Negative and Positive are two halfs of a whole.
The Whole is God - All - Universe - Essence - Chi - call Us what you will.
True, thoughts become things, and where focus lays, focus draws forth creative quantum energy and manifests more of it's own focus. I wish to throw in a deeper perspective: the energy behind the intent of the thought is what creates - not the thought itself.
So yes, you can focus on what you deem (perceive to be) positive all you'd like, but if you are doing it to "escape" what you deem (perceive to be) negative thoughts, then you are approaching your positivity from a standpoint of fear, escape, denial, and self-delusion. There is nothing inately "wrong" with the negative, we have chosen to play with it in order to better understand and know the positive.
As perspective and personal perception/awareness increases and grows, you may find that what you deemed "negative" 5 or 10 years ago, is now completely positive. Why? Because in the end, it is All of the same Essence, and as the tunnel of vision widens within Heart of Self - All becomes truth of some aspect of God-Self in some form.All is perfect. As Is."How do I stop my negative thoughts?"That is like asking "How do I make the child having a temper tantrum stop pitching a fit?" The answer? Totally individual based on One's perception. To one person, the child is spoiled and in need of discipline, a good time out. To another person, the child is troubled, and needs lots of love and nurturing, special one on one time with trusted adults. And to another person the child may be a simple nuisance in a shopping mall, or on the street, or across the road...
How you perceive every thing and one around you, is a direct mirror to the truth and biology of who you are being right Now. And thoughts are easily changed, once identified... They are much harder to change when they are supressed.So yes, please do lay focus on your joy, on upliftment, on spreading the love you are within you to others and receiving it in return.
But do not hide from the things that go bump in the night, for surely they are as much God/You/Us as any bright shiny object
Know thyself. It is the richest experience You can ever have.
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