Lovely Art via Painted Journeys
The world is in a constant state of re-creation. This is because each person is constantly thinking, feeling, and expressing those thoughts and feelings via their behavior and actions and re-actions. When these expressions are made, and thoughts are manifested, it is a clear reflection of where one is on ones path. It is also a direct reflection of where One is, globally, as not only are we creating individually in our own separate "reality", but we are also creating collectively, and producing our global "reality."
We are at the height of a self-created Spiritual re-membrance. It is the previous thoughts we have had, both individually, and collectively, which have propelled us into this now moment we are experiencing. And is there any other now we could experience, in light of all that has gone "before" now?
We have created a beautiful paradox of pain; a legacy of confusion and fear. We have bound ourselves relentlessly into knots of angst, which are now ready to unravel.
The word revolution, clearly defined, simply means: a drastic change that usually occurs relatively quickly.
We are experiencing a drastic change in the way we think, which alters the expression of who we Are, which then creates a new reality within which we can express who we next wish to Be.
In another aspect of our time, our species lived according to Matriarchal law. This may be hard to digest, as we are living right now in a clearly patriarchal global society, and have been for many thousands of years. But open your mind for a few moments, and allow yourself to absorb the greater scenario which has led us to where we "are" as a global species.
In days of yore, women were the leaders of society, culture, and at home. Women were the decision makers, and this was a natural state of being, as women express that part of the Self which is optimistic, compassionate, and emotionally balanced. Women not only carry life, but usher it forth from their loins. Women are in tune with the rhythms of nature and all life, because of the very life that lives within them genetically.
When women were in "charge", the men were content to let this be so. The men served their purpose as providers, creators, and companions. But the decisions were left to the gentle nature of the Feminine essence of all that Is.
Over time (evolution) men began to grow tired of serving women, and sought to gain control over them. This is when fear was born. Men learned and realized that this thing called "fear" could stifle the gentle side of woman, and cause her to doubt her divinity. Men also learned that this "fear" could manipulate other men into believing they needed to step into a position of control over women.
Thus the "battle of the sexes" was birthed.
Before the birth of fear, and the impending battle of the sexes, the pendulum swung far to the left. And women held the power. And men were "subservient".
After the birth of fear, and the impending battle of the sexes, the pendulum swung far to the right. Where else could it go after having been so completely out on the left side, but in the opposite direction? This is the nature of the pendulum.
And so now we find ourselves on the utter opposite side; the right side; the side of masculine power.
Yet it is within the memory of every soul walking this earth; the joy and harmony of the Matriarchal society of myth and legend. And there is a desire within the deepest recess of the heart to return to some semblance of these gentler times.
And so the battle of the sexes wages on.
I would propose that rather than swing the pendulum back to the left, we allow it to continue its arch upwards to the furthest reaches of Masculinity as possible. It is only in so doing that it will inevitably begin to move left again. And when it does (it is so doing as we speak) we can begin to counter its force by allowing it not to take root on the left again, but to swing, and swing, and ever sway, until it gently falls quiet, in the center.
The Goddess within all people, within all things, is in need of balancing; personally and globally. We are at an impasse where matters of power and manipulation are concerned. It is only a matter of time before the world begins to cohesively work together to draw upon the power of the Divine Feminine. This power is at work in all areas of life, culture, and society, this very moment. You can not look into any area of life without seeing the hand of the Goddess at work.
However let us not become so caught up in the Feminine that we again return to a Matriarchy. The cycle would only then continue to perpetuate itself, again and again; swinging from abject left, to utter right. Where is the balance in that? Yes it seems to balance itself out with the infinite motion of left to right, but is there no middle ground?
There is absolutely middle ground. And that area is called Oneness.
For the Goddess to exist there must first be one who believes in the Goddess. If no one believed, the Goddess would cease to exist. And the same is said of the God - the masculine - the patriarch.
Let us see and recognize that the true salvation and deliverance from this war of the sexes, lies within the individual balancing of each soul upon this planet. And the truest way to find balance is to walk in the middle; of all things, in all matters. Taking neither a negative or positive stance in any situation or creation.
When we can see that the Goddess is indeed the God as they are One, then we can see that we too ARE One. And in our Oneness there is no need to dominate or have power over the "other"; the "other" simply does not exist.
See the beauty and validity of both expressions of All that Is - the Yin and the Yang. See them within you, as ever present re-minders of all that You Are!
And when you find your balance between the two slipping, simply pull the pendulum back to the center, where it may dangle, and BE, in the truest sense of Be-Ing.
There are no sides. There is no merit in seeing opposition between male and female. That is illusionary thought process which keeps us from being at One within.
To be at One within - we must see the Oneness around us, and recognize that in the purest sense, the One is all that Is, which is what we Are, making obvious that it is no longer "we" but "I".
This revolution of Divinity is a playful thing, until it is not. At this time we teeter on the brink of forgetting to play, and become enraged at that which is not reflective of who we believe we Are. But perhaps who we believe we are, is yet more illusion.
The only reality in the universe is Love.
Everything else is illusionary.
Love IS the Divine Feminine, and Love IS the Glorious Masculine.
Bring these aspects of your Self into alignment, watch the pendulum gently sway in the middle, naturally, easily, and allow yourself to truly BE who you Are; which is God/dess.
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