectivity to the Universe, via Light and energy, will you understand that you are an extension of that very Universal Light and that you are capable of great acts of energy work by virtue simply of your belief in yourself.
Get comfortable within the knowledge that you are made of the same magical stuff that the planet is made of, the suns and stars are made of. Feel at home in the knowledge that you ARE Starstuff - and your connection to the Universe is not only energetic, but also organic.
When you set your intention to a task, you must then realize that you are working with the Universe in harmony. If your intention is towards healing, love, and harmonious outcomes, then the Universe will simply fall in line with your desires. If you try to use your connectivity to manipulate, or create dark karma, then you open yourself up to that dark karma pointing right back at you. We don't want to get into acts of dark magick - we simply want to cleanse our home. Right?
So call upon whatever Universal beings you are comfortable working with. I call Archangle Michael during sage smudging sessions, as I have for many years now, and I ask him to stand at the four corners of my home with his swords of Light fire - to create a pillar of light at each of the four corners. From those four corners I ask the Universe to draw a lattice of white Light energy to lay down upon my home, layer upon layer, until it looks like infinite layers of shimmering spiders web laid one on top of the other, and my house is literally ensconced in levels and layers of white shimmering light.
And always when saging, as with any other energy work, I use my intuition. It tells me when a room is cleansed and I can move on to the next. It tells me when there is particularly heavy energy somewhere that needs extra work. And above all else it lets me know I am not alone in this endeavor and that I am receiving help from the Universal forces of Light and Love.
As to how often you want to do this, that is up to you dear friends. In the beginning you may want to do it daily, or weekly, to get into the rhythm, and become comfortable with wielding this light energy. Eventually you may decide to do it every month, or every few months, as I do. That being said, I do light my sage and smoke myself when I'm dealing with something particularly heavy. For example, if I get really angry about something or extremely sad, I will sage my body, and call upon the Universe to help me rid myself of negative emotions, so that I may remain peaceful, rational, and calm.
When you are done working with the smudge, you can then give thanks to whomever you've called for help, and make sure your sage is properly put out lest it keep burning. Be sure it is out - you don't want to ignite a fire in your home. If worse comes to worse you can always run water over the end of the burning sage, it will dry out for you to use again, and this will guarantee it is out completely and wont keep smoldering. If you've used a charcoal heater for loose sage simply let it burn itself out, or run it under water to put it out.
And that is how simple it is to cleanse your home, and self of negative energy by using Sage. You can of course experiment with other herbs at your leisure, so I do recommend you invest in the charcoal burners, as there are a myriad of wonderful herbs and potions you can purchase at shops or online that have been previously blessed with incantations to help with various desires, ranging from love and money, to deeper healing, or blossoming of psychic gifts. The possibilities are as endless as the Light of Love in the Universe!
I hope you enjoy cleansing your home with Sage - please feel free to comment with your own experiences with Sage, or use the links above to the Forum or FB Group to share there!
With all my love and blessings,

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