So we're into the second month of 2012, and so far things are fairly peaceful and quiet on Terra Firma. In fact, here in South-Western Ontario Canada, the weather is quite temperate, and we're enjoying warmer than usual weather for this time of year.
I remember wondering a few years ago what 2012 could possibly hold, with the end of the Mayan long-count calendar coming on the Winter Solstice (December 21). There is so much conspiracy theory, pessimistic guestimates and Hollywood hoopla about the upcoming 2012 date, that it can feel like a snowball rolling out of control downhill. I'll admit, I really enjoyed the blockbuster film 2012, and thought it was so over-the-top-exciting! I've read numerous books by various authors guessing and speculating, theorizing and postulating about the impending end of the Mayan calendar, and yet no one really knows for sure what to expect.
So the best advice I think any of us can give or receive is to be ready, for anything.
The end of the world has been prophesied by so many people through the ages, and yet here we are. Remember the big commotion just a short 12 years ago when Y2K was looming? The world was on edge wondering if planes would fall from the sky as world clocks reset to January 1st, 1900. And yet nothing happened, and here we are.
I think it's natural and human to find a small amount of sadistic pleasure in exploring all of the fatalistic options and possibilities regarding a date like December 21, 2012. It's kind of like being a kid watching your first horror movie; you know you'll have nightmares but ultimately there is a deep sense of glee in being scared!
But whether or not anything big happens on the Solstice in December this year, I think it is vital and important for each of us to have a "game-plan" in place; for any chaotic or disastrous situation. Personally, I don't believe the world will come to a halt, but I am aware that many civilizations in our history have fallen due to forces beyond their control. There is every possibility that solar flares will cause cataclysmic grid failure worldwide, as we are in a solar maximum which will only continue to get larger in the coming few years. And we all know that the earth shifted by 2 degrees on it's axis during the big quake in Haiti a couple years ago. Scientists in some circles state that the Earth naturally shifts pole position every 20,000 years or so. If this happens during our lifetime it will no doubt cause massive weather shifts, tectonic reactions, and by and large our lives as we know them will grind to a halt, and we will have to rebuild as a global society.
Let's face it friends, the possibilities are endless. Some certain circles speculate that an asteroid will hurtle through our atmosphere causing a massive extinction event. Others go so far as to believe aliens will make themselves known and attempt to enslave humanity. There really are so very many ideas out there, some are laughable, some are just so Roddenberry-esque to even attempt to see merit in them, and yet many others seem quite possible if not probable.
The key for us all is to remain calm, and to have a plan. And this is quite simple; stock up on necessities - that is a great starting point. I recommend each person have a medical supply kit handy in the home, as you never know when you'll need to bandage a wound or treat a burn. I also recommend having a large supply of bottled water, as you never can tell when your faucet will no longer dole out what seems to be an infinite supply of clean water. Whether you are a pessimist or optimist about 2012, and whether or not you believe there is anything of note regarding the date, and the Mayan civilizations other prophecies, I would like to share a general list of things you would be wise to have handy, at all times, for those "just in case" situations.
- Bottled water, and lots of it. Account for each family member and pet when stocking up. Cases of bottled water are cheap, and you can always stack cases on top of one another in the corner of a closet, out of the way. I personally plan on having a dozen cases on hand.
- Medical kit, complete with bandaids, alcohol, aspirin, anti-biotic/fungal cream or spray (solar-cain, polysporin etc.) If you or a family member have a medical condition make sure you have a good stock of supplies, ei: insulin, epinephrine, ventolin, etc.
- Batteries, flashlights, candles, matches, and a short wave or transistor radio.
- Blankets and towels. And never forget warm socks, hats, and other winter-wear, just in case.
- You may want to stock up on some canned food items, for yourself and your pets.
- Cash - it can't hurt to stash a little mad money someplace safe in the event you cannot access your bank via ATM.
- Don't forget your car - road flares, jack, blankets, spare tire, windshield washer fluid, etc.
Really, this may sound fatalistic or even fantastical, but blackouts happen, and during the big blackout in North America about 8 years ago people panicked, the last thing anyone needs to do is panic during a disaster event.
No matter what happens or doesn't happen, it never hurts to be prepared. At worse, you'll be glad you thought ahead as you sit in the dark, without heat and water, while emergency crews work to repair electrical/power/water issues. At best you'll have a closet packed with items to give you peace of mind.
I also recommend talking with your family, especially your children, as they are no doubt hearing confusing things about 2012 in school, and from peers. My own daughter, who is 12, has heard a lot of very off the wall stuff about the Mayan calendar and has asked me questions which made me raise an eyebrow. So I talk candidly with her, and tell her that none of us can truly know if the end of the long-count calendar signified the end of an era, the end of a civilization, or simply the end of a calendar. I reminded her that our own Gregorian calendar ends every year, on December 31st at midnight. While I don't believe we should worry our children with such things, it's prudent to let them in on the game plan for emergencies, so that they know what to do in case of any type of emergency. This is just proactive parenting, in a day and age when we are so reliant upon technology. Imagine losing power completely for a week; how would that impact your life? Imagine having no power for a month... how does that affect your city or town?
So no matter what may or may not happen in a short 10 months, please do take the time to make a checklist of necessities for yourself, and plan ahead so that if something should happen, you will be prepared to tough it out with your loved ones for some time.
Forewarned is forearmed!

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